- Panela of papelon. 1 panela
- Wheat flour. Half a kilogram
- Butter. 4 spoons
- Clove sweet.
- Cinnamon ground or in pieces.
- Sodium bicarbonate. A teaspoon.
- Baking powder. A spoonful.
Since we have all the elements we can start with the preparation.

In a pot or saucepan, put the brown sugar panela to boil with 4 large cups of water and add a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of clove sweet, let it boil until the panela is completely melted.
After melting, let cool and strain the preparation to remove the remains of cinnamon and cloves.

In a previously greased tray we are going to empty the mixture and take it to the oven for 20 minutes.

In this case we decided to make the catalina like a cake, but if you like to make them as cookies you should only put on the tray small balls leaving about 3 cm between them, taking into account that at the time of cooking tend to expand and grow.
This is how our Catalina cake was left, spongy and with an exquisite flavor. Did you like the recipe?

¡Have a nice week!