Microwave - is it unhealthy?

in food •  6 years ago  (edited)

There are only few households nowadays that do not have a microwave. But are we aware of how it actually works? And is it good for us to use?!


Microwaves work at high frequency to penetrate through the molecules of your food (water, sugar, fat) and make it hot. Undoubtedly, it is fast, easy and convenient. But is it healthy?
The radiation changes the chemical structure of food by deforming its molecules, which doesn't happen in a traditional way of cooking.

There are studies which prove that re-heating women's milk, destroys the elements responsible for the immune system. At the same time, the amount of pathogenic bacteria is increasing.

Also, there was an experiment when the same two plants were watered with either microwaved water or gas-heated water, one of them died pretty quickly as there was no minerals to absorb from. It's not difficult to guess which type of water caused it.

Now you know.. It's up to you what you do with it.

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