in food •  7 years ago 

Hi Foodies of Steemit!

Since I love food VERY much, and you do probably too. I have decided to start posting #foodlogs (food+blogs=foodlog) once in a while. These ' #foodlog ' posts will be filled with tasteful pictures and short stories about great places/restaurants, where they serve lots of 'Lovely Yummie in My Tummy Food'! (could be anywhere on this planet ;) )

Let's start with the first one...!

Since they have all the yummy in their name already; ' THE AVOCADO SHOW' in Amsterdam, this restaurant don't need much of an introduction... Not only are these little avocado art pieces a beautiful catch for the eye... wait untill you taste this! NO WORDS... Enjoy!

Schermafbeelding 2018-03-06 om 15.28.33.pngscreenshot of their instagramaccount:

avocadoshow.jpgpoaced egg, crispy bacon, LOTSSS of avocado

avocadoshow2.jpgavocado garden, toasted bagel, veggies, flowers and LOTSSS of avocado

Reply If you are an AVOCADO lover too! And check out:!

#foodlog you soon!


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