Early Morning Food Porn

in food •  8 years ago 

After waking up a little extra early to listen to some investor conference calls, I whipped up some quick Eggs Beni and fresh fruit for myself.

It's my friend's birthday today as well and I decided to whip up some cream with vanilla...
And broil some Bartlett Pears with a splash of white wine, a pinch of salt, honey, cinnamon and walnuts.
These will go so lovely with the whipped vanilla cream once nicely broiled. I'll be broiling them for her a little later and taking them to her home along with a basket of fruit and wine and 2 jars of giardiniera I pickled for her.
Although store bought gifts are always well received, I believe if you combine them with homemade gifts there is a lot more sentiment involved. My friends and I usually do this for each other and it's always such a treat to know someone took their time to make something for you!

Do you enjoy giving handmade gifts?

*all images and content are my property, please ask before borrowing *

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I would love to get such amazing handmade gifts @artedellavita! That's really some early morning food porn indeed! Lovely shots!

Thank you so much! Good day to you🌷

Lovely display! Those pears look and sound wonderful!
By the way, I finally looked into infusing oil with garlic and what I found was as long as you are not using raw garlic, there is no concern. CDC recommends using all dehydrated herbs and garlic when infusing oils. So it is all good, that is all I use for infusing. I also saw an article where a person sauteed their garlic first, though from what I was reading, dehydrated sounds the best way to go.

By the way, I not only resteemed but shared this to facebook, more people need to see your lovely photos and foods! :D

You are nothing but sugar! Thank you :)

This is great to know! I love garlic oil but buying it and ingesting God knows what I don't. I'll start making it dehydrated as well, thank you for the info and looking into it!
Wishing you and your husband a lovely day :)

Now my mouth is watering! Yes I love homemade gifts! They are the BEST!

Yes, I love receiving them and making them as well :)

I would upvote but it wouldn't be worth anything right now. Sorry! I get a little upvote happy from time to time. Lol! Well you are just so creative is so many ways! I love your photography and poems and your positive outlook and your kindness. I really appreciate your newfound friendship here on Steemit! You have made it a much more welcoming place! Thank you!

My vote was worth zero right now but how could I not hit the button haha :)
I am so happy for the friendships I've made, the things I have learned, and just the way we are all able to showcase, teach and learn from one another. Cheers to a hundred more years as Steemit buddies and to infinite upvote power :)

Hugs from my little corner of California to you!

Awww shucks! Thank you!😊

I'll toast to that!

Hand made gifts are straight from the heart, a headband made of flowers even is so great!

A headband made of flowers is pure fairy magic! What's not to love <3
Lovely evening friend!

What a great breakfast your friend is very lucky. I especially like the way you did the pears. Will promote your post on one of mine as it is so interesting. Thank you for posting. :)X

Aww thank you! You are very kind! Wishing you a lovely day and following you now⭐️

Thank you so much. Really appreciate that. :)X

No need to thank me :)

Gooooooooood morning. Must be a good day for a Birthday. Today is my Sis b-day and 3 other friends! Looks yummy. I really like the giardiniera - looks yummy. Homemade food is always a good gift. :)

Good morning and thank you for stopping by ☺️A happy bday to your sister and friends!🎂

Sound like you had a really nice productive morning! Wow id like to get homemade presents like that no on ever has but they get them from me, hardly nobody takes the time anymore

I would totally gift you some :) it's always nice to take your time and create for others!💜

I am here on behalf of Heidi @raincountry❤.
Yes I do give homemade gifts with presents to my family and friends. I am looking forward to reading more of your blogs😊

Aww thank you! And thank you @raincountry 🌷 Yes nothing compares to a little something made with our own hands ☺️

Yum, I'll take 2 of everything to go please =)

Coming up haha
Lovely day to you⭐️

Lovely day to you

Likewise 🌱

Yes I enjoy handmade gifts especially if I can eat those gifts. I am eyeing your 2 jars of giardiniera you pickled for her.