Reactive pump inside chest with supersets Rear delts

in fitness •  9 years ago  (edited)

Dumbbell Hex Press / Face Pull with a Band

Goal: Literally force and trap nutrient-filled blood in the muscles.

Sets: 4 supersets for 8 total sets

Reps: 10 / 10 reps

On these you'll lie on a flat bench and press two hex dumbbells while you simultaneously push them together. They need to stay in contact with each other the whole set. Think of it this way: try to smash them together. You'll have a neutral grip on these (palms facing each other). Lower the dumbbells to your chest, and then drive up and flex hard. Smashing the dumbbells together is what provides the magic in this exercise. The neutral grip also helps you avoid any extra shoulder stress on this day. Do 10 hard reps. The weight you use will be about 50% of what you would normally do for a 10-rep set of dumbbell presses. You're going to superset these with face pulls. Supersetted with face pulls with a band:Grab a micromini band and pull your hands out to the side with straight arms. Once your arms are straight out to the side, flex your rear delts and hold it for a second! Do 10 reps like this.  

JUST TRY IT! and follow me


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Great job @silver1172 keep going..;)

Thank u so much viktor! :-)