ADSactly Awareness - Why There are Hidden Chemicals in Our Food?

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

Why There are Hidden Chemicals in Our Food?

If you are a curious cat you will often wonder what ingredients are present in a particular food substance before you eat it, especially when it is packaged food.

How many times have you picked up a packaged food or substance to check what ingredients it contains like picking up a tin of Tuna and finding it contains ingredients such as sulphites? Or picking up a jar of jam and finding it contains caramel? Did you know they can be harmful?

On some products you may not even find what is contained in them, I picked up a pack of biscuits recently and only saw sugar, flour, fat, chocolate and preservatives. You could also for instance pick up an assorted cake and find that the ingredients include flour, sugar, milk, glucose and preservatives. Some would say ‘leavening agents’,how many of us know what preservatives we are consuming? do you even know what leavening agents means? On bread you could find raising agents too.Have you wondered what substances are used as raising agents?

Do you know those are chemicals and they are right there in the food you are about to consume? I know that you trust that manufacturing company enough and you know that baked beans or nuttella can not hurt you but have you ever wondered why food especially packaged food have to contain chemicals as preservatives or enhancers? Do you know why certain chemicals as food additives are also present?

This is even about the ones you see, the ones the company is ready to reveal,what about the ones they don't want to reveal? yes every manufacturing company has a secret recipe, I've worked in several. Do you know that your packaged food contains certain additives or even contaminants that are not revealed? Food additives are usually meant to improve our food but they are still synthetic food materials or substances added into food products. As a food scientist, I know that manufacturing companies mean no harm but we should get to know why substances are added and their reactions in the body.

Let’s start with what food preservatives really are..

Preservatives are honestly meant for good, they are substances, be it chemical or natural used to delay spoilage or alteration in the initial quality of a food substance. They are also used to enhance colour, flavour and texture in food. So basically preservatives are not meant to be bad, they are meant for good. However as mentioned above there are natural preservatives and there are chemical preservatives.

Natural preservatives

These are substances occurring in their natural state but can be used to prevent spoilage in other food substances. They are very common and used by experienced chefs and cooks, they include, salt, sugar, alcohol, vinegar. I used to see my mum use salt to preserve locust bean, the freshness of meat and vegetables too. I bet many of us use this natural preservative a lot. There are also natural food processes that serve as preservatives.
Pre-gelatinization or pre-cooking, boiling, smoking, salting and even freezing are examples of such processes. I know that raw blended pepper can be preserved by boiling it for a while or by freezing or by both practices.

Image result for natural preservatives


Artificial preservatives

These are chemical preservatives and they are usually added to food either by mixing, spraying or even coating. These are the chemicals we need to be wary of and careful about.
They can be
Antimicrobials or
Chelating agents

Antioxidants are plant substances that protects the body from damage caused by hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorite and other free radicals. There are natural antioxidants which help prevents this damage in the body, they are found in fruits and vegatables in their natural states. This is why natural fruits and fresh fruits are good for the body. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables include vitamins E, C and others. However there are artificials too.

Have you ever picked up a food item and you found BHT or BHA written on it as ingredient? In some you my not find it listed and some manufacturing companies might be faithful enough to add it but do you know what it means? These antioxidants and chemical preservatives can be harmful and are usually contained in a lot of packaged foods yet most consumers do not know. BHA and BHT are however believed to be safe in low doses, and there are foods available without them. Many of us have consumed this without knowing.

What are BHTs and BHAs?


Butylated hydroxyanisole is a chemical substance that is added to packaged foods to prevent rancidity and extend shelflife (expiry date). By mentioning rancidity you would be able to guess that I’m referring to food products that contain oil or high fat, so this substance is added to prevent off flavours in foods caused by rancidity. Can you mention some packaged foods without oil base? Hardly right? Even chocolate has oil base. So in essence I’m saying there is BHA contained in mosts packaged foods,potato chips, chewing gum even if it isn’t listed as an ingredient. Unfortunately BHA isn’t good for human health, although BHAs and BHTs are harmful only in the forestomach which humans do not have , they still remain harmful when ingested in large doses.


