Sanger merupakan campuran kopi hitam, susu kental dan gula. Secara fisik, sanger memang mirip kopi susu atau caffee latte. Tapi jangan salah, sanger bukan kopi susu biasa. Tak semua para pembuat minuman kopi di bisa membuat sanger. Karena untuk membuat sanger takaran kopi , susu kental dan gula harus pas. Setelah kopi diseduh dengan saringan dari kain yang bentuknya kerucut, lalu ditambah dengan susu kental plus sedikit gula dan dikocok sampai berbuih. Meski sudah bercampur dengan susu, aroma kopi tetap mendominasi. Itulah yang menyebabkan sanger bukan kopi susu biasa. Konon untuk mendapatkan sanger yang nikmat, campuran susu dan gula hanya sedikit saja. Sanger dapat dinikmati panas maupun dingin. Untuk menyeruput nikmatnya sanger. Harga satu gelas sanger panas antara 5 ribu sampai 6 ribu. Sanger dingin antara 7 ribu sampai 8 ribu. Sanger adalah minuman khas Aceh.
Sanger is a mixture of black coffee, condensed milk and sugar. Physically, sanger is like coffee milk or caffee latte. But make no mistake, sanger is not an ordinary milk coffee. Not all the coffee makers in can make sanger. Because to make sanger dose of coffee, condensed milk and sugar should fit. After the coffee brewed with a filter of cone-shaped cloth, then added with condensed milk plus a little sugar and whipped until bubbly. Although already mixed with milk, the aroma of coffee still dominate. That's what causes sanger instead of ordinary milk coffee. It is said to get a delicious sanger, a mixture of milk and sugar just a little. Sanger can be enjoyed both hot and cold. To sip the pleasure of sanger. The price of one glass of hot sanger between 5 thousand to 6 thousand. Sanger cold between 7 thousand to 8 thousand. Sanger is a typical Aceh drink.
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