Parts of Thai floral pendant - Bu-ngasari Florist School

Fresh floral garland, handcrafted flower, or Thai floral pendant are example of exquisite creatable work invented by Thai ancient and still carry on until the present. Even though Thai flower arrangement Bangkok’s popularity apparently dropped, there still could be seen mostly at Thai conservative area, Religious area, special occasion, and some traditional ceremonies. In addition regardless to an era, people still decorate the place by using flower arrangement Bangkok for either formal and informal ceremony or celebration. 

Each type and style of fresh floral garland would consist of several parts which use any methods to create such as thread, string, lace, or stick depends on work’s size and character. However, the complication might possibly take place due to the difficulty of Thai vocabulary about the particular topic. Therefore, somehow it is essential for international student or even Thai people to study Thai flower arrangement Bangkok in order to make it easier for understanding and doing a flower creative work. Moreover, to study flower arrangement Bangkok, students may need qualified and trustable instructor who can give correct information and teaching flower technique Bangkok to the student. 

Thai floral pendant is consist of ‘body’ & ‘accessary’. The body of Thai floral pendant could be like a frame or a net of flowers string up in many different figures and shapes. There are mainly 11 traditional designs however, adapted by many modern Thai florist to create or recreate a new line such as Pheung-kaew, Dao Klai-duan, Kumpaeng kaew, etc. The benefits from a floral net is to use as an essential part for covering the floral frame or Thai floral pendant. Moreover, it is also used as an accessary for several kind of pendant patterns such as Klin-kwam, Khom-Jeen, etc. and also can independently use to fulfil the beautifulness of many opportunities with multi-functional such as a fresh floral net to decorate Buddha statue, a fresh floral net to dress up an elephant’s forehead, a fresh floral net used as a spiritual cloth for formal ceremony, and more. 

These are just a pack of example how fresh floral net is playing a big role for the specific floral handcraft work. If you’d like to discover more about either what we have explained or have not, do not be hesitate to check out Bu-ngasari school’s website,, or even easier at school’s Facebook page,  About Bu-ngasari florist school, it is an enrichment school teaching a wide range of ages and no limit to both national and gender. The school is aimed to take place for boosting more amount of Thai florist who could be understandable and love our traditional and conservative fresh floral handcrafts style. 

And as the previous articles of the school, we keep mention about an international class for non-Thai student to join due to the difficult to understand the original vocabulary from Thai ancient. School’s main course schedule is monthly updated however, students still allow to make their own preferable time with the instructor. Thank you for all attentions and one more time, do not forget to subscribe school’s FB page.       

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