Butylated hydroxytoluene is another chemical substance used to extend shelf life of a food product as well as stop them from changing colour, odour or flavor.
Large doses of BHA and BHT have been shown to promote the growth of tumors especially in the fore stomach. Good thing humans do not have fore stomachs and manufacturing industries are beginning to switch to alternative preservative but it is advised that if you cannot totally stay away, reduce your intake.

foods that can contain BHAs and BHTs


These are substances that kill or prevent the growth of bacterials or microorganisms in foods.

Sodium benzoate or benzoic acid

This preservative prevents the growth of bacteria, mold and yeast in a food product. It is usually found in drinks, jams and juices. This is known to be safe, however if this combines with vitamin C in large quantities, benzene which can cause cancer is formed. So lovers of chocolate and carbonated drinks have to be careful .

Image result for foods containing sodium benzoate
foods that can contain sodium benzoate

Sulphur dioxide

This preservative is used as antimicrobial agents to also prevent discolouration and browning this is found in fruit juices, scallops, lobster, shrimps and so on. Unfortunately this is toxic as well.

sulfites are known to be big problems for asthmatic patients and those specifically sensitive to it. Asthmatic patients are sensitive to sulfites, it may trigger breathing problems for them. Sulphur dioxide is found in beer, wine, dried apricots vegetable juice and even lime juice. See why you should stop having too much beer?

Image result for foods containing sulphur dioxide
foods containing sulphur dioxide


Sodium nitrites
This is used in smoked meats and bacon. it helps to prevent colour changes and botulism, however as recognized safe as this is, it is linked to leukemia and tumors in children. It is found in corned beef, bacon , ham and hot dogs which is very common among us.

Image result for foods containing sodium nitrites
foods containing nitrites

Potassium sorbate / bromate
C6H7KO2 /KBrO3
This is usually used in bread or food substances which is required to increase in volume (rise) but this is a very harmful additive infact it was banned in Nigeria a long time ago and manufacturers have sought for alternatives. Manufacturers began stating clearly on their products that it is bromate free.

Related image
foods that can contain potassium bromate


Chelating agents are artificial preservtives and substances which binds with other harmful substances such as lead, mercury, calcium, cadmium and some others in order to remove them from the bloodstream and excrete them out through the kidney. They are chemicals meant to remove other chemicals from the body. Funny right?

You’ve probably heard of lead poisoning and mercury poisoning but I’m sure you are wondering why I have calcium on that list.


Yes, calcium is good for bones but it is dangerous in large quantity. Especially in older women , there is an increased risk of heart diseases in them because calcium increases protein levels which is associated with cardiovascular diseases.
Examples of chelating agents are :

EDTA (Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic
one of the most serious effects of EDTA is kidney damage.
Image result for foods containing EDTA

citric acid
Citric acid is quite beneficial to the body but when taken in excess, it can cause cramps and taken on an empty stomach can cause intestinal problems.

Image result for side effects  of citric acid 2018

There are other harmful food additives to be discussed in the next article. Remember to find out the ingredients contained in what you are about to ingest and if you cannot take the pain to find out, reduce your intake of processed foods. I have learned to reduce my intake of packaged foods over the years. Also work on your food cravings. Often times we find ourselves craving these food substances which are not very good for our health. Most harmful chemicals begin to act negatively in the body when they are in large doses. Now you know, reduce your intake of packaged foods, eat safe!

Authored by: @ponmile

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This is my category of post mate. I must say you have compiled good data about shelf life enhancing agents that are used in packaged food.

I will add 1 point here that these packed foods are studied for their keeping quality and shelf life for different parameters. In this way we get those expiry dates of packed products.

My general rule of them - if it's made in a factory and not natural, don't eat it. You should only be eating lean meats, oats, fruits, and vegetables. Everything else is toxic garbage. Just my two cents.

This really a nice post, I get to know things about package foods but I will still go for package because it's very easy to start with unlike the unprocessed ones, u have cut, wash, and steam before use

Good Point!

