Albume, nutritional properties and uses of light egg.

in food •  7 years ago 

The egg white is the light part of the egg, excellent for our diet. Let's see together the nutritional values, their properties and how we can use it in the kitchen, but not only.


Albumin: what is it?

Inside the egg, egg white is one of the main elements along with the yolk. These two ingredients are completely different and separate, and have specific peculiarities.

In fact, albumin is a transparent liquid of color that is arranged in three layers: the two outer ones are liquid and come into contact with the shell. The inner and central layer, which on the other hand touches the yolk, is more viscous.

The task of egg whites is to protect the buds from the attack of bacteria.

It is a viscous substance, nitrogenated, soluble in water, which coagulates (ie freezes) at a temperature
about 65 ° C, as well as contact with an acid or alcohol.

Nutritional values

Albumin is composed of 90% water, while around 10% is composed of proteins called ovalbumin, known for the richness of essential amino acids. Very few are the calories, as well as the intake of carbohydrates and fats.

Precisely for this reason, it is considered a lean ingredient, also suitable for those who follow a low calorie diet or have high cholesterol problems.

Vitamin A, vitamin B6, l 'folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin D are present, although in small amounts.

Then we also find mineral salts, among which we find magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and sodium. Finally we have carbohydrates, especially glucose.

What is it for?

The album has many properties, mostly related to its protein characteristics. Let's see some:

  • Improves muscle tone: thanks to protein albumin, athletes and those who practice body building often consume this ingredient, even in the form of bars, to strengthen muscles.

  • Antibacterial for oily hair: thanks to vitamin B, it improves the shine and strength of hair, avoiding the unpleasant effect of oily hair. You can pour the whipped egg white directly on the hair and leave for half an hour. Use it only on oily hair.

  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory: called ovomucoidi proteins reduce inflammation of the muscles, as in the case of distortions.


What to cook with egg white

Like egg yolks, even egg whites are present in many recipes and you can really enjoy their consumption in both sweet and salty preparations.

Thanks to the vertical and binding action on tasty and sweet dishes, they can be used in many ways.

There are different confectionery preparations that only whites use: meringues, as well as the famous cat tongues, nougat and even marshmallows.

Then you can prepare mousses, semifreddos and royal frosting to decorate cakes and cookies.

Among the tasty dishes, who said you can not make an omelet light using only egg whites? The same applies to crepes.

How heavy is an albumin?

To orientate yourself with the recipes, know that the albumin of a medium egg weighs between 30 and 32 grams and it takes approximately 33 to make 1 liter.

How to eat egg whites

The egg white egg hurts if eaten raw, unlike what happens with egg yolks. The risk of salmonella is in fact related to raw or lightly cooked egg whites.

Similarly, fear of avidin, a substance that, if raw, can prevent the absorption of vitamin H.

Therefore, the clear should always be lyophilized, cooked or pasteurized, in order to eliminate any trace of bacteria dangerous to our health. In addition, raw albumin is not easily digestible, so it is best to avoid it.

What does pasteurized albumin mean?

To ensure a longer shelf life and greater safety against germs, the egg white is pasteurized at a temperature between 68 ° and 74 °, without coagulation.

This process allows:

  • Longer useful life, up to 8-10 weeks.

  • Preserves the nutritional qualities of fresh eggs at the same time.

  • Destroys germs, even those that are more resistant to heat (for example, the bird flu virus can only be destroyed at temperatures above 70 °).

  • It also retains the functional properties, that is, the binding, emulsifying, coloring, flavoring and anticrystallizing properties.

How to store it

If it is separated from the fresh egg, it should be used within 1 day and kept in a closed container in the refrigerator.

However, there are several versions on the market that allow longer storage times.

  • Pasteurized liquid. It is often found in bottles or tetrapack and is the most commonly used. Preserves the functional characteristics of eggs in shell. It lasts from 7 to 28 days in the refrigerator and must be used within 48 hours after opening.

  • Frozen liquid. Salt and sugar are added for storage. It can last up to 2 years in the freezer. To use it must first be defrosted.

  • Powdered . A drying process by nebulization reduces it to oil. It loses some functional qualities, but it can last up to 24 months at room temperature.

  • To concentrate . Salt and sugar are added for storage. When used, you need to add water and keep it for up to 1 year at room temperature.

