Drinks I had in Cardiff ☕

in food •  last month 


I've always been someone who absolutely loves taking pictures of their food, and particularly their drink, whenever I go out to eat at cafes or restaurants- or anywhere really!

So I wanted to compile a lot of my favorite pictures of drinks I had while I was in Cardiff recently.

I used Canva to edit these pictures into a nice layout. It was really simple and fun to do.


I chose a layout that made me think of a classy, minimal but pretty café menu!

This is a drink I had while in a Costa Coffee. I can't really remember if it had much to it (flavoring, different milk) as it was something I had with friends, so I wasn't too focused on what I was having... it was definitely a decaf drink though. It was alright, not super memorable for me. I was more focused on the company I was with because I hadn't seen these friends for a while- it was a lovely hang out!


This is an iced matcha with vanilla syrup!

A lot of people I know aren't very keen on matcha drinks, because they find them a bit bitter- I, however, LOVE matcha- especially with vanilla syrup added to it to balance the taste. I love the pale green, or sometimes even vibrant green that these drinks can be- I think it's really pretty.

On its own matcha drinks are often a bit bitter, but when adding syrups to it, as mentioned above, it definitely helps to bring in some sweetness or balance out the flavors a bit more evenly.

I don't have caffeinated coffee very often because it makes me feel a bit anxious and sick, but the caffeine in matcha is a lot more manageable for my system- it doesn't feel as harsh.


Here's the maple spiced oat latte I wrote about in this post.

I'm still thinking about this drink, I really need to get a syrup with the same flavor because it was so delicious!

It was really tasty, and looking at the picture of the drink makes me think of the really lovely day I had when visiting this café.


I also bought this OKF Probiotic Yoghurt drink from an Asian grocery store.

I'm someone who really likes these probiotic drinks, especially Yakult- they're my favorite! So when I saw this drink which is so much bigger than a regular Yakult, which I love the flavor of, so I really enjoyed this.


Maybe a bit simple to include but here is a tea I had while on the train to Cardiff.

I did really enjoy this, I think more so because of what was happening while drinking it. I'm an anxious traveler most of the time, and I was very hungry and a bit faint, so this tea really perked me up and felt like it uplifted my mood completely.

I had one sugar with this tea, and it wasn't overly milky either- exactly how I like my tea!


Lastly, here's the decaf vanilla iced latte I had at the Simpsons café, which I wrote about here.

I did like this drink, I just didn't really enjoy the café experience lol.

I've noticed my go to flavoring / syrups with coffees and drinks in general is either vanilla syrup or some sort of festive flavoring (like maple flavoring for autumn).

Thank you for reading- what's your favorite drink?

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A cafe I like going to has recently started iced lavender lattes! They're great and don't have a "fake" lavender taste

Wow that sounds like a really interesting drink! I'd love to try that- I hope it's purple!