Nice post, Nice comments
Please guys follow back IMG-20180118-WA0013.jpg

I’m scared to eat a lot of processed or canned food. Our lives are so busy we go for convenience but that can prove to be dangerous to our health.

Unfortunately chemical food is the best!

It sure lasts long!

There are Chemicals in nearly everything we eat today very hard to find food with out any chemicals in them.. unless you grown you own.. but then the soil will still have chemicals in it, so you can't win

Most attractive you mean ?

Taste I mean 😍

You should try organic and see if there is a difference for you.
I find that there is a huge difference in taste.
Nutrition wish organic is way better.
Sometimes wen you eat to much sugar you cant feel the difference in taste so try cutting out the sweets and then try again.

I really do have to disagree with that rhubarb. Every processed meal I have ever tried (I used to eat a lot when I worked long hours and before I became a healthier human being) tasted so so poor. I am now gluten free, soya free vegan and I make all my own meals from scratch...All my biscuits, cakes, I even make my own milk, cream, sauces etc and they taste FRESH!!!!!! and tasty ;) There is nothing like fresh food.

I agree. There is nothing like fresh food! Fresh food is delicious and it doesn't make you feel weighed down like processed food does.


@adsactly @ponmile Great Article, very detailed and informative. Speacially interesting is the part about sodium nitrites, in fact it is estimated that Each 50-gram (1.8-ounce) portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent. (1.) This foods are definitely tasty but are by no means good to our bodies and detrimental to our health. As always moderation is key. Thanks for clarifying @rhubarb


I would also have to disagree here - maybe your first few meals might not taste as good however once you start eating real food that will change. The only reason why the other food seems to taste better is because of the chemicals & sugars etc. I've previously thought those foods tasted better and changed my eating habits to natural healthier food & I can promise you it tastes MUCH better

So pretty much everything you buy in a modern supermarket is designed to slowly poison and sicken you?

Yes :( Some purposely, some for profit, some are toxic because they need to travel and be stored and suppliers want them to 'look' fresh.Unless you eat organic, you think you are eating lovely healthy fresh veg and fruit and you are consuming a big list of pesticides. Apples are the number one culprit containing several different toxic substances. If you can only afford one item to be organic, choose your apples!! Most foods created from wheat/gluten are covered in Glysophate...This is the toxic shit storm that causes issues like wheat intolerance, IBS, Coeliac and Leaky gut and other immune disorders. Enough to make you cry isn't it. I grow my own but even that I wash in ACV before eating because of the geo engineering going on.

We want easy food i guess

I'm starting to believe a popular saying that if you cannot read the ingredients' names, it's probably unnatural and bad for your health. Some additives and sugars have become very commom that I have already memorized their spelling though. Familiarity is no longer an assurance that an ingredient is safe since for example, I've already seen 'maltodextrin' a lot. is good that you know..

Its a good general rule for the average consumer

The food itself is 100% chemical. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals - all chemicals.

If you see allyl isothiocyanate in the ingredient list would you be concerned? That’s the “hot” flavour in horseradish, mustard and wasabi. Remove that and you have no taste at all. Alpha-tocopherol? That’s the strongest of several forms of tocopherol that you may know as "vitamin E" and found naturally in a variety of whole grains. Folic acid, niacin, nicotinamide, ascorbic acid, beta-carotine, - these are all essential vitamins. So far, these materials already exist in the food. Salt is frequently added (sometimes a bit too much), and sucrose, maltose, glucose, fructose are all sugars (we are worried about too much sugar).

We add colors of course because nobody would buy grey smarties or M&Ms, and we sometimes add preservatives such as potassium sorbate, citric acid, and vinegar. Sodium benzoate is a generally-recognized-as-safe preservative that prevents bacterial growth and also seems to be therapeutic for several conditions.

Yes, there has to be a sense of nuance in the way we denounce things. To roundly condemn anything chemical (which is everything) weakens the position to criticize modern food production.

