FREE FOOD: Are You Hungry? Do You Know Someone Who Needs or Wants Food? Come by the GOE on 6/24/17 & WE WILL GIVE YOU FREE FOOD!!!

in food •  7 years ago 

We have an overabundance of food at the Garden of Eden, and we're here to share it! 

Come by the GOE on Saturday June 24, 2017
1-5 pm
Ring the bell,
and we will give you a box of food
~no questions asked~

Based on @quinneaker's incredible standards of sustainability, we're happy to provide resources & solutions.

There's more than enough of everything!!!

Get a box of free food for yourself and/or anyone you know who needs and/or wants food!
You don't have to do anything but come on by and ring the bell!

Saturday, June 24
1-5 pm
7325 Mansfield Cardinal Road
Kennedale, TX 76060

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It's so simple! Yet brilliant and profound! For how complex the world has become, the most simple things, are now profound. Ya'll are aligned and living in attunement! Appreciate your vibes and experiencing them from the distance, being able to take witness and share in it via your curations here on Steemit. I love you all! Really appreciate the work you are all doing and the precedence you are setting. It is really monumental and the scale of it's impact is potentially unseen, but so grand. Super inspiring, on personal levels and transpersonal levels. Very crucial and significant work for our times. Thank you for displaying such high potential in actualized form. Truly noble, and truly a gift for our "society". Whatever that is.
Ya'lls pursuits are monumental. It's significantly monumental when we live true individually, and ya'lls embodiment of that, paired with a profound collective living true, is immensely powerful. I see it. And I am taking witness from a far. And reeling from just the glances. I greatly value what youns have brought to fruition, what you all have created, what you all have actualized, and made real. Truly living in a dream, having brought visions into manifestation and such important, altruistic visions. Such noble and honorable dreams. And the collective flow, and the collective effort, and the collective focus involved, is just beautiful. The cooperation. And the trust, and faith, and willingness to endure the challenges, particularly from the law, from the governing powers at be. For them to feel threatened by you, and for them to threaten you, and for you all to remain true, knowing your rights. And seeing them so clearly, mundanely, spiritually, etc. It is a noble cause. This is pivotal work and I am so grateful for this moment and opportune time for me to acknowledge and express my sincere appreciation for what you all are facilitating and creating. And the momentum is only building, I see that. It is so beautiful and powerful, and I am in such awe and amazement as to this crucialness of what you all are fulfilling. I thank you. I thank you! I value you and your efforts incredibly. Know there are tons of silent witnesses out there appreciating the work that you are doing. I am able to speak so highly of the work that you all are doing/ facilitating because it is such high work. What you are being, what you are exhibiting, and have implemented/embodied in your physical transaction of the Garden Of Eden, is exemplary. It tangibly shares the potential and the possibility in kinetic, physicalized form. And that is so powerful. Such a reference. My goodness. Thank you. The vision is so strong and pure. The vision is so strong and pure. Wow. Ya'll are a blessing. I am so glad to bring words to my witnessing after having had rather actively silently observed all these years. I have been witnessing and following along. And I am so humbled by the ability and awesomeness and epicness that is you, you all, the Garden of Eden.
I love you all!
I am eager to know about Garden of Eden 2.0 and what is transpiring with that. So enthusing. So ever-flow.
Ya'll are a blessing.
So much thanks and appreciation!
One Love!

Appreciate the support brother~
I hope we inspire others as we have you and I hope that inspiration manifests into embodied action. What we are doing and the way we are living is actually quite available to anyone dedicated to ideals. We don't have any special machines or much money. Just dedicated vision~*~

Complexity comes from a disconnect. ;-)

Oh yeah!

It's so great to be handing boxes of free food to people in need and knowing that we are helping someone feel better today. Thanks for sharing the possibilities.

Thanks for being part of it!

Oh so blessed!! <3

Send some to new york.

One day we will have locations all over the world to provide for more people than ever. For now, we're doing the best we can in Texas.

@hackerwhacker got you a 100.0% @minnowbooster upvote, nice!

