6.8.2018 lunch box (유부초밥, fried soybean curd sushi)

in food •  6 years ago 


Today's lunch box

spicy California roll 캘리포니아롤
fried soybean curd sushi 유부초밥
spam sushi 스팸초밥
fruit 과일

How to make fried soybean curd sushi
유부 초밥 만드는 법


fried soybean curd kit (marinated tofu, sauce, lemon sauce, flake) 유부초밥 패키지
2 bowls of rice 밥2공기

1/2 potato 감자
1/4 onion 양파
1/4 bell pepper 피망
1/4 spam 스팸
olive oil 올리브오일


  1. Heat olive oil into a skillet over medium- high heat
    올리브오일을 넣고 팬을 달궈줍니다
  2. Add spam and potato first, cook 2~3 minute
    스팸과 감자를 먼저 넣고 2~3분 볶아 줍니다
  3. Add onion and bell pepper ,cook until softened
    양파와 피망을 넣고 야채들이 익을때 까지 볶아줍니다
  4. prepare 2cups of rice in a big bowl
    큰 통에 밥 2컵을 준비해줍니다
  5. pour fried veggies into a big bowl and mix with rice, sauce, lemon sauce, flake
    볶아둔 야채를 큰통에 붓고 소스들과 플레이크와 함께 밥과 섞습니다
    6.open the pack of marinated tofu and squeeze it to remove liquid
    유부를 꺼내서 물기제거를 위해 꽉 짜줍니다
  6. Fill the tofu pouch with rice which is mixed with veggies and sauces
    유부를 야채와 섞어둔 밥으로 채웁니다
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