uploading those snippets from overflow while rendering and stuff i think to myself ...

imagine the pro's in the studios artists and best paint
i think to myself,
but i'm not an artist ...
im' not a writer
i'm not a programmer
i'm not a coder
i'm not in
i'm not out
i'm not mister handshake day so
what could anyone possibly do with some sound snippets
and so as the stars are right i set off to it and there it is
... maybe if you like venetian snares on a bedroom old pc with 12 year old speakers to monitor ?

include some snapshots from my million dollar sound studio at the end, after all we KNOW for a fact that you make better stuff on more expensive hardware
but its me, so ofcourse i have this weird theory that
once i get enough out of it to BUY reason and notch and a new pc ... then i'll do that
so we do it as we do it, with whatever is at hand :

linuxmint , audacity ... hydrogen ... LMMS ... all free, hence it must be da Suxx !
yet somehow twisted in a way it sounds ... for some reason and as i upload it it strikes me
O M G ... that place doesn't have a flag button ... WHAT THE HELL ? how are they supposed to give something to the talentless then ?
no police mentality ... i'm telling ya , that's one of the major problems here
the punishment ? if you don't sell you don't sell, i'd say for people who waste time on "trying" that's WAY punishment enough
as for this ? this was actually a reminder of what fun must have felt like 20 years ago as i just sat down and did it
didnt wake up this noon like "im gonna do that" nope
and that's the only way it works
you think i criticize but that means i give a shit ... i LIKE STEEMIT , it helped me a lot so far, even at crud price it keeps my head a bit saner than usual because i get all these things to do which i LOVED doing, combined now with flixx
programming useless crud ... making wonkey broken breaks, tune up a tune, render a pic ...
it's been a while so
could you please not go out of business in 2019
hahah hah aa
but by the SMT post i can see going out isn't the plan yet and i hope its more than just @therealwolf who paid in advance for the servers now
id say those who didnt dont really have that sense of responsibility it takes TO LEAD
its not leading
nope it's not, its voting with 50 people over the accounts of a million others
technically ... i could dare say that ...
proverbially speaking ...
it looks a lot like parliament in a way ... kindergarten mudthrowing included
but well
humans be humans
and i just wanna do my videogame and my music
and make a shitload of cash, which won't happen
if parliament acts like its the fucking E.U.
ehj look, ma ... i'm promoting !! i'm promoting me !
euh, no .. the video is there
not here
so because its there its not gonna be here, the slices and samples and loops i put on dsound but the videos i keep on flixxo
i dont suffer from blockchain tribalism , sorry for that
get together ... they use smt's (whisper whisper) ... on ETH now ... do you think anyone like euhm ...
someone ... could make them a better offer they can't refuse ?
ah ofcourse, it wouldnt be me if i didnt edit the post to add some, well the vid is not online yet ofcourse, it needs to be checked (for obvious reasons in a distributed torrenting system) but i dont think they're all that strict from what i see. They got a button for "mature" content and i doubt you'll get a vid through with double dildos or a guy beating his dog to death. Some pretty nice stuff on too but i might have missed a lot as i never been much of a youtuber its possible the first batch is people uploading stuff they already had BUT
i see a lot of new stuff coming in faster what i DO wonder, however is when they grow (i'm not much of an if person i think if is like a magic word that jinxes ...)
how the hell they're gonna follow up on the load
mh the pc ... ive never been much of a case modder either, if i had 500 id rather spend it on a better cpu or card than on some neon lights or a cyberpunk-case
its too much hassle too if you have to screw it open every time you switch a drive
other than that ... hmm
well, for one thing i noticed about all my original song files are missing ... all i have left is the mp3s , which means they were stored on Onedrive when the satellius squad decided to ban me for "no reasons given"
"we don't have to give you a reason" as the belgian mail-rep said
bluntly ... not like
"okay get your data and get out"
all gone
pictures , songs , stuff i kept SAFE IN THE CLOUD ...
a lesson well learned
NEVER STORE DATA IN THE CLOUD IF YOU DONT WANNA LOSE IT, once you do its officially theirs to decide on
and otherwise euhm ....
well, its a bear market for everyone on Crypton ... even Sun Tzu would agree now is not the time to compete, now is the time to forge temporary alliance
to beat the common enemy
after which y'all can go straight back to having at each others throats :)
or isnt that the usual way of things on Crypton ?
a bit like
on everywhere else too