The Benefits of Muscular Strength

in fitness •  9 years ago 

Muscular strength is amount of force the muscles are capable to exert against resistance. If you are usually use your muscles, of course they will be strong. Muscles help people life, jump, pull, twist, push, bend, turn, and many more.

Having exercise to train muscles will keep you of being fatigued easily. This will keep the muscles of become injured or sore when you do such things like mow the lawn or shovel snow. There are many advantages of having strong muscles. It helps you stand, walk, and sit with ease.

If you have strong back and abdominal muscles, you will less likely to experience lower back pain and you will have correct body shape. In addition, strengthening muscular mostly will support your performance particularly in sports. You can hit the tennis ball harder, and throw softball farther if your muscles are strong.

Male and female have different muscle size although the activity and weight are equal. Typically female will not develop muscles as much as males because the endocrine system that determine the size of muscles.

Muscular strength is one of the most important components not only for athletes but also for daily life. Actually, many people still think that muscular endurance and strength are same. However, they are different. The essential difference between them is the length on which you perform work.

You can do repetitive muscles actions with lighter loads for a long time if you are building muscle endurance. But, in the muscular strengthening, it allows people to move heavy loads but in short period of time. There are many exercises to train your muscles and make your muscles become strong include power lifting, compound exercises, isometric training, high reps, and circuit training.

Power Lifting is a common exercise to help you strengthening the muscle. This exercise is based on the explosive movements with loads. It is performed with the maximum weight. The purpose of this exercise is for building muscular strength.

Compound exercise or multi joint exercise employ more than one muscle group to build the strength of muscular. The reps are between 8 to 12. Military presses, dead lifts, and back rows are common examples of compound exercises. Typically, the player should have three to five sets.

Isometric training is another exercise to make your muscle become stronger. This training actually builds static strength. Exercise to build static strength includes holding fixed position for about 10 – 60 seconds. Most of forms for exercises are used for this raining such as take dumbbell chest presses and hold weight halfway down.

If you want to build muscular endurance, you can have high reps light weight exercise. You can do 15 – 25 reps of weight training exercises. You can use light to moderate heavy weights. Perform this exercise for three to five sets.

Another training to increase muscular endurance is circuit training.

This training mixes conventional exercises and body weight. The reps are ranging from 20 to 25 with time sets are 30 seconds or more. The examples of circuit training includes bicycle crunches, push presses, chest presses, and push ups.

Plyometric exercise is a helpful exercise to strengthening muscles. This exercise is followed by explosive movements. It reduces impact forces on joints and increases vertical jump. You can increase both muscular endurance and strength by doing this kind of exercise continuously. The activities you can do such as plyometric push ups, stair hops, and ball slams.

The reps of this exercise is ranging from 8 to 12 with three sets are performed.

So, if you want to have muscular strength, you can try the exercises above regularly and you will find the result at least in a month.

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