The food itself is 100% chemical. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals - all chemicals.

They are natural chemicals if we think about it. Those mentioned chemicals are those made by man chemicals.

Good addition, all these vitamins you have mentioned have natural sources however most manufacturing companies use the lab made versions... Of course some natural preservatives can be harmful in large quantity too for example too much salt isn't good....too much of these additives generally are bad. Additives are added to improve the food substance like you have stated but they are still chemicals..

This is why you have to know the difference between naturally occurring chemicals and the man made toxic chemicals that Monsanto so kindly introduced to our food chain. We must learn not be afraid of the names of natural chemicals. Learn to know the difference. Knowledge is power. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@ponmile @adsactly Two years ago I started really learning about the dangers of some of the food we eat, which you normally wouldn't consider being bad food. Without getting too much into it, as your article is excellent and very informative, I focused on sugar... wow... It is insane how much sugar we consume without realising it.
Word play is the biggest enemy of the human diet... "Low fat" = high sugar... simple. what about "Organic" ? or, "no added sugar"? All of this is word play to make our simple minds believe that what we are consuming is safe... "organic baby food" still contained 36.4% sugar, despite it being organic and no added sugar. Condensed fruits are JUST as bad, if not WORSE than refined sugar...
For example, juicing your fruits and removing the fibre. You can juice 20 or 30 oranges, without the fibre, and pretty easily drink that in 1 sitting. But if you try to eat 20 or 30 oranges, forget it... Your body says, "We have enough fibre, stop being hungry". THERE IS A VERY GOOD REASON FOR THIS!!!!! Our body understands the dangers of high sugar intake, so it stops us from consuming more. Once we remove the fibre, its just another fluid so our body doesn't stop us from being hungry...
As a result of juiced fruits, more people are becoming diabetics, and ironically they think they're being healthier by having juiced fruits. It's very sad :( You make an attempt to be healthy, and the word play makes you even more sick.... This SICKENS me! Where is the trust!!!!!

Uuugghh sorry, ill stop now, I can go on for hours... And this is only sugar...

I never really add importance to the ingredients used in making the foods I buy. What I take great care about what is put in to it are the drugs I take. It's just kind of funny and I don't know why I'm like that.

That aside, I really love your outline of the effects of the chemicals included in canned and other forms of preserved foods under the cover name "preservatives" and colourants and somehow (just somehow) I feel it is where majority of food related health issues originate (including food poisoning-correct me if I'm wrong).

I hope to take heed to the words in this post and always analyze the contents of whatever food I buy just to be sure I live a healthy life.

Thank you

Good write up. But I think you made it more complicated, then it actually is. Everything bought in a store has a shelf life because it has preservatives. If they claim that they don't, then there is going to be hydrogenized agent mixed in.

Nutrition is on the same level as religion. It doesnt matter what the argument is, people will not deviate from their beliefs.

Bottom line is this, if you buy it from the store, it was made to endure a lengthy packaging and delivery time, with a shelf life. If you werent there to cultivate the food that you are going to purchase, then you dont have any idea of the process it took for that product to be sold.

Yes, this is definitely a grey area. Many times preservatives are an innocuous as an excess of salt, which many people are wary of, but does not pose a particular health risk when used in moderation. There are other items that have been pumped full of preservatives to last years when they should only rightfully last for weeks. These are the things that I'm especially wary of.

good commnt :)
look at this if u like'it upvote or comment , thank you :):)

It is not complicated, it is exactly as you have said it. Chemicals in form of preservatives are added to packaged foods to extend shelflife. These chemicals in large quantities pose a threat to the body system. So reduce your intake of packaged foods...

Upvoted....Good reply!!

The expression "Don't panic, it's organic." best suits response to this article. Processed and fast foods are really a bane in human health. The preservatives or enhancers, when stand alone, may not do harm but combine it with the natural compounds of the base product produces chemical reactions that would deem it harmful. This is not to mention the processes that may occur such as oxidation and many more.

