Morning breakfast pizza is good?

in food •  7 years ago 

Nutritionists have said that it is better than eating cereals made from grains in a snack at breakfast.

Chelsea Amer, a US-accredited nutritionist, in an interview with The Daily Mill, a dietary website, said, "Almost everyone's favorite food can be a good alternative to a regular cereal as a morning breakfast."

He also said, "On average, one bowl of syringe containing one slice of pizzas and pure milk mixes almost the same amount of calories. But the pizza remains in excess of the meat, which will keep the stomach untroubled. "

The amount of sugar in pizza is low in the ratio of different serials. And sugar has a very important role to keep in mind or to reduce food.

Mama said in the interview that pizza is more fat and sugar less than cereals compared to cereals. So in the morning breakfast will save some of the harmful effects of pizza sugar.

But there should be several aspects to consider behind this idea. One of them is the type of pizza and cereals.

For example, according to the sources of US food processing, one cigarette is contained in about 150 calories, 3 grams of fat and 9 grams of sugar.

But most people are not limited to one bowl.

The American Consumer Reports magazine surveyed how much people are consuming cereals

According to the poll conducted by 124 people, 92 percent of the people have more than one serial meal.

If a person is not able to eat two bowl cinnamon toast crunch cereals by mixing a dry milk, he can accept 350 calories, 6 grams of fat, 23 grams of sugar, 5.37 gms of protein and 4 gm fiber.

On the other hand, according to the information obtained from the website of Pezar Haat, a bigger chested chestnut cake will be available from 290 calories, 11 grams of fat, 13 grams of meat and 3 grams of incantation.

Mama says, pizza is better than sugar filled with sugar.

On the other hand, the nutritionist Melissa Riffin, of the United States Montefory Medical Center, says it will not be wise to choose a pizza.

In his words, "pizza may be better than some cereals for the sake of argument, but it gives people the opportunity to eat sodium, carbohydrate and fat in the morning. As a result, the person may feel depressed all day long There are also many pizza, which contain lots of sugar. For example, each pizza in pizza hats has 8 grams of sugar and 490 milligrams of semiconductor. "

"Frogen pie is not safe." Nutritionist Melissa Rifkin, analyzed the pie of five brands.

He further said, "I am terrified by the list of these food items. Some of these brands 'pie' had high levels of 'fructose corn syrup'. "

But the decision will take you You can make your own healthy pizza with less sugar, keep the crust thin and plenty of vegetables. Or an ordinary person can eat pizza in a shop like a pigeon.

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