Crab sauce padang / kepiting saus padang ( ENG - INA BILINGUAL )

in food •  7 years ago 


crab sauce padang
5 medium size crabs
2 orange leaves
2 bay leaves
5 tablespoons chili sauce
1/2 pieces of onion slice lengthwise
Tomato juice (2 tomatoes blend)
sugar, salt, pepper to taste

Ground spices:
4 cloves of red onion
3 cloves of garlic
6 pieces of red pepper
1 lemongrass grappled white
1 cm ginger
1 cm turmeric


boiled crabs to death, drain, set aside kaldunya

saute onion until wilted followed by all spices, then input the leaves of citrus and bay leaf, saute until fragrant

input tomato juice, sugar, salt, chilli sauce and broth crab, stir until boiling and thicken

crab input, cook until the seasoning is absorbed and serve.

Bahasa indonesia :

kepiting saus padang
5 ekor kepiting ukuran sedang
2 lembar daun jeruk
2 lembar daun salam
5 sendok makan saos cabe
1/2 buah bawang bombay iris memanjang
Jus tomat (2 buah tomat diblender)
gula, garam, lada secukupnya

Bumbu halus:
4 siung bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
6 buah cabe merah
1 batang sereh ambil putihnya
1 cm jahe
1 cm kunyit


rebus kepiting sampai mati, tiriskan, sisihkan kaldunya
tumis bawang bombay sampai layu disusul semua bumbu halus, lalu masukan daun jeruk dan daun salam, tumis hingga harum
masukan jus tomat, gula, garam, saos cabe dan kaldu kepiting, aduk aduk hingga mendidih dan mengental
masukan kepiting, masak sampai bumbu meresap dan sajikan.

Thank you for visiting my blog @arda1

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I do love crabs