طعام جميل
شكرا على مشاركة
من فضلك تصويت على صفحتى

I'm sure I am not the only one that feels this way.....If you are going to comment on a post please make your comment in the same language that the post is written in. Then the writer can at least understand your comment.

Thank you my friend for the information has been suspended in another language English

I am guessing that you mean that you cannot post in English.

I am working in a language that needs support

That is understandable. Hopefully, it will get sorted out.

Thank you my friend can support me and vote for me


العفو اخى

Great initiative! Good luck on your mission.

Thank you, @howtostartablog!

~Bless you lightworkers~

Thank you for resteeming, @xtetrahedron! We want as many people as possible to see this message, so thank you for helping us spread the word!

It's the least i can do! When i rack up some time on this account i will send some donations your way for sure! Keep doing what you are doing, the world needs more of this ❤

Thank you for that!
Remember that $steem is real and we use all proceeds to make the world a better place. The more votes, resteems and support we get the more people we help and it costs nothing but a second to click! How awesome it is. Hope to see you around~*~

This is such a nice gesture to humanity. Much appreciated.

There is nothing better than feeding the hungry and to do it free will make you feel so satisfied. The feeling is awesome.

Keep doing this good stuff.

Thank you for your support, @cryptokraze! It is our honor, duty, and privilege to care for our fellow man.

I have also done the same in this month. I don't count the number of people while helping.

I separate some amount and help maximum those are in need.

Well done as always.

Thank you, @snake73!

awesome! really like this!!!

Glad to inspire you, @joshdomsky!

Send to Asia please!

We would love to help you out in Asia, and one day we will have locations all over the world to share with more people than ever! For now, we are doing the best we can in Texas.

That's amazing. I hope you'll be able to spread out this message to the people who need it.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you, @sjennon! We've been successful so far, and the day is still young!

Ya'll are awesome! I Effing love you guys! You ALL! ALL! All is more encompassing.

Thank you, @michaelmcdermott WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!

Wonderful cause. Planetary paradise indeed.

Living the dream!

This is such a nice thing to do. While I don't need this, I wish luck to anyone who may need this support.

Thank you @bshadoww! Appreciate your encouragement.

I would love to see something like this set up in or near Twin Falls Idaho.

You can take this initiative as well. Start small and you will see more help coming your way.

Nice point, @cryptokraze--we are here to inspire people to be the change they want to see! Everyone can do something towards improving the world!

Yeah, it all starts from us. Each individual can make a lot of difference to society in positive way.

We would love to see this all over the world! There really is more than enough of everything, especially if we work together!

"helping one person does not change the world,but it could change the world for one person"i saw this somewhere
u are such a kind people,creating a better community,thanks a lot

Thank you, @angelababy! That's a great quote and very true. We encourage everyone to change the world by looking within, changing themselves, and embodying the values they want to see.

It's great to see someone helping out their fellow human being. Giving instead of taking. I wish you all the blessings you deserve. Great Post and an Tremendous Gift to us all. Upvoted and following. Would appreciate the same. :C)

Thank you, @cha-ching! We want to inspire a revolution in values, where people find deeper, more meaningful fulfillment by giving and sharing rather than mindless consuming. In truth, all people are selfish and act from selfish motives--we have just found a way to use our selfish desire (to do & feel good) to make the world a better place (by sharing our abundance)!!! Thanks for your support!

Wow! ... How cool is that? You guys are totally awesome :) ... definitely worth a full power vote here (still small , but hopefully it's the thought that counts) .. and I was just thinking this is the type of thing we should be seeing on the news, and/or just that good things like this should be the type of news that gets a lot of attention rather than the things that normally do.

Thank you so much for the support. Remember that $steem is real and it helps us help MANY. So the more votes we get the more people we help. So the more u help us get votes the more people you help!

Super grateful for your support, @betelzeus!!! This is the kind of thing we want to see in the world, so we make sure it happens in the world. :)

I need food 🍨

Come on by, @festus-ogef! We want to share!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

nice posting by you thanx for sharing

You're welcome, @sanks7!

Give with a good heart and you will be given.
The Magic of Giving will see you Never get Hungry, my friend.

