My Actifit Report Card: August 8 2023

in fitness β€’Β  11 months agoΒ  (edited)

Today was a good day. I woke up well rested after almost 8 hours of sleep. I tried to make myself get up and work out but I got distracted by playing @splinterlands instead πŸ˜†. So I wasted an opportunity there, but I decided I would really try to work out in the afternoon.

I ate pretty well today. I was about 100 calories above my goal, but I did workout so I am pretty sure I earned those calories back. I still find it impressive how little hunger I feel on keto while still eating at a deficit. This isn't my first go around with this diet, but it's probably the most critical time as I am at the highest weights of my life. That being said, I did manage to lose a couple of pounds. I attribute most of that to the water weight lost at the beginning of low carb diets.

This afternoon, I went on a short walk and shot around basketball πŸ€ for a couple of hours. It was a decent little workout. I got my heart pumping and ended up with 11k steps for the day. Now I'm hoping that I can get another good night's sleep.

I will catch up with y'all tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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