Attempting to control the Peruvian lilies ...

in flower •  6 years ago 

End of the season for these lovely orange flowers scattered around. I felt I needed to learn more about these lilies because they looked quite messy this year.

I've written about them before for an 'orange photograph challenge day'. At that time I was a bit concerned that they may be toxic to pets so I'm trying to bear that in mind while finding solutions to control them a bit.

Peruvian lilies or Lily of the Incas have an impressive scientific name, Alstroemeria.

The flower takes its name from the Swedish Baron Claus von Alstromer, who discovered it.

The flowers were here when we moved to this place many years ago, but I only learnt their name recently. I will be collecting the seed heads before they pop to see whether I can plant them in pots to try and control how they stand as their stems grow quite tall and then they fall on the ground a lot and get trodden. As I read that they are good for butterflies and bees I want to maximise how upright they can stay next year.

This website shows them neatly contained in a big flower pot. I'm not sure this link will work but if not I will update the post later.

I was quite shocked the other day because I took the photo below:

Google decided this made up version was better and suggested it :

I still prefer the original...

photos by @cryptocariad

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They're a lovely colour, aren't they? I have some trumpet lilies and they always need staking, the flowers seem too heavy for the stem. Perhaps they just need refreshing and your seed planting will solve the problem.

I love the colour and they go well with the orange poppies we always get. I have heard about staking them lilies @shanibeer but have never done that. Most of the lilies ended up near the ground this year

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I think nature only creates masterpieces like these flowers all over the planet.. !
Have a nice day !
PS Let us Know what will happen with the seeds.

Thank you and you too @giosou... I will write a post about he seed heads if I can salvage them...

I can't quite make up my mind which version of the photographs I prefer @cryptocariad but I'm having one of those sorts of days. 😁

It's lovely to see them though because they remind me of my childhood garden.

Oh that's nice @gillianpearce... Sometimes it just takes something small to take us back... For me it's sparrows ... their constant chirping takes me back to my primary school.

Lilies are quite lovely. I have fought several battles against day lilies that want to take over all my space. Not sure about how to help them grow more upright. Google helps with lighting problems in pictures but I often find it ends up changing the colors to ones that are frankly wrong. I think the original photo has colors that are more delicate and probably closer to reality

I agree @steven-patrick... it's to do with the intensity... sometimes there's just too much contrast.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The lilies are beautiful though @cryptocariad. It is so nice you have beautiful flowers growing around you. Mine doesn't grow much , though I do not have an outdoor garden. They are all in pots. But only green stems and leaves at the moment. Still waiting for the flowers to bloom. Too bad they create a mess. I realised all flowers, when they wither, they do look unpleasant on the ground and is a hassle to clear, especially when it gets stuck to the floor (when they are not out in the garden). And even more so, if the whole stem collapses.
And did Google enhance your photo? Can they do that? Darn. I prefer the original one too. The Google's version makes the flowers look kinda fake.

Thanks @marblely. I used google docs and that and the cloud so it regularly 'offers' a version to promote its filters. Sometimes they don't look too bad but normally I think the subtlety of the snap disappears with such a 'made-up' version.
So what sort of plants do you have ? Inside the house we have quite a few succulents as the girls chose them - we don't know names or how to look after them very much.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

My little indoor high-rise garden currently has oregano, little papaya trees (no papayas yet - seems to be taking forever haha), chilli plant (without the chilli yet), a little jackfruit plant, a little lychee plant - these plants all grew from seeds after I eat the fruit 😂 - periwinkle and rain lilies, both with no flower at the moment, some butterfly leaf looking plant, some cactus and succulent that seem to die after some time. Maybe I should write about my not so successful garden some time 😅.

I'm really impressed @marblely... growing from seeds is awesome : papaya trees, jackfruit, lychee Wow !! well done. I mean even if you don't get fruit you learn about the shape of the leaves and things like that. Some trees require another tree to give the fruit, others (at least in vege) tend to be grown to only produce once; I think they call that F1.
We have noticed that when we buy succulents, they're guaranteed for like 3 months so any extra makes us feel like proper gardeners :D
I basically just water the plants and sometimes collect the fruit... I made blackcurrant/blackberry jam a couple of days ago. I should write about that too.