Aceh one of the area in the world that must be landed by hijab flight intendand.

in flight •  7 years ago 


English version, versi Bahasa setelahnya :

Aceh is one of the areas in the world where airline cabin crews have to wear hijab when landing in Aceh. It was urged by the regent of Aceh Besar, Mawardi Ali. Airlines in Indonesia and Malaysia that have routes to Aceh also adhere. Even Citilink, one of Garuda Indonesia's subsidiaries, has already implemented it before the appeal is issued. However, Air Asia, choosing another way, they only commissioned the stewards while on duty in Aceh. The women are happy, but the men are grim.

Photo credit: Batik Air cabin crew, Lion Air Group, on the first day using hijab for Aceh flight. Photos by Lion Air's official Facebook account.

Aceh adalah salah satu wilayah di dunia yang para awak kabin maskapai harus memakai hijab saat mendarat di Aceh. Hal itu dihimbau oleh bupati Aceh Besar, Mawardi Ali. Maskapai penerbangan di Indonesia dan Malaysia yang memiliki rute ke Aceh pun mematuhi. Bahkan Citilink, salah satu anak perusahaan Garuda Indonesia, telah lebih dulu menerapkannya sebelum himbauan itu dikeluarkan. Namun, Air Asia, memilih cara lain, mereka hanya menugaskan para pramugara saat bertugas di Aceh. Para wanita senang, tapi para pria muram.

Foto kredit : Awak kabin Batik Air, Lion Air Group, dihari pertama menggunakan hijab untuk penerbangan Aceh. Foto oleh akun Facebook resmi Lion Air.

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