Very kind words, and in our experience also very true! Thank you @patriciakm!


Thank you, @cryptocharts!

Send to Brazil pleeeeeease!!!!

One day we will have locations all over the world, and we will be able to help more people than ever before, but for now we are where we are.

That's awesome

Yeah, it's pretty fun! Thanks @hotrod!

Im There.

Happy to share with you, @hinnfinn!

Wow! That's amazing! You're doing a good thing! ;) :)

Thank you, @alovelymess! We do what we can with what we have where we are :)

Wow amazing idea

Thanks, @crisgojar!

Lovely gesture.. Keep up the good work!

Thank you, @skywalkerz!

Weldon, your doing t he right thing which is showing love and care.

Thank you, @hynet! Quinn has exemplary standards and shows us all how easy and fun it can be to care and love each other!

That is good

This is good. Glad to see this.

Thanks, @senor!

Thats is so nice!!!

We are the change!!!

Lovely food can vote on my page

Thanks, @tohamy7!

This is great , love from New York City

Thank you so much, @journeyoflife!

Food is Free! Looks like someone did some dumpster diving? The amount of waste in this world is mind-boggling. Thanks for raising awareness.

Almost unbelievable how many resources go to waste. There's more than enough of everything if we actually value what is available. Thanks for your support, and great name @foodisfree!

So true that our culture doesn't value food(and many other things) the way we could/should. As we start to reconnect with our food in even the smallest way, so much can change. How can we get these companies to stop throwing food away but instead donate it? If they get it to a non-profit there's no liability, so I really don't understand why throwing it away is normal. Crazy!

We're working with some companies in our area, and many of them are making weekly donations towards our outreach. Others are not so receptive and would rather abide by "corporate policy" and throw food in the trash. It's incredible that some are so set in their ways they they resist a solution that is in the best interest of all! Hopefully we'll see a significant shift in values soon as humanity continues to awaken.

What I don't understand is how they don't see it as a marketing opportunity to donate the food to non-profits and those in need and be able to share the awesome news with their customers. It would directly correlate to customer loyalty.

There's a serious problem with values in this country.

Most places in the states don't just throw them away, they pour bleach or toxic chemicals on the foods so nobody can get it for free from the bin.
Monsters :(((

That's just wrong. Either that or they lock their dumpsters. I think their biggest worry is liability but due to the Good Samaritan Food Act, they're protected as long as they donate it to a nonprofit. As awareness spreads more about this, more businesses will come around.

Just followed ya, @thatadvocate :)

Liability wise they're safe as long as they don't directly give it to someone...they don't need to destroy it.
When asked most businesses say it's to "protect profits" as if they allow it to be salvaged then whoever eats that is less likely to buy it in the store.

I'd hope so, but in this system (capitalism) there's no benefit to doing so nor any regard for others, so why would they waste their time doing something that doesn't make them money?

They are operating within a paradigm of scarcity. We can plant the future with seeds of abundance so nobody has to go to bed hungry. Let's line our neighborhoods with community gardens and fruit trees for the good of all!

Excellent post, some friends will do something similar in venezuela if you want to visit this post

It would be a lot of help a Resteem in that post!

Brilliant @gardenofeden !

We all have something worthwhile to give, to contribute to help. Big or small, to many or just to one...

Lead by example, is what I say!

Cheers and carry on!

​Niamaat​ aka Teacher Nia aka Prima Nia
English Language Coach and
Translator (Spanish to English)

P.S. “Be great because nothing else pays.” -– Grant Cardone

YES!! Everyone has something to contribute, everyone has worth and value to add to the greater good of all! Thank you, @prima-nia!

you people are earn more n more every day , by your one click the life of some one will be safe and some one will again live like you ...pleasure is all mine and i have a req to you plz accept it plz resteem and upvote my post this is for some she needs help and this post is for her help plz resteem , god will reward you

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Great work well done

Thank you, @wakeuppeople!

Awesome mission! "Whoever is kind/generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done". God will bless you more!

This is amazing what you guys are doing. I hope the best for you, and keep on being amazing.

Congratulations @gardenofeden

You took 71 place in my Top 100 of posts