Insight into my I.T.B'S....The Injury Introspection Continues with new Self-Correction...My World is Expanding

in fitness •  7 years ago  (edited)

iliotial band.gif

What is ITB?

Definition: Pain and inflammation on the outside of the knee, where the iliotibial band (a muscle on the outside of the thigh) becomes tendinous, and results in a friction syndrome by rubbing against the femur (thigh bone) as it runs alongside the knee joint.

So this has been the situation and I didn't realize how I've perpetuated it.

I was locking my right iliotibial band to compensate for my missing ACL. This meant I wasn't getting very good knee bend because I was basically pre-locking the knee and around the knee. I was always squeezing everything into a lock...and to get some bend it was just a matter of increasing or decreasing the pressure control.

So what's interesting is - I just caught myself out in being kind of locked at the knees where I wasn't using my thighs all that much - so it's like my range just increased like a gazillion percent because now I'm bending like I haven't bended in years - I didn't realize just how extensively so I had created compensations in my standing posture.

It's kind of funny - for the last few days I've been paying closer attention to my ITB's and it's been a getting to know my parts and the movement of myself....and it was an "oh man - shit...I've been doing this all wrong kind of thing I was pushing and straining...and stressing my ITB'S even more as my way of trying to make things better. I was doing the exact opposite of making things better. lolol. So I would feel the pain and I would just push it like I have to push through it and stretch out my leg harder.....but I actually had to stop pushing so fact I needed to let loose...I had been so conditioned to squeezing my leg muscles to lock up my knee...I just kept doing it post surgery without even realizing the stress and strain I was causing.

Ironically - it's all this knee locking and squeezing that I've been doing which has been a supportive point in the initial rehabbing of my knee.

Now I am at the point where it's allowing myself to bend and flex at ease with ease.

It's crazy kind of because it's like I completely forgot what it was like to not be so locked up in the knees. So this is like taking things to a whole new level for me because it's like so many of my movements have been like less than optimum - so to say the least - i'm pretty stoked about my latest revelations and body awareness of my ITB'S.

To be continued as the story continued

ok - didn't post after I wrote the above. instead I walked away from the writing and i'm coming back to the point now, later in the day - so an interesting discovery with regards to pressure control - I was putting so much pressure on my outside edges -it's interesting because that's hard to do as the outside of your step is harder to balance upon as it's naturally less weighted than the inside of your step. I refer to the outside 'edges' as a skiing reference as I've been a ski instructor for awhile now and I was quite obsessed with pressure control and edging.

Ok - that's it for now - kind of a reflective piece today - taking note of my body observations, and creating a record

one last thing

  • I look forward to challenging my legs through the use of my thighs - consequence of being locked up in the knees has been I've limited my ability to drive my legs with the regard for my thighs, hips and glutes.

  • I will be playing around, experimenting with squat like leg movements in my walking - deliberately exaggerating the amount of bend required to take a step - I'm doing this as a way to strengthen my support muscles around the knee and I kind of shake off the stiffness within myself - one of those parts being my ankles which have taken a lot of pressure for a long time

  • I never thought I'd be here today making sense of my body parts and how they all interconnect here together to support me in my movements.

  • There's also this vigor emerging about my skiing - where it's like, "holy shit - my flexibility in my skiing and snowboarding has been so limited - I have so much room for improvement. I will also start playing around with ski/snowboarding positions/exercises as a way to increase focus/awareness on the movements of my parts.

Stay Tuned

It's like my body is a "living ball of clay" and I've decided I would like to take responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

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"taking note of my body observations, and creating a record"

I also use my blog for taking notes of my observations of the market and creating a record.

Get WELL SOON @worldclassplayer


all ways brilliant @cassidyandfranks


  • Indeed
  • Indubitably
  • For-Suuuuure

I had a similar experience today with my jaw that has been painful for years following a major car crash.. I realised today that I have been denying the fear in there and as a result i wasn't correctly tuned in to the muscles and what I was doing with them.. They had got reversed and I was clenching too. Now I feel a lot better after listening to those parts of me internally and giving them what they need - love! :)

Awesomeness @ura-soul

The whole world opens up when we listen.

I am glad that your injury is healing well. It must quite a feeling to get back to one hundred percent of your natural movements.
Kind like the joint being inside a constraint after a fracture and you didn't get the support removed on time. Now it's healed but you are not using it but getting by with what you have become used to. Now when the doctor removes the support, voila! What was now routine suddenly becomes easier because you are back at or close to you your 100%.
I know getting back to one's hundred percent is not a 'voila' moment but rather a strenuous effort of rehabilitation. Still a breath of fresh air let inside a room with stale air is always welcome :-)

I don't even think i'm close to 100% of my natural movements yet!

the journey continues!

Important and useful information for human health I wish wellness to all people .

Thank you for your sharing my friend .

it's very helpful post.i learn how to excercise for our human body.thanks.@worldclassplayer

My aunt didn't recovered at that pace you are a miracle hahah :D