in food •  7 years ago 

That was some good information to learn!

Here on the homestead, we like real food and reusing and using as much as we can. If we harvest an animal to eat, we don't stop at just the meat. There are a lot more uses than just whatever meat may be on that animal. Lately, I've been working on learning how to tan some hides. Additionally, we love using the bones to make some very healthy broth.


These are the things that were once common years ago. Now, broth comes from the store, right? Well, not on our homestead.

With the rise in what I would call "fake food" and "compromised nutrition" we like taking matters into our own hands. For all of the supposed greatness of the intellect of man, we sure seem to be falling short on some issues. Have you ever noticed the incredible rise of very small children with mouths already full of fake, metal teeth. I don't think that they are just trying to look "crunk" or "gansta."

Much like other parts of our bodies, teeth need certain minerals and nutrients to stay healthy and avoid deterioration. Bone broth is one healthy way to not only improve the health of our teeth, but also our entire bodies. By slow-cooking bones, especially after soaking them in a mixture of vinegar and water, many necessary minerals and healthy compounds like proline, collagen, glycine and glutamine can be extracted from the bones and made available in the broth.

Especially as winter approaches, boosting the immune system and keeping the body nourishes is especially important, and making our own bone broth is one great way to accomplish this.


Until recently, we only used the bones once, and we thought that we had gotten all that we could from them. However, our researcher @mama-pepper came across some vital information. Apparently, you can use and reuse the bones. Bones from larger animals like cows can be used over ten times! Smaller animals, like chickens, usually exhaust their benefits after three times, but still! That's three times the benefits that we can now get from the same bones.

When considering how to get the most out of harvested animals, this is excellent information. As I said, we just learned about this. Is this also news to you? Have you ever made your own broth using bones, or do you remember your parents or grandparents making it? Did you already know that you could reuse bones in broth?

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @papa-pepper for sharing how we can reuse bones nutrient multiple times, which makes cooking bone broth very affordable. Many studies have indicated that the nutrients in bone broth can benefit patients with arthritis particularly osteoarthritis, but some for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis as well.This information should be shared to all arthritis patients.

Very cool! I didn't know that, but excellent point!

I make bone broth often, and boil them down with the meat, fat, and skin scraps until the bones are almost mush! I even use my blender and make a puree out of it all when the bones get soft enough. Sounds kinda gross but added back into the broth its really delicious and super rich in minerals!

It may sound gross, but it is so good for you! Way to go, stay healthy!

I never tried that!! Next time, I will puree them and see what happens....

It's surprisingly good, sometimes a little chalky at the bottom of the pot but if you have veggies like squash or potato in your soup it helps. I really like the idea of using as much of the animal as possible. As a breastfeeding mother I need all the calcium and other bone building minerals I can get! And where better to get them from?

Thank you for sharing!

We make our own bone broth too. But this is the first time I have heard that the bones could be reused. We make plenty of broth and then freeze it because we don't have ready access to canning jars here. I love to use the broth plain (hot drink) as a soup base and for any recipe that calls for broth and even substitute in recipes calling for water. So much healthier than that junk in the paper boxes in the supermarket.

Glad that now you know! I think anyone who makes bone broth anyway should be very happy to learn this! Thanks!

A cup of hot broth is an Ambrosia from the Gods!
Delicious, nutritious and easy

I would have to agree!

I find this so fascinating, I myself love good, homemade broth! This kind of broth is great for staying healthy all year!

Oh yeah Papa... question, after cooking, do you eat the whole thing? or is just for flavor purpose? Here in Spain we have some soups in which we cook with the cow bone, and the inside of the bone is considered a delicattesen

We eat all that we can, but in the end some of the bone is usually discarded. It can be a good treat for some animals, or used in the garden too, so at least it is not wasted.

We call it the Bone’s Brain in Russian

@papa-pepper it is good for bone formation, and you will also get calcium from it

Oh yes! Lots of good stuff! Thanks @polaleye50!

You are welcome!

My wife makes soup from bones all the time. The soup in the store is no longer to our liking. We also use the broth when making grains instead of water. This really improves the grains. Day after Thanksgiving the turkey is all cut up and the soup is on. We get a whole ham and cut it into steaks and use the bones and skin for broth. I think her favorite is chicken thighs and legs. I love the legs for a meal and she used the thighs for her soup.

I'll have to tell @mama-pepper about cooking grains in it! Good choice!

Bone broth is the best!! Right after harvesting the chickens, I use the heads and feet to make the first broth. And for sure - the bones get used until they are so soft that they brake apart.
I learned about using the bones over last year and am so glad!!! Cheap and delicious!! And honoring the animal by using every bit of it.

I'm so hungry

Myamii ! @papa-pepper , it look's very delicious ! & all informations are news for me to know , thank you for sharing :)

Thank you for checking it out!

Good post! Thanks for sharing this information with us

Glad that you liked it! Thanks!

Good stuff! I do this whenever I make a chicken in the crock pot. Thanks for the great tips.

Very good stuff! Thanks @eightyyroldself!

use everything except for the squeal.
nothing goes to waste.

