🍫Go Coco-NUTS for Homemade Creamy, Fudgy Chocolate Bars!🍫

in food •  7 years ago 

Did you know you could make your own chocolate bars? They're actually really easy to make (and they're healthier for you!)


Have you ever read a label on any of your favorite chocolate bars?

They're kind of scary... most of them sound like words from a chemistry textbook. What even are those things? Are they food or a lab experiment?

Anyways, I'm not a super big fan of ingredients like that so I decided that instead of giving up the treats I just LOVE, I would just make my own, healthier (more delicious) versions!

These guys are vegan (dairy-free, egg-free), processed sugar-free, gluten-free and, raw!

Best of all, they're delicious!


They look pretty good right? I can tell you they taste even better!

Come on and give them a try!


What you need:


  • 1/4 cup almonds
  • 1/2 cup dates
  • 1/4 cup raw cacao powder
  • 1 tbs coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp salt


  • 1 1/2 cup almonds (soaked over night)
  • 1 coconut (use the meat from inside, about 1 cup or 1 cup pre-made coconut cream)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or nut butter of choice)
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp sea salt


What to do:



  • Put all of the base ingredients into a food processor and pulse until thick, sticky texture comes to life!


  • Press small amounts into a tray or pan (whatever you want to use) to form a thin base layer.
    Make sure to use coconut oil to rub down whatever you add this mix to so it doesn't stick!


  • Put in freezer to set!


  • Add the almonds to the coconut meat with the syrup, milk, vanilla and salt and blend together.

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  • Once you have a cream, add in the nut butter and blend again until everything is mixed evenly.


  • Add on top of the base layer evenly.


  • Fight the temptation to eat it right away and put it in the freezer for about an hour or two to set.
  • Once it's frozen, either cut into bars or pop out of the containers and enjoy!


Can you believe it?


Your own, personalized chocolate bars, made that easily!


Wouldn't you rather this than the kind with the wrappers and crazy ingredients? ME TOO!


Feel free to eat a bunch, they're made with healthy ingredients!

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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives!
Just a friendly reminder to all that I am hosting a very vegan contest click here to see the post explaining how to get involved! Anyone can enter and anyone can win as long as you follow the rules! 💖

Until next time!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!

While you're here, check out some of my recent passion-filled posts and recipes!

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These look amazing! Got everything to make these... bookmarked. Love the mini-cake baking tray btw...

That came from NZ in my suitcase ;) I love it, it can be a little annoying to layer things in it but it's super fun when eating it ;) Let me know how they go, you might want a little more sweet. I don't like my desserts too sweet ;)

Me neither ;) Kicked off the overly sugary taste a long time ago hehe!

These look amazing!!! If you want to make something that's simple and quick yet delicious, you can just slowly melt some very high-quality dark chocolate 60% cocoa or higher in the microwave very slowly and stirring every 20 seconds so it doesn't break up. Then simply pour it on some parchment paper, and add some dried fruit or nuts. Then put it in the freezer for 5 minutes and there you have it some dark chocolate fruit/nut bark. If you're vegan, make sure the chocolate doesn't contain any milk/dairy.

AJ picked your post @heart-to-heart for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

Wow thank you so much @ajala for the winning position, I am flattered as ever =D

Ohhh yum, what would I give to have one of these divine chocolate bars right now!!! ❤️

<3 I am waiting ever patiently for that technology to come, I'd love to trade you some of my creations for yours <3

I'm in :)

I love your post! tip for your posts though. avoid bid bot for the next 24 hours as you're probably under a curator's radar ;) @heart-to-heart

Hi @deborism thank you so much for the comment and tip! What are your thoughts on bid bots? I'm only just hearing about them to be honest! Love to talk to you about it =D

I'm also on Discord if you like to chat further there ... @deborism #5857 Well there's an ongoing on bid-bots but I'm pretty neutral about it. I'm okay if one uses it just to help boost followers and appear trending, but ONLY if their content is worthy. Meaning if you're so unrecognized despite putting up great content, I feel it's better that you bid-bot rather than using the "promotion" feature :) But that's just my thoughts. I would recommend leaving it botless for the next 24 hours though. DM me in Discord to chat more... @heart-to-heart

I've just sent you a message there ;) Looking forward to continuing this <3

Yummm! These looks soooo good!! :X;x

They're delicious and so easy, give them a try :)

Your post has been featured in issue #2 of the MAKE IT HEALTHY PROJECT MAGAZINE. Another gorgeous recipe Heart, and I delight in sharing them because looking at this many people wouldn't believe it's actually healthy! I salute your culinary skills!

