Ghetto nachos: a blackout drunk delight

in food •  3 years ago 

When I was a kid or even when I was in college and didn't have very much money I just ate whatever. I didn't really pay any attention to what calories or carbs or fat or whatever was in what I consumed, I just made what I had available to me. It was late one night that me and my brother came up with a "brilliant" idea of how to make nachos (kinda) without going to the store.

It involves just 3 ingredients: Nacho Cheese Doritos, Tabasco, and whatever sort of cheese you happen to have.


It was late, I was drunk, and even though there is a 24 hour minimart that I can see from my balcony I decided that it was too far and I also didn't want to put pants on again. I had all the necessary ingredients for my ghetto nachos in my house already.

As you might expect, this isn't a terribly complicated process.

You just fill a plate with Doritos, chop up some cheese and put it all around - personally I like several layers of cheese - and then throw Tabasco all over it.


Then you pop it into the microwave for however the fuck long you feel like it. Maybe you watch it to make sure the cheese melts or to ensure that it doesn't over-melt and become a permanent part of the plate.... and maybe you don't. It doesn't really matter


The end result is something that kind of tastes like food and will also help you to have something in your belly after you have been drinking beer all day. I wish I could say that it was delightful but honestly, I don't think I've ever eaten this sober. Most of the time I will find the plate in the sink the next day with cooked cheese impossibly baked into the ceramic and be like "oh right, had ghetto nachos last night."

Why this isn't a competition dish on Hells Kitchen is something I will never understand.


So if you have access to a couple of dollars and a microwave, you too can be a world class blackout drunk chef like me. Have a try at it! It's damn near impossible to do it wrong!

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Ah, yes. I remember making this kind of trash when I was a stoned teenager at my buddies house, like, every other weekend. I'm glad this is a tradition passed down everywhere. Gooood times.

you never say to yourself afterwards "i'm glad I ate that!"