The fast food industry is a booming business and investors/businessmen focus on profit like 90% of the time. They won't care if in the long run their product can harm. They care about mass production, revenue and lower costs all at the expense of quality. I mean, as long as it is delicious, it is marketable.

It was nice decades back or the life in provinces when consumption is on freshly-picked, delivered or acquired food. People go to the wet market to buy these natural ingredients. Since it won't be quite feasible to bring back these lifestyles, why not employ gardening, homesteading, vertical farming or hydroponics? This way we can reduce purchase of processed foods.

If these harmful foods can't really be avoided, it would be better to have a regular intake of cleansers. I would advise fresh coconut juice or water(and lots of them). They can at least flush the chemicals in these preservatives or enhancers. Unfortunately, it would be not applicable to fat soluble ones.

We only have one life and it matters what types of food we eat. Either we eat healthy and live longer or enjoy satisfying your cravings but shorten your lifespan. Unlike foods, there is no option for preservatives in LIFE. You may say medical machines but do you even define that as living? I don't think so. The choice is yours.

For sure. To an extent, I don't blame them. I believe in choice and personal responsibility. There was a point in time where it would have been nearly impossible to find a totally healthy diet, but I think now people have options, and I don't think it's up to fast food companies to police what people eat. They have to be held accountable to be transparent about what's in their food though. People have to be able to make informed decisions.

Great article. Thank you for posting it - awareness is definitely the first step to making changes in ourselves. Our society is absolutely killing itself with "convenience". You can see so much evidence of this in the U.S. with increased obesity in adults and children. Increased occurrence of diabetes and many other diseases that simply were not as big of a problem before the mass industrialization of processed foods began. It's a hard habit to break away from so much of this stuff because we are hardwired to like the convenience, look and taste of many of these things. As with all things, in moderation, most of these are not overly harmful in small quantities, but since society consumes so much of it, we begin to see the problems in the mass effect (video game joke inserted here :) ). Thanks again for the article.

Wow, All of this is sad ....but so true. Thank you for sharing this information. I have been trying to eat healthier for several years now. And it is challenging. Because so much of our food is processed now a days. You really have to read the labels, on EVERYTHING. When I shop for groceries , I try to stick to the outter isles of the store. Because anything in a box is usually made with crap. This is a serious problem with out foods. I have a hard time even finding things I will even eat. Even shopping for fresh vegetables is hard, because a lot of them are GMO'S. The older I get, the more I learn about what is really in our foods. And I have to say, I learned a lot through Facebook!
This was an excellent read, and so on point. Wake up World, read your lables

It is definitely hard to eat healthy. I think the human body is very resilient, so I allow myself to eat things occasionally that are not perfectly nutritious, but it's important to have the majority of your diet the majority of the time be free from harmful additives.

I totally agree. Moderation is the key. It ok every once in awhile.. Just not on a daily basis.

  ·  7 years ago (edited) your labels
If you can, grow your vegetables...

I wish i could grow my own.. Someday I hope to do that. We gotta have dreams huh?

@adsactly Great article I actually didn't know half of these things.

Thanks for a though review of the topic - straight to the point and informative!
The thing I admire the most is that you are very balanced in your review, analyzing the facts without being biased - you do not hurry to condemn added materials as bad just because they are not natural and that's really fair of you.
It's really frustrating that they just state chemical names that no one other than an organic chemist would understand - it would have been so useful to have a site where every chemical and additive is explained i simple words with it's potential dangers and benefits, just like there is a n index for carcinogenic materials. do you know of such index?