Oh thanks so much @woman-onthe-wing :) I seriously LOVE making desserts, I really think I got much more into it during SCC ;) <3 Thanks for the feature, I am honored to be in there and love that you've pursued making Steemit more healthy! XO

I'm happy to hear the SCC helped! I think it was a good starting point for quite a few people, myself included. I really don't know how you manage to write so many great posts and cook and run your contest too... do you sleep ever? haha! Anyway, it was my pleasure to share your deeeeeelicious recipe... I hope the sceptical lot come across it and realise veganism is not boring at all! :-)

Yes it definitely was! Steemit has really helped me grab onto that passion that I had but didn't take seriously!

Oh my goodness I wonder that myself. Well, I have been devoting specific time to the online world haha so trying not to get so sucked in here as I once was. Limits are important ;)
I sleep 9 hours a night believe it or not and actually do a lot during the day. I just spend most of my time creating in the kitchen ;) I don't have the puppies anymore though which is sad but frees up a lot of my time.

I think we're making progress with the skeptics. They'll come around :) <3

OMG WOW! would you marry me? :D I promise I'd go all vegan if you say yes :D

Hahaha if I would hate to force you into anything (that's a bad way to start a relationship) but if it gave the world another vegan, I would be up for it ;)

Dates!? Who would've thought! Have you ever just eaten the chocolate part by itself like a candy bar? Or does it stay more like fudge (gooier) in consistency?

I make the fudge part on its own often and love it! If you were to just freeze it, it would be great on it's own to grab and go but you can also eat it straight out of the processor, it's just kind of messy ;)

Thanks! I'll have to see if the kids will give it a try :)

Just don't tell them what it is and they'll love it! That's what I do with my nephew and he loves everything even though it's good for him ;)

I’m going cuckoo-nuts over these pictures!!

Aawwww hey Oleg <3 We can have them at our picnic with @kubbyelizabeth

Hello, sweet Cece-nut! ;)

Of course they look really good. But I've gotten so used to no (or so limited) sugar that I'm not even tempted to make them. As I'm sitting here chomping on asparagus spears :)

I have good news and bad news about the burger project. I went to town and tried the new chain store (Sprouts). Nope. I did get a pound of non vegan patties and have had the first one. Pretty good, taste was fine but it ended up a little dry. Need a slice of tomato. Otherwise, thumbs up.

I will keep looking for the burgers you featured, but not much hope today. These do let me have a burger with out the meat, and that's pretty ok.

These are not actually very sweet. Despite my constant making of desserts, I do it more out of loving the creation process than wanting to eat them. I like savory and salty things more ;)

I wish I had some asparagus. They grow it here sometimes but it's just too expensive that I avoid it. Now I'll be craving it though and my seeds didn't take. Such a bummer.

You just got a Sprouts? I love that store! Seriously love it! I'm so happy for you. I would love to video shop with you... I only miss grocery shopping in the states ;)

You know that tends to be the problem with the patties. I've been making tons of versions of my own. I think it has something to do with having to be able to freeze it that throws it off because fresh, they are incredible!

The websites have find me in store features, maybe we should try to see where is close to you or online?

Wow, these look delicious! I'll be giving these a try.
It's nice to see plant based recipes (mostly raw at that) :)

Hi @solsticefoods! I do a lot of raw recipes, these are raw actually! I just got an oven so I'm kind of in baking stuff I have been craving mode right now but I have a lean towards raw normally. I'm happy to hear you enjoy them :)

Give me sooooommmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Adding this to list.

Awwww...you see why i love you! Incredibly sweet.

Your bars are all I wish to have right now, and really awesome that you use almonds instead of cashew nuts, that must taste so delish!

I am feeling very inspired right now, perhaps I will just start to explore new recipes in the kitchen instead of sleeping, what do you think?:)

Haha well, sleep is for the people not eating delicious vegan food. Everyone knows if you're eating plant based you don't need to sleep anymore ;) Come on girl!

Almonds are easier for me to get but funny you say that because I am partial to cashews usually... actually not true, I love all nuts but I have to use whatever I have at the moment ;)

Haha yea I think I just forgot about that for a moment! I actually sleep very little mostly, with a toddler and big dreams, I use the nights when he is asleep for my passion. During the day I manage to bake and take pictures and in the evenings and night I do the blogging, social media and so on. But I don't get tired very easy as long as I eat a lot of healthy food.
The vegan lifestyle is really PERFECT for people with big goals in life!😘😉

food is very tasty, I really want to try the cuisine @heart-to-heart.

It's so easy to make! I hope you give it a try :)

Seeing these bars made my mouth water, thanks for sharing the recipe! :)

You are so welcome sharing these recipes is my passion :) Happy you liked them!

Hmm, this looks amazing!
Need to try it out ✨

How did I miss this post...oh my goodness. I actually have all of this on hand. This could be dangerous.... How do you cook like this and stay so slim ? lol
Resteemed for reference!