How to separate it from the yolk

There are several methods. Here are the main ones.

  • Break the shell in half and then slowly pour the light part into a bowl and slide the yolk into the other half of the shell.

  • Using a large mesh strainer, in which the yolk will remain, the light part will fall into the container.

  • Using a large mouth water bottle that must first be crushed to expel the air and then suck the yolk in a bowl.

Then, there are small silicone containers that separate the two components, pushing the yolk and holding the white.

How to use it in an alternative way

Albume as an anti-inflammatory

A compress composed of flour and egg white extends directly over the affected area. She wraps herself with the movie and leaves herself in a pose all night. It should become difficult over the hours, just as a function of its effectiveness.

As a thickener

The egg white can be used in the kitchen to thicken a preparation, both in desserts (think panna cotta) and in salty (in the filling of fresh pasta ade sempio).

Like a yeast

Even in the kitchen you can use the whipped snow instead of the yeast. During cooking, 'prepare' the preparation making it soft, light and fluffy. Everyone knows the soufflé, but they also know how difficult it is to keep it high even after taking it out of the oven.

In desserts and preparations for baking in general, the clear snowfalls promote the increase in volume during cooking.

As a fertilizer

Here is a very surprising recipe for natural fertilizer. All you need is 1 egg white and a little water.

Mix vigorously the clear with 125 ml of water and continue mixing them in the container for 5 days. Then add 1 liter of water, mix again and water.

Your plants will greatly appreciate this simple natural fertilizer.

As a glue

Perhaps not everyone knows that egg white is also a waterproof and moisture resistant glue, which can be spread with a brush on paper and cardboard. Once even used to put labels on bottles.

It also has the ability to waterproof the paper, just spend more hands. A variant is to mix equal parts of clear water and water and pass the hot iron over the surfaces to be glued.

If you mix the albumin with lime powder, you get a high strength glue, perfect for attacking broken objects.

As an ingredient of beauty

As often happens, from the pantry and the refrigerator, you can often find ingredients that are a true panacea for solving small skin problems. In part, we have already seen its multiple uses as a natural remedy.

Egg whites, thanks to their high protein intake, actually help the skin, purify it, attenuate wrinkles and actively fight against stains. Here are two recipes that are easy to repeat at home.

As a purifier for the face

Here is a recipe to take advantage of its purifying action. Divide the egg white from the yolk and beat the egg white with a fork. Use a small brush and a small piece of toilet paper.

Spread the toilet paper on your nose, forehead and chin and spread the egg white over it with the brush. Leave it for half an hour and then carefully remove the paper.

Rinse your face carefully and use a good moisturizer. You will see that the skin will be dry and purified, useful for those with pimples problems and oily skin.

  • Pasteurized liquid. It is often found in bottles or tetrapack and is the most commonly used. Preserves the functional characteristics of eggs in shell. It lasts from 7 to 28 days in the refrigerator and must be used within 48 hours after opening.

  • Frozen liquid. Salt and sugar are added for storage. It can last up to 2 years in the freezer. To use it must first be defrosted.

  • Powdered . A drying process by nebulization reduces it to oil. It loses some functional qualities, but it can last up to 24 months at room temperature.

  • To concentrate . Salt and sugar are added for storage. When used, you need to add water and keep it for up to 1 year at room temperature.

How to separate it from the yolk

There are several methods. Here are the main ones.

  • Break the shell in half and then slowly pour the light part into a bowl and slide the yolk into the other half of the shell.

  • Using a large mesh strainer, in which the yolk will remain, the light part will fall into the container.

  • Using a large mouth water bottle that must first be crushed to expel the air and then suck the yolk in a bowl.

Then, there are small silicone containers that separate the two components, pushing the yolk and holding the white.

How to use it in an alternative way

Albume as an anti-inflammatory

A compress composed of flour and egg white extends directly over the affected area. She wraps herself with the movie and leaves herself in a pose all night. It should become difficult over the hours, just as a function of its effectiveness.

As a thickener

The egg white can be used in the kitchen to thicken a preparation, both in desserts (think panna cotta) and in salty (in the filling of fresh pasta ade sempio).

