Food #3 Korea buckwheat noodles (영종도 동해막국수)

in food •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today, I would like to recommend Korea traditional food

Yeongjongdo (영종도) 동해막국수 is so famous and popular in Incheon.

Makguksu is a traditional dish of Gangwon-do, made of buckwheat noodles.
In summer, many korean enjoy this food.

Suyuk is Boiled Pork Slices.
It was very soft and good mouthfeel when eating with seasoned pollack.

It is recommended try to have it together : )

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i dont know , what's it , but i wanted to try it :)

Try ~ You will ^_^ You will not disappointed.

i will be happy if you look my post

헉, 여기는 그 맛나다는 동해막국수!!! 사진만 봐도 침이 고입니다.

네! 이벤트 여실 때 동해막국수는 다녀오셨다는 글 봤어요~~ 전 사실 막국수는 so so 했는데 여기 수육에 명태식해 같이 먹는게 정말 맛나더라구요 ^_^

국수 보쌈 둘다 좋아하는데 영종도 가면 꼭 먹어 봐야 겠어요

네 저도 여기 가족의 소개로 갔는데 줄이 어마어마 하더라구요! 식사 시간을 조금 피해서 가시는것을 추천드립니다 ^_^

I want to try this!

Great! Upvoted!

Thanks :D

That looks really yummy! Ive never had kore food, I must try this :)

Hi, I think you will not disappointed :D Thank you!

사진이 기가 막히네요.. 맛은 더 기가 막히겠죠^^