I still do wonder on the ecological cost of producing those ingredients, even if they are not harming us directly, the process of producing them might be harmful to the environment and eventually to us - it would be lovely of you could add some details about that aspect in your next article :)

Good article. As they say - warned - then armed.
We need to know what the food we eat is composed of.
I read a comparative analysis of cat food and some types of food for people. So, the result of this analysis was found that in the cat's forage, there are many more natural elements than the human. It is fantastic.
This week in the hypermarket I saw donuts. Having learned the information about them, I was shocked. Their shelf life is about a year. It is interesting from which components can make a donut that would have a shelf life of 10 months.
I am a supporter of natural foods. Fortunately, such products are gaining popularity again. There is only one drawback that natural products have a higher price than their surrogates. Therefore, poorer people use less quality food.
Another indignant is the fact that many manufacturers abuse harmful substances for the sake of creating a taste. Marketers help them hide all the negative aspects of the product and make it more attractive. And from such products (chips, soda), first of all teenagers suffer. Some parents allow their children to drink this muck - this is wrong.
Thank you @ponmile and @adsactly for good and useful article. People need to know what's really going on.

I use a very simple rule wen it comes to nutrition.

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. - Mark Twain

It’s very sad every politician is one of a mafia member to kill common innocents hiddenly by allowing chemicals in food and making vaccines mandatory.

Nice post! Keep up

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We have to make/cook our own foods.

Its not only packaged/processed/manufactured foods but also packaged/processed/manufactured hygiene products like soaps, shampoos, deodorants, perfumes, lotions and many others. And also medication/supplements products, they are highly chemical contained products. Can we all avoid these packaged/processed/manufactured products?
I guess we have to have a piece of land. Plant fruits and vegetables, a variety of them. Make our own homemade hygiene products. If unexpectedly we get sick, treat our bodies with natural medicines. I guess if we eat right and enough fruits and vegetables, we don't anymore need supplements.

And walk daily every morning in the sunlight.

Lets get healthy!


Yes, we should try to avoid packaged and processed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins truly.
Good addition..

Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Imformatory post about the chemicals in food. We should aware to this. I have also shared such content before 1 hours Chemistry of Indian Kitchen.

Yaa! Your post is also giving good information about chemicals in foods.

your post was so informative nice post thanks for sharing information about this foods and there chemicals carry on upvoted and resteemed

wow very nice food

In the USA, there are currently seven artificial colors approved for use in food:

FD&C Blue No. 1 (Brilliant Blue FCF or E133);
FD&C Blue No. 2 (Indigotine or E132);
FD&C Green No. 3 (Fast Green FCF or E143);
FD&C Red No. 40 (Allura Red AC or E129);
FD&C Red No. 3 (Erythrosine or E127);
FD&C Yellow No. 5 (Tartrazine or E102); and
FD&C Yellow No. 6 (Sunset Yellow FCF or E110).

just delicious food.........////////

This is why i love to farm,I plant and grow my food as much as i can for my family.

a good post @adsactly .. the health hazard sprinkled around us unwittingly we consume harmful chemicals to our bodies.
Thanks for the information.
send regards for success

This is wonderful healthy awareness post & thanks a lot to share this content with us.

I like

Those chemicals helps us to preserve and prevent our food from getting bad quickly

That's the reason , the average age of man is about 50.. It's the food we eat nowaday's..

Good work beautiful post.

Great post, we need to promote health through raising awareness of what is bad and what needs to be done instead. Resteeming this :)

Rasayanik is being used to make the food we eat as delicious. Which is a great loss for our body. How many of us know how we're using the archive? Which is not really known to many.

These additives and fake processed foods are the result of a treat the symptom, solution to starvation.... We now see 300Lb people starving to death... "Starving for Nutrition"

Informative and educative, thumbs up!
My parents used to say that during their parents' days(my grandparents' days) there was longevity and less occurrences of diseases related to 'these food contaminants'
In my opinion, let us go back to eating food fresh and without preservatives, though it will cost us extra time in preparation, these contaminants are doing more harm than good.

Nice Post, delicious food but harmful as well because of additive preservatives

Especially when taken continuosly..


good, excellen, nice.

Excellent post and some great research has gone into this. Well done.

Your post is for awareness about food but I would like to eat one of them as well. I want my life to eat it. But due to chemical we should away from as much possible. Make our food at home if possible.