Like a yeast

Even in the kitchen you can use the whipped snow instead of the yeast. During cooking, 'prepare' the preparation making it soft, light and fluffy. Everyone knows the soufflé, but they also know how difficult it is to keep it high even after taking it out of the oven.

In desserts and preparations for baking in general, the clear snowfalls promote the increase in volume during cooking.

As a fertilizer

Here is a very surprising recipe for natural fertilizer. All you need is 1 egg white and a little water.

Mix vigorously the clear with 125 ml of water and continue mixing them in the container for 5 days. Then add 1 liter of water, mix again and water.

Your plants will greatly appreciate this simple natural fertilizer.

As a glue

Perhaps not everyone knows that egg white is also a waterproof and moisture resistant glue, which can be spread with a brush on paper and cardboard. Once even used to put labels on bottles.

It also has the ability to waterproof the paper, just spend more hands. A variant is to mix equal parts of clear water and water and pass the hot iron over the surfaces to be glued.

If you mix the albumin with lime powder, you get a high strength glue, perfect for attacking broken objects.

As an ingredient of beauty

As often happens, from the pantry and the refrigerator, you can often find ingredients that are a true panacea for solving small skin problems. In part, we have already seen its multiple uses as a natural remedy.

Egg whites, thanks to their high protein intake, actually help the skin, purify it, attenuate wrinkles and actively fight against stains. Here are two recipes that are easy to repeat at home.

As a purifier for the face

Here is a recipe to take advantage of its purifying action. Divide the egg white from the yolk and beat the egg white with a fork. Use a small brush and a small piece of toilet paper.

Spread the toilet paper on your nose, forehead and chin and spread the egg white over it with the brush. Leave it for half an hour and then carefully remove the paper.

Rinse your face carefully and use a good moisturizer. You will see that the skin will be dry and purified, useful for those with pimples problems and oily skin.


Against sunspots

The whitening power of the clearing can be used to regulate another problem that afflicts so many people, that of sunspots. You will need to:

  • 1 egg white

  • Half a spoonful of honey

  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Preparation . In a bowl, mix lemon and egg white, then add the honey and mix everything to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Spread it on the dry, clean skin of your face and wait at least 15 minutes. Then wash them carefully and you will notice a clear exfoliating effect.

Some curiosities about albumin

Egg white is a mixture of 90% water and 10% protein, half of which is ovalbumin, which is basically a surfactant. These proteins can be seen as 'balls'.

The air bubbles are introduced when the egg white is beaten. In fact, the introduction of air into the aqueous part does not itself cause the formation of foam. Instead, it is the proteins that, when the eggs are beaten, "unroll" and surround the air bubbles, keeping them in the watery part and preventing them from spilling.

Continue beating more and more proteins unwind (ie, denaturing) and the unwound protein filaments begin to bind together: then coagulation begins. Prolonged typing introduces new bubbles, while those already present are divided into smaller and smaller bubbles.

At this point, the proteins form an irregular network that imprisons the water and the latter imprisons the air bubbles.

If you hit the foam too much, you will "dismount". It means that the coagulation is excessive, that is, the lattice is too dense and the air bubbles are too small. In this case, the proteins can not remain in solution and the water drains out of the network, without being able to return.

When beating the albumin of 1 medium egg, approximately 250 ml of mousse are obtained.

Small tricks to beat with hard snow that we find in the recipes usually add a small amount of salt or lemon juice or vinegar.

The acid substance facilitates the increase in volume and makes the compound more stable. From the chemical point of view, it is the hydrogen ions contained in the acid that break the weak intramolecular bonds that favor the unwinding of the proteins and, therefore, facilitate coagulation around the air bubbles. This avoids reaching the aqueous phase in which the bubbles explode and the liquid separates from the foam.

The salt acts in a similar way, which accelerates the coagulation, but does not help to stabilize the foam.

Because it turns white

The white becomes white when cooked due to albumin, a protein substance contained in it, which coagulates with heat, if it is higher than a certain value (65 °) and if it comes in contact with an acid substance or alcohol.

Specifically, the proteins float in the aqueous part. The increase in temperature leads to "breaking": ovevro denatures them. Proteins, once denatured, meet and unite, forming a network that traps water molecules.

During coagulation, white becomes white, changes in consistency and flavor. It is said that it grows together.

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