Excellent post.I usually make my broth with the bones I buy from the local butchers. I usually let them boil in a pressure cooker. I never knew you could reuse the bones over and over, am gonna try it. Thanks for sharing the info :)

Woww..I really thought its only us whose doing it here in remote area of Mindanao philippines. Its good to know....Thank you for the post @papa-pepper.

No, it is still us too!

Thanks for this.. I heard a ton about bone broth by everyone from body ecology authors to homeopathic doctor youtubers about its benefits so I need to start making this.

Here's some great info on bone broth, plus recipes!

I recently cooked our goat bones for 48 hrs. I wonder if you use up all the goodness in one go-round if you go that long the first time?

Wow I never knew.. I'm going to have to try this. @originalworks

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Give it a try! Glad to hear you are learning and applying!

And I still want to talk to you :) Give me a time and I make it happen....

Yes, right! ME TOO!

We love making bone broth, but I had no idea you could reuse the bones! Does @mama-pepper have any information on how much goodness you can expect from each time? In other words, does the 'quality' go down fast or slow?

Not sure, but I'll ask! Reusing them is such good info to have, I am glad that now you know!


I once thought about making bone broth a few years ago, but was told it wasn't a good idea using gas stoves to make it, as it takes so long and you'd need to watch the fire more or less permanently to make sure nothing went wrong and the house burned down.

Are you using some kind of specialized appliance for cooking stuff for a long time (slow cooker ? not sure of the name) ?

that's my favorite @papa-pepper. I used to cook it in a slow heat after boil for 1 and a half hour. It taste really good. one of the best soup in the world.

Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper.

Looks good.

Thanks for sharing some info on his. I've decided to make an effort to make broth on a regular basis. I didn't know before that you could reuse the bones though...

That is news to me. I will be passing this along to my wife as soon as i see her. Do you freeze the bones between uses?

You can either make multiple batches right away or freeze the bones in between. Good question!

Are you the supplier for Alex Jones?

Alex's has the next level of bone broth - CAVEMAN :)

I love those vids!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yeah they're excellent :)

I made an alex jones meme earlier on dmania with him promoting steemit :)


I can remember bone broth as a kid, then there is a vague recollection of the bones in a bag, on the driveway being ground down to dust, and that being thrown on the veggie garden. It was a forerunner to speed bumps, the car and the tractor ran over it every time they went anywhere.
Another treat was the fat from cooking was poured into a bowl to set. Next time the fat was dug out of the bowl and put in the frypan or oven dish, afterwards, it was put back into the bowl.
Over a period there was a layer at the bottom of the bowl, dark, almost black, jelly-like stuff that was a favourite on bread. I don't remember whether the fat or the jelly was called dripping, but it disappeared very quickly.

Interesting, and what a way to grind the bones down for garden use! Very cool!

They were just there, and every now and then it would be a different bag, at 9 - 10 year old I didn't really care.

Oh my goodness! I never even thought about using the bones more than once to make broth! Thanks for the great info! Have a great day!

We never knew that you COULD use them more than once! News that good just has to be shared! Thank you!

Opinions vary and so does the research and claims. I suppose that all food could be evaluated both ways and in the end we could conclude that it is healthiest to eat nothing... and to eat everything.

Thanks for sharing though.

Well no. Opinions are all fine and good but the evidence leans more towards one side of the argument than the other.

Point being, if you make claims, it would be nice to see the proof of those claims included in your work. For the benefit of your audience.

Hey, thanks for taking the time to look at the links I shared. ;)

That is so right

Bones are an essential ingredient in mom's chicken soup. I didn't know you could use chicken bones three times and beef bones ten times. A lot of goodness in there!

@papa-pepper I love making my own broth :) I have to buy my bones around here :/ Best wishes to you and your family :)
Putting together a Christmas tree contest, for some holiday fun. Hope you check it out :)

Glad to hear it, in the past we have bought bones too. I'll try to swing by later on!

You made me remember my grandmother, she was very good in making it. She was also using beef bones and I remember that it was very tasty and healthy as well :)

Glad to hear that you remember that. Good memories to have!

In my country, bone soup or bone broth is a common delicacies but we are mostly using beef/cow bones.

You know. You really get the most out of the marrow when you use ALL of the animal in a broth

True story!

Was the normal for us to reuse them all, have never heard of using vinegar for them tho. I do can mine!

Supposedly the vinegar helps extract the good stuff! Thanks!

You are right, it is necessary things must be exploited all of the bones and vegetables and the list is long
To keep our health the most important thing in life is health
I will take advice and use it Thank you very much for this useful and good topic
You have me upvote and follow
Good luck bro. @papa-pepper
I enjoyed excellent health and especially together winter

Great post, Mr. Pepper! I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with great friends and their (grown) kids cooked the main course. When it came time to divvy up the leftovers, we called dibs on the turkey bones. Young fella asked why.
A few days later we dropped off a tub of homemade turkey broth and barley soup. We wrote "use in case of illness" on the jar and stuck it in their freezer.
Sampling our broth, I got an immediate nutrient buzz. The fat and broth was thick and goopy, but a few spoonfuls cured my daily aches.
Bone broth counts as "organ meats" and has wonderful curing properties.

Looking really nice and juicy. Can you also post a recipe?

I'll talk to @mama-pepper and let you know.

I would be really thankful to you. Thanks