Excuse me... Please follback and upvote my steem mr.

specially in Third World countries food is full of chemicals ,maximum food factories do not use food grade material ,and it all cause cancer
thanks @adsactly for posting this artical

good posting i like it :)
look at this if u like:


I think you were informative and this was well written. I would, in the future, provide sources to claims that could cause such an emotional response. Being cautious is great, but being informed is better. If you say things are unhealthy and cause cancer, you should show those studies and the research linking it. Too many media outlets nowadays are more concerned with triggering our fears than actually informing us, and our culture suffers for it i feel.

you write an awesome article @ adsactly.. we should to be care our health and we can use natural ingredients like fruits and vegetable instead of unhealthy processed foods. But natural ingredients are also not natural now a days because there also use many chemical sprays.. so i think so we should to be create our own small home garden to get natural ingredients.

@momina #momina

maxresdefault (1).jpg

A garden is good, for fresh vegetables

100% NATURE always wins the Bttle

Good information

Great info. If I can't pronounce an ingredient I try not to eat it. It is so hard to eat clean and I spend so much time in the store reading labels! Food companies are sneaky in how they market....I noticed recently that they can state No High Fructose Corn Syrup but then disguise it in the ingredients by calling it something else. Gets harder every day to eat clean!

good post @adsactly

maybe it's time we avoid the market food, because it is too dangerous for health. this post is very helpful for us to be careful in consuming foods that contain chemicals.

You can avoid processed and packaged foods...or reduce your intake if you can not totally avoid it yet.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We have to care about our health dear @adsactly you posted a appreciated stuff 😉

You can say that again

Packed foods, sometimes containing unspecified preservatives, can not be found on the packaging of the product, which can be very dangerous for consumers.
Coca cola you can use it to remove the rust from the metals, they have the secret recipe and you do not know what they put in it.

Recently, I have changed my eating habits and diet, because of this exact reason! Thanks for sharing, I feel like I know a lot more about food than I did before reading this post.

i'm also joining you nooreen

It is good that you are careful about your diet.. Keep it up

that was nice food
thanks for sharing a good informative post over all very good

All packaged foods contain one or the other chei cal which act as preservatives. There is no doubt that these preservatives are harmful for our health. But is there any other option?

Hello @adsactly,
Again Great Post Share, I Think to Have Hidden Chemicals, Food think very nice, it's very helpful post today, i like you always, thank you
upvote and resteem done

That’s exactly why I always pray over my food.

Wow...!!! So many artificial preservatives...!!! Its getting out of hand...that most manufacturers don't care about the health of the consumers of their products... They are all after quick wealth.
Well thank God for some Ministries of Government that check out for harmful content in our food products especially canned items...
Thanks for informing us...I never knew most of this things...especially the one banned in Nigeria.

Great post!

Nice post

I'm resteeming this post RN... In some parts of Africa it is believed that if something happens to you it's totally black magic I wish most of them could be reading this right now.... Thanks @adsactly

Nice post, last year we made a move of supplying fresh organic vegetable to university students but the cash flow wasn't encouraging at all, the reason we did that is because we saw the high rate of preservatives in foods and beverages.

I really think it's sad today, that the food industry is not listening to people, but only a big deal of money. People are becoming more interested in "organic" foods, but because they are often more expensive to buy, it's not affordable for everyone.

And even when consuming organic foods, is it necessarily better? We've been so used to over-the-top things that it's hard to change our habits and eat healthier.

Yes, it is hard...

It is hard to make to change almost any habit. What's amazing though is that when you do go through the effort to make changes to your eating, and maybe adopt a lifestyle of eating fresh produce and meats vs. processed foods, your body begins to change. Your tastebuds change. You begin to "crave" the healthier alternatives.

hello your friends are always the best post, please help me to be like your friend, and I would like to earn steemit income to help my family in distress at this time

Good post with a good source of information about food for us to be aware and be careful. Thanks for this worth for a resteem. More power and God bless you..

Any food we eat is not free of preservatives and chemicals, you find this in every kind and a category of Chokra because you clarified all the points in this subject and I am happy to be on your posts always

Nice post! Keep up with posting this amazing material.

very important and interesting information you gave,thank you.and i want just to add that there are some people don't take a look at the ingredients they just open what they have and eat,unfortunately.

