Jesus teachings on the Sabbath day

in flaminghelpers •  7 years ago 


Sabbath day is the day of rest, is it lawful to do good or bad on a sabath day, it happened in the bible

- Now on a sabbath he was passing through grainfields, and his disciples were plucking and eating the heads of grain, rubbing them with their hands,  at this some of the Pharisees said:"why are you doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath? 
 luke 6: 1-2.

And Jesus replied them, have they never read what David did when he and his men were hungry? How he entered into the house of God and received the loaves of presentation and ate and also gave to the men with him...

Some were not happy as Jesus did wonders on Sabbath day and their heart filled with rage and they began to plan and plot on what they will do to Jesus. And on one day while teaching his disciples, he explained things to them.

- happy are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Luke 6 verse 20
  • there is a deep meaning into the quote for the poor would have time for God, wordly things won't distract them from worshipping God because they do not have and he who keeps His law and worship Him shall have a place with Him in heaven.

But woe to those who are rich for they are having their consolation in full.

He also said we should continue to love our enemies, to do good to those hating us, to bless those cursing us, to pray for those insulting us and to who who strike our cheek, offer the other also and from who takes away your outer garment, do not with hold the inner garment either.

Do what you want people to do unto you! If you love those loving you, what is the credit to you? For even the sinners love those loving them, and doing good to those doing good to you has no reward for sinners do the same.. Do good to your enemies, and help without expecting anything back and big is your reward from God..

Continue being merciful just as your father is merciful..


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