The truth about postponing

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)


It’s Wednesday and your first drink with a lot of snacks is already planned, even though THIS time you were really planning no turning your life around. But oh well, you already screwed up Tuesday and you’re going on a vacation next week, so you might as well start your vacation right now. Right? Guess again.

Sooner or later you’re going to fail

You would just love to wait for the perfect moment to start anything, so that you can minimize the chances of you failing. But it doesn’t matter how long you wait, sooner or later you’re going to fail. Sooner or later, you’re going to be setback but it is up to you how to deal with that so that you come out of it even stronger!

That’s why this planned vacation is perfect to learn from. It’s those lessons that will get you further. Whatever you do, you’re going to face challenges, unless you’re planning do nothing, meet no one and basically stay inside for the rest of your life. Birthdays, drinks on Friday, festivals. You’re supposed to still enjoy that. However you should enjoy them in a way so that they don’t stand in the way of you achieving your goals.

Did you know the 80/20 rule?

Are you afraid you might be headed for a boring vacation if you start changing your lifestyle right now? You don’t have to be! With the 80/20 rule you can create flexibility within your diet. How does it work? It’s really simple. The only thing you have to do is make sure that 80% of your diet is comprised of healthy food, like vegetables, fruit, wholegrain products or protein. The remaining 20% can be comprised of food that wouldn’t usually count as a healthy choice. That way, you create some flexibility within your diet and you can still create a balanced diet. It’s a perfect rule, as long as you don’t forget the most important one; If you want to lose weight, you have to burn more than you consume!

Don’t make it any harder than it has to be

It’s actually very simple: If you want something, you will have to work for it. Even when you’re going on vacation, because after this one you’re probably already thinking of the next one, and the next one, and the one after that. Do you want to start over after every vacation? No. You want to create a lifestyle in which you can achieve your goals and still enjoy a healthy life.

Don’t postpone for a month, a week, not even a day. If you want to change your life, start today!

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