in fiveeyes •  7 years ago 

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Don't think that there aren't Sociology Departments out there from universities, that are getting DARPA dollars, that aren't researching the social interactions with social media in large groups. And what they discovered is, that most people are followers, they're not leaders, they're followers. They do what other people suggest because they can't think for themselves...

So if they can detect who those “leaders” are, the freethinkers, the ones who think outside the box, the ones who stand up above all the situations and look down and assess things, and can call out the bullshit, THOSE people are the ones they want to find. Those are the people who are dangerous, not the followers. The followers, they could make them walk off a cliff like a lemming and nobody would ever know! - Jules - Before The First Cup With Jules 2-12-16 – UCY.TV

For sure Camille... They are obviously very concerned about the type of work we do (revealing their agendas)... They've dumbed down the Herd for generations now... it's sad how programmed most people are... And yes, the Universities are heavily involved in monitoring the internet. I suspect they take part in a number of psyops (flat earth, mandela etc...).

I used to think they did it by censoring people like you, but now that I've seen how few people on Steemit grasp what you are saying, I don't think they need to censor...