Partner Stretches YOU Can do with your Partner / SO / Spouse / Friend / Anyone! 📷 + 🎥

in fitness •  8 years ago  (edited)


Hey Steemit!

Take a break from typing and try out these partner stretches with your nearest human. Like, real life human, not the computer screen.

@AcroMott and I do these before exercising, and especially before acrobatics.

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^This is an awesome shoulder opener. Push down like a forward fold, and take turns with whose hands are on the outside.

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^Push into your partner's hand and feel the stretch go through your whole shoulder and down your obliques.

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^This is a seated stretch where your straddle meets your partners straddle. Gently pull on your partner's wrists and lean back. For an added chest opener, you can arch your upper back towards the sky.


^Sit with the tail bones touching. One partner gets to forward fold, opening the hamstrings, and the other gets to open their thoracic spine.

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^This one is a little tricky. Place your left hand on your right knee, and your right hand on your partner's left knee. With each inhalation, stretch taller, and with each exhalation twist a little bit deeper. Don't forget to switch sides!

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^This is a really relaxing pose. Take slow deep breaths and lay back onto your partner's opposite knee. You should feel a stretch in your back and hips.

Check out the full video below and let me know if you have any questions!

Your's Truly,

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Thanks for posting this! =)

Very useful! I'm going to try this with my hubby @buildpath tonight! Thanks for sharing 😊

Good I'm so glad! And these stretches are great for after being on the computer all day.

Awesome thanks for sharing! Going to stretch now with my buddies.


thank you! gonna try this morning