Easiest ways to prove the Earth is NOT flat

in flatearth •  7 years ago 

Well I've read A LOT of bullshit here about a flat Earth.

Now I know, I know, most of y'all are trolling the shit out of the idiots who are dumb enough to believe it, but still, you should stop it.

So anyway, these "proofs" (more like common sense lol) don't involve any "cgi" pictures, it doesn't involve any high physics calculations about gravity and shit like that (which btw doesn't exist according to flat earthers xD), they're pure and simple demonstrable logic.

So first of all: the EASIEST of them: the tropics are equal on a round earth, while on a flat earth, provided the arctic is in the north, the southern tropic would be LONGER than the northern tropic, which is demonstrably false.

Next the sun: There is absolutely NO possible way a "flashlight" sun would appear to be going down (setting) on a flat Earth in only certain areas. If the sun would "set" on a flat Earth, it would have to go underneath the disk, making ALL of the surface of the Earth dark.

Lastly, water: If the Earth were flat, you would expect to see land from ANY point in the ocean, however in reality, once you get far enough away from any landmass, you will not see land at all, due to the curvature of the Earth.

BONUS: Some idiotic things flat earthers say, with some quick responses:

  • "The horizon is flat, therefore the Earth is flat!" - This is incredibly dumb, considering the fact that if the Earth were a flat disk, the horizon would still be curved...
  • "Gravity doesn't exists, it's just the acceleration of the disk and bouyancy/density" - Yes, and the Earth is already moving faster than the speed of light since it's constantly accelerating... Also gravitational acceleration is different in different points on Earth, which is literally IMPOSSIBLE if it's just the Earth disk accelerating...
  • "The sun is really close and really small!" - And somehow it did not consume all of it's fuel yet, it's still going strong!

Well that would be it for this short post, now I'll just be silently waiting for the deluded morons to try and "fight back" :)))

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"You don't get it man, it's the government that wants you to think the Earth is round, that's why they teach it in schools, instead of teaching the controversy, that the Earth is flat. They do this because once they make you believe the world is round, then they know they can sell you any like, like the Moon landing, vaccines being good for you, chemtrails not being real, there being no reptile overlords, and incest being bad. "

There, I've summarized their arguments :D