I, too, are a fan of food. Your messages are unique thanks to you for your post! If it's not hard for you to come to me

Hi, I hope you followed me and you will follow me and comment the vote.

Nice information

That was a wonderful and spectacular expository.
God help us.
Nice post

Thanks so much for the great enlightenment and it's time for me to taKe the challenge to carry out a good assessment on what ever i take into my system. Good work indeed.

good post thanks for sharing.m

I just don't want to read this because it causes me to get so sensitive to all the groceries and their chemical contents. Poor me!

Nice Post. I have really gain knowledge on your post.
I'm new in the platform, help me upvote

very informative post. different chemicals in food benefit our body in different ways and it show how beautiful and meaningful this world is made by God @adsactly

this is the nature of human beings we always look at the outer beauty of every one and also the same is about the products...
we didn't want to know that is it healthy or not but if it looks nice and taste awesome we will eat it..

this is 1000 0000% True

Exactly, packaged foods are very attractive but chemicals have been used to process them. The more you consume, the more unhealthy stuffs you consume.

very true :)

Great job. I'm adding blog posts on steemit about the same thing.... How to preserve fresh foods naturally. check out it out @nancymoral.

8 hidden potentially dangerous ingredients in processed food ... diacetyl ...silicon dioxide ...3-MCPD...bha ...allura red ac ..castorium ..al²s0⁴...tartrazine ...
P.S. thankyou for sharing this info ...appreciate it

We need to turn things around and not listen to food commercial and try our best to grow and eat healthier. People try to go the easy route with processed foods. It’s amazing even that it costs more for water thank for soda. We need ti wake up. Great post.

nice post tq u

Really nice post my frends

Wow ! So much stuff we don't even know about. Nicley done.

Informative :) thanks for sharing

interesting post ! lets all support each other here on Steemit :) check out my account :p

Excellent article, very informative. Thank you.

Nice post my friend

Muy buena informaciòn. Very good information

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I changed my food habits in the last years. I dont buy anything that has preservatives anymore. I check the ingredients before I buy anything. No added sugar or preservatives.
We should take care about our health and eat only fresh food. I am learning how to do everything alone at home :)
I stopped eating smoked meat and bacon. I eat only smoked salmon. Lately I discovered that flour contains 76% of sugar or glucose :( Now I stopped using it for baking!

I remember the good old days when my grand parents were growing their food in the garden - tomatos, cucumbars, peppers, beans, carrots, potatos, aubegines, watermelons.. apsolutely everything - pure, delicious, healthy.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You should also mention the chemicals that give color to salmon!! That's right my steemians, salmon is not red! At least not the salmon we eat, salmon only gets red because they eat little shellfish, but nowadays the salmon that we eat is created in large tanks and they are feed food with a chemical that gives them that color

Good writing. friends do not forget my vote, because I am new beginner here...

very informative and interesting. I really appreciate your efforts

Nice @adsactly

Good write up. But I think you made it more complicated, then it actually is. Everything bought in a store has a shelf life because it has preservatives. If they claim that they don't, then there is going to be hydrogenized agent mixed in.

Nutrition is on the same level as religion. It doesnt matter what the argument is, people will not deviate from their beliefs.

Bottom line is this, if you buy it from the store, it was made to endure a lengthy packaging and delivery time, with a shelf life. If you werent there to cultivate the food that you are going to purchase, then you dont have any idea of the process it took for that product to be sold. follow me @awahidsteem

Almost all foods now contain chemicals, except make them yourself...

Sometimes we know its chemical, but its hard to resist the temptation for the great taste. Just like cigarettes. Thanks for the great share @adsactly

Wooaaw wonderful post guy keep it up

It's hard work trying to avoid consuming all this food but possible.
I find it not so hard when you cook always fresh food, vegies and fruit and buy your fish from the fishermen. Of course I terribly miss the sweets but homemade treats made with dates instead of sugar are terribly yummy too !