in food •  7 years ago 

Today we are celebrating our 6 months together with @ivargereiko! Its crazy how quickly time went by and we just were strangers 6 months ago... we are from the same town and we met in London, in a huge city of millions of people. 

@ivargereiko took me out to this nice little place in Chelsea. We ate SOOO much!!!


We started of with healthy salads, I had salmon and he had a chicken patty! 

Then we had some russian dumplings ( pelmeni) which were yummy and finished of 

with 3 DESSERTS!! YES 3!!! It was his idea!!! 

I am SOOO FULL right now and cannot breathe really! Sooo bloody full and excited I got to meet this guy! :)))

Thanks to all my followers for supporting him at Steemit as well! It means the world to me :)

Love you all!

Alla xoxox

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I am so happy, what I met you Alla xxxxx Is was the most HAPPY 6 months in my life!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

:)) my baby!!! xxxxxxxx

The journey continues, best wishes.

@allasyummyfood Congrats


do a story on how you guys met lol

hahah yes we should ;))

Everything look delicious! thanks for sharing

How can you move after eating all that?? If I had that much I think that I would explode! Does look absolutely delicious though - so envious 🙇 😁

Congratulations on your 6-month anniversary @allasyummyfood and @ivargereiko. May you have many more happy times together.

yes thank you very much! :)) To be honest I am exploding right now, still several hours late! xxx

Thank you! I helped Alla to finish all the food, it was way too much :)

You havent finished the story though, did you guys go to the other room, smiles
Anyways, Congrats all the best.

That it lasts forever

Congrats! Carry on 😊 and the food looks delicious

@allasyummyfood Congrats! :)

good for you man.wish you the best

The place is so beautiful and the food loooks so amazing and tasty!

thank you :)))

you're welcome!That are many months more. God bless you ♥

Very healthy place :) Food was good especially honey cake

Got me smiling already, Congrats to you both @ivargereiko @allasyummyfood I wish you forever bliss together :)
I'm a foodie though and now you just made me hungry with these many photos of food 😁

Congrats to both of you. All the food looks amazing. Best wishes.

I love this post! I am so happy for the both of you. Such a beautiful and sweet post. I love the photos and story. Thank you for sharing. I am upvoting and following. Two thumbs up! :)

Congratulation. Nicely looking place. Which dish was the best? I like to try russian dumplings. :)

ooh dumplings were really good yes!!

Aww congrats to you two! Here's to many more together :)

aww thanks sweetie :) xxx

Thank you @redrica!!!


Congratulations! God's blessings on many more happy months and years to come!

God bless you both and best wishes

Congratulations! I like the variaties of food you made available. Keep it up.

Pozdravljaju vas oboix! Inogda sudjba nas svodit v nepredskazuemix mestax! U menja mnogo takix znakomix, stretivwixsja na 4uzbine! :))
Eda, prosto yam! I glavnoe vigljadit prosto obaldenno! Esli budem v Londone, ja uze zapisala nazvanie! :))

Spasibo bolwoe @ramicane ! Da udivitelnaja vstre4a polu4ilosj, latvijci s idnogo goroda vstretilisj v Londone:)