I get that the media have been looking the other way when it comes to the Loudon County school district and the horrors that that board has been responsible for.
I also get that the media are lying about what's going on in Florida, blowing the whole situation out of proportion, and that reading requires work.
Florida's law never uses the word "gay." It restricts education on sexual identity and orientation and part of the curriculum for students in kindergarten through third grade. It doesn't punish teachers for referring to a child with gay parents as the child's "dads" or anything like that. It's clear that the point of the bill is to restrict government employees from talking about sexual identities and behaviors without parent involvement and as part of the curriculum to kids who don't even know their ABCs.
In the meantime, Loudon County, which is a left-wing county, has covered up several rapes on school grounds. They have been pushing for sexually explicit materials to be placed in the classroom. They have been introducing assignments like creating "privilege charts" in elementary school. They're having parents barred from meetings, sometimes arrested. They've decided that the board members get to decide what's on the agenda and that no parent can bring up anything that isn't on the agenda lest he or she be barred - so, if your complaint is "My kid was raped in your school and you just moved her rapist to another school where he did it again." and it's not on the agenda, the parent gets kicked out.
All education is curated. When it comes to assaults, there's no middle ground - people in Loudon County should be in prison. Curriculum, if you're going to demand that we all pay for it, has to be a constant debate.
When Terry McAuliffe said what he said about keeping parents out of what is taught, he was openly defending Loudon County's school board to anyone who has lifted a finger to look into this. Way too many people are echoing this manic's position.
If you look at the facts and you're still more worried about the falsely labeled "don't say gay" bill than you are about what's happening in a district just to the South of the nation's Capitol, I don't even know how to talk to you.