in food •  7 years ago 

A big thanks to @armadillocreek for this one!

On our recent trip to visit various Missouri homesteaders, we were gifted some quail eggs from @armadillocreek. Actually, it was 54 quail eggs to be exact. Since we hope to one day enjoy raising our own quail, we were excited to see how the eggs tasted ahead of time. We were hoping that quail could provide a meat and eggs source for us.


Compared to this larger chicken egg, these tiny quail eggs may not seem like much. However, they pack quite a punch, and we were blessed to be able to finally try them. Unlike @mama-pepper and @papa-pepper, who had to wait until their adult life to taste something like this, the @little-peppers are getting started early.

We wanted to keep it simple this time, so we just went for hard boiled eggs this time. We brought some water almost to a boil and then added eighteen of the little eggs. After boiling them for about two minutes, we removed them.

At that point, we placed them in a bowl of ice water to cool them.

We allowed them to cool for a couple minutes, and then we were excited to give them a try.

We decided to add them to our meal, which also featured some pickled Chinese noodle beans that we had grown in our garden and canned. Along with our quesadillas, this was going to be one tasty meal... we hoped.

They peeled easily, just like a regular hard boiled egg. One interesting thing that surprised us was the pale blue inside of the shell. All of the eggs that we tried seemed to share this characteristic.

This was my first attempt at eating a hard boiled quail egg, and I was excited. Here it goes!

Sure enough, it was tasty! Though it was pretty similar to a hard boiled chicken egg, but different in a way that I can't explain. Personally, I really enjoyed them, and am looking forward to trying the thirty six that we still have left.

To make things even tastier, we then added some black pepper and some smoked salt that we were given by @mericanhomestead! That stuff is so tasty anyway, but it made these little eggs even more delicious!


The @little-peppers were very excited to try them too, especially Monster Truck the Pepper and Pinkie-Pepper who were able to meet the very quail that laid these eggs when we visited @armadillocreek!

Each of the @little-peppers not only tried an egg, but they came back for more! I think that the size and novelty of it had something to do with it, but novelty only gets you so far. If it doesn't taste good, no child will be asking for more.

Not that are children are picky eaters, but they really enjoyed these and definitely want more! Like us, they can't wait to one day enjoy raising our own quail. It was a very tasty dinner!


The hard boiled quail eggs were excellent, and we will definitely try them again. However, at the moment we have a limited supply and are looking to try something different. That said, who knows another good way to cook quail eggs?

We are hoping to eat some more tomorrow, so please reply with your recipes. We can't wait to try eating these a few more ways in the near future! Thanks in advance for your help!

Also, a big thanks to @armadillocreek for giving the gift of quail eggs, to @freedompoint for driving us around that day up in Missouri, and @mericanhomestead for gifting us that tasty smoked salt! Steemians like you are what make this community what it is! THANKS!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



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Big boss I thought you would be interested this is what a quail egg scissor looks like. It is used to easily and swiftly remove the tip of the egg to extract the contents as you have probably seen its rather tough with a knife or such like as the shell is very brittle and small..




PS: To quickly extract/remove the shell from the boiled egg put a few eggs in a largish glass jar shake a little (not too hard) remove the eggs and whalla.

Interesting! Thanks!

I had forgotten all about those! I've heard of them before though.

Edit above contents not contests LOL, I have contests on the brain, hint hint wink wink. Ya my Dad came to visit December and brought 200 quail eggs with those scissors it makes life soooo much easier.. Cheer$;)

I want to add that the shell of quail egg is very useful in its content an some are eating them together with an egg (shell is very thin). But if that is not up to your taste, it is suggested to chop them fine and mix with lemon juice 1:1.

I love quail egg. Here in the Philippines we have a different style of cooking it . Here's how.

We batter it by putting a drops of orange food coloring into the water. Mix flour with a small pinch of salt and pepper. Mix well to avoid lumps.

Cover the peeled eggs with flour then drop them into the batter. Make sure its fully covered. Deep fry until the batter is crispy.

Best serve with a sauce.

Wow, that sounds very interesting.

