20 mins HOME EXERCISE #1

in fitness •  7 years ago 

Hey guys,

I wish you a beautiful morning!
While you were probably still enjoying your beauty sleep, I have already been on my mission preparing a little workout for you to have a fit and healthy start into the weekend. :)
Take yourself the time to do something for you body and mind.
It's only 20 minutes. That's nothing and yet so much!

We will do some exercise for your whole body - legs, arms and bottom.
You don't need any equipment, but maybe a fitness mat.
Next to the headlines, I gave you a proposed number of repeats, depending on your actual fitness level.
Let's start!!


  • Circle your arms 20 times
  • Circle each leg 20 times
  • Jumping Jacks 15/30/45
  • Squats 15/30/45

1. Pick cherries 8/12/20

IMG_0524 2.jpg

  • Lie down on the back and raise your arms and legs.
  • Bring your fingers to you toes and move back to the starting position.

2. Push-ups asynchronous 4/6/10

IMG_0515 2.jpg

  • Push-up position with one arm a few centimeters forward and one a few centimeters back.
  • Bring your upper body down and move back to the starting position.
    Easier: Support your knees at the floor.

3. Pelvis-Lift 8/12/20

Pevlis Lift.jpg

  • Lie down on the back with bent legs.
  • Lift your pelvis until knees and thighs form a line.
  • Move back to the starting position.
    Variation: Raise and extend one leg.

4. Sit-ups lateral 8/12/20

Sit ups.jpg

  • Lie down on the back with bent knees.
  • Roll up your upper body diagonal and move your arms lateral your legs.
  • Change between right and left.
  • Move back to the starting position.

5. Butterfly 12/24/40


  • Lie down on you belly. Raise the head, arms and legs. Look down.
  • Raise and lower your arms and legs simultaneous.

6. Superman 8/12/20


  • Push-up position
  • Raise alternately one arm and the contrary leg.

Repeat the whole workout 2-3 times!




You have completed todays workout. Be proud of yourself! At least, I am! ;)

Have a wonderful day!




sportboXX, classic, Windhund GmbH Salzburg

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thanks for this @co-co. this is another addtional for my everyday workout!

Good post and very beautiful informations.thanks.

Hmm und ich komm grad von weggehen heim xD

Thanks for this! I needed one..