Friday, May 4, 2018
I opted to skip back day again due to my hand. Instead, I went for a nice run with some ab work. Nothing to special... after warming up, we probably put in just over 3.5 miles at an easy pace.
Remember when running with your furry friends that they need to warm up too... so make sure you get in a nice little walk prior to starting your run.
After the run, we finished up with a walk and then moved into some abs and mobility work and off leash fetch and training.
He's not used to such long runs in the morning, so he was pretty tired afterwards :)
Warm up:
Leg Swings Front to Back
Leg Swings Side to Side
Toddler Squat 3x15 second holds
Air Squats until you feel warm
5 minute walk
Active Recovery Training:
3.5 miles at an Easy Pace
Cool Down:
5 minute walk
Mobility/Stretching – Roughly 15 minutes
Warm Up
Worlds Greatest Stretch – 1:00
Core Work
Crab Reaches – 0:30
Crab Toe Touches – 0:30
Bird Dogs (alternating) – 0:30
Crab Reaches – 0:30
Crab Toe Touches – 0:30
Bird Dogs (alternating) – 0:30
Crab Reaches – 0:30
Crab Toe Touches – 0:30
Bird Dogs (alternating) – 0:30
Dynamic Runner Lunges (alternating) – 0:30
Walkouts to Push-Ups – 0:30
YTW – 0:30
Lateral Hip Openers – 0:30
Dynamic Runner Lunges (alternating) – 0:30
Walkouts to Push-Ups – 0:30
YTW – 0:30
Lateral Hip Openers – 0:30
Dynamic Runner Lunges (alternating) – 0:30
Walkouts to Push-Ups – 0:30
YTW – 0:30
Lateral Hip Openers – 0:30
Planks - 3 x 0:30
Russian Twists - 3 x 15
V-Ups - 3 x 15
Make sure you’re picking and choosing your exercises based on your goals. Do your research and improve your weaknesses!
Remember, your form should come first in everything you do in the gym. Don’t use momentum to get the weight up, don’t cheat your full range of motion (unless it’s on purpose), and don’t lift with your ego. Bouncing the bar off your chest during Bench Press for sets of 8 (you know who you are) when you can barely control the bar with the same weight for sets of 5 isn’t helping you.
Love the process.