How to eat properly in the 21st century and healthy

in fit •  6 years ago 

Hello the Steemites

Today I am writing this post looking at people how much is obesity in the world. Let's go to the blog

. Eat regularly

Regularity of meals favors the supply of adequate amount of energy during the day, has a positive effect on well-being, concentration and maintenance of adequate body weight. It's best to eat between 3 and 5 meals a day. If the meals are more generous, breakfast, lunch and dinner are enough. When smaller meals are preferred, 1 or 2 snacks should be added during the day. For optimal health and slim figure, it is important not to snack, do not change meals for a dozen or so snacks a day. This promotes overeating, the selection of worthless food and has a negative impact on metabolism. The best meal times are breakfast for an hour after waking up, lunch in the middle of the day, the time of the most active and dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

. Choose the least processed products

Every dietitian agrees with this statement regardless of his approach. The higher the degree of food processing, the farther away from nature, the worse for health. All powdered food, fast food, ready meals and products with a long list of ingredients should not appear in a healthy diet. Food additives created by humans are not thoroughly tested and it is not known what the long-term health effects will bring. They can be recognized by the body as a foreign body and cause a reaction of the immune system and have a negative impact on the microflora of the body and the condition of the intestines. A typical Western diet is reflected in the condition of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver as well as kidneys that must filter and excrete any chemical additives. A healthy diet is a menu made of products close to nature, unprocessed, with a short composition and known origin.

. Base on vegetables

Vegetables should form the basis of every healthy diet. They are a source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Their selection can be individual depending on possible diseases, but generally vegetables are the healthiest group of food products. Ideally, if they are raw, but baked, steamed and a small amount of water are also a valuable element of the menu. The IŻŻ also emphasizes the role of vegetables. Although on one floor of the healthy eating pyramid vegetables and fruits are placed together, it is recommended that vegetables account for ¾ of the daily portion, and fruits ¼. pobrany plik (2).jpgpobrany plik (1).jpg

. Eat fruits in a maximum of two portions a day

The fruit is best eaten for one meal during the day. In the second they can be an addition. Daily should not be more than 200-300 g. Why? Fruits are a source of simple sugars. Despite the content of vitamins and fiber, they can not eat too much, because they promote insulin episodes and fluctuations in blood glucose levels, and such states have numerous health consequences. Fruit, unlike vegetables, is not an unpunished snack. Their uncontrolled snacking promotes the weight gain and deposition of abdominal adipose tissue, and consequently metabolic diseases.

.Limit carbohydrate intake, increase fat intake

For decades, carbohydrates in the form of cereal products have been promoted as the most important element of a healthy diet and the basic source of energy. However, nowadays, when we have little physical activity, we sit a lot and walk a little, carbohydrates in every meal are not a necessity, and even unnecessary. Demand for carbohydrates increases with increasing physical activity, so they are recommended for people who work hard or train a lot. In other cases, it is enough to add carbohydrates in two meals. By limiting carbohydrates, you need to replace them with another energy component, i.e. fat. Remember that it is not fat or excess carbohydrates. Reducing the amount of carbohydrates in favor of healthy fats reduces the fluctuation of insulin during the day, resulting in a higher level of energy, higher satiety, lack of hunger attacks, reduced snacking and a better body composition.pobrany plik (3).jpg

See you in the second partpobrany plik (4).jpg

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