Here in Italy ( Just across the border fm where I live in Switzerland) you can get quail eggs at the local grocery store...they come in 6-packs, are slightly more expensive than regular eggs, but are mostly always available...I used to use them also for scrambled eggs...quite yummy! Enjoyed yr post by the way...(yr little peppers are adorable,,,)

very interesting. Ive never ate quail eggs before

Looks great! I have tried Quail eggs before, they were great, but we fried them. I think they kind of tasted like a normal chicken egg but with a kind of cheesy taste.

hey papa, they are sooo good! join the radio on friday with @Pennsif, i'll be talking about raising quails. if you are thinking about doing it let me know :)

i love quail eggs... i remember i used to buy in the mini shop a boiled quail egg for 1 peso i think.. haha i cant really remember now .. but i really enjoy eating that.

egg. it's very energy full food.

Quail egg is very tasty. You'll miss half of your life if you don't taste it :)

So were they more or less dense in the yolk? Did they have a "richer" flavor? They pack quite a punch...curious as to what that means LOL!
Love your post(s)!

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That's cool, I think I will like some

Looks very tasty!!!

Di tempat kami disebut "boh puyoh". :)

how many do you need for an adult?

Did you know that you can eat raw quail eggs? Quail body temperature is 42 degrees Celsius, thus quail eggs do not get infected with salmonella.

I have never heard of that!


I've once tasted it too. But I think it's cover is kinda hard them that of chicken

Always have prove and q eggs are very healthy

Okay, I'm intrigued. Going to pick some up at the supermarket next time. If nothing else, the kids will be crazy about mini eggs.

I bet that the kids would like it! Mine did!

While looking up recipes for myself, I found this :

Ottolenghi is a pretty good recipe writer (we have a couple of his books), I'm going to try this.

Cool, I'll take a peek!

Wow! You did something I always way curious about but have never done before: Eat quail eggs. They are significantly smaller than regular chicken eggs

I read a lot about it being so rich and i guess i will get some too. A little expensive than regular eggs here though...maybe the price has dropped now though, i will find out and show proofs 😂😂

I eat hard boiled eggs everyday so I probably would have enjoyed it. You could save some and let the kids dye them around Easter for a fun activity! 😊

These are pretty enough they might not even need dyeing.

wow looking very nice . its my fevourite. i like it friend

Little-Peppers eating little eggers. What will they think of next?

I really wait for upvote from you emang I admit your post is very good

I can't wait to see what they are like fried, with bacon and mushrooms ;-)

It's great the kids like them too. Another good way to get protein into their diet.

Ye it just takes three hours to open 100 eggs which is why one needs quail egg scissors as below. Long time are you well matey? Cheer$;)

I'm well thanks ;-)

Hows thing with you?

Egg scissors...... who knew such a thing would exist?

Hahaha I am great mate thanks. Ye my Dad breeds quail in South Africa one of the tricks of the trade I guess ;)

Kalo bahasa kami orang aceh, itu boh puyoh

Some Tips


I require further proof, i need a video of you eating them xD wait no... that sound way to creepy even for me xD

wow wow wow i really like this, may i ask him hehehe (lol)

I think I will give it a trial, have not really tested it before.

Quail eggs are such a delicacy. So dainty and cute; with such flavor!

I have never tasted quail eggs. But with your illustration @papa-pepper it is going to taste yummy enjoy. God bless you.

Hi papa! Voted because I like quail eggs c: Awesome snack food.

wow very nice food

@meno posted some quail eggs a while ago. I want to try them!

Delicious and healthy nice post @papa-pepper

I eat a lot of these eggs. I like it very much

Eat them any way you would a chicken egg. We like them on toast and soft boiled on top of salads. They are good pickled too. Just for your interest, quail eggs are sold in our local super markets.

quail eggs are the most delicious.

In Korea we eat these a lot with soy sauce.

It has a softer sandier texture to it

the people of Aceh are also very fond of this quail. let alone children, they like to push with somay / meatballs

Ureng aceh goo bg ne bantu vote le sigoo hehe

Hhaa ka boco rahasia ...

AJ picked your post @papa-pepper for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.


fantastic food...

very rich are quail eggs if you have not tried them with sauce and mayonnaise I recommend them, besides these eggs are very nutritious, they reinforce our digestive system and help us with anemia is super beneficial for health. Felisities in the photos you can see that they liked it a lot

Interesting, that sounds pretty good!

I hear is medicinal

I very much enjoyed my first quail egg! I just tried them for the first time last year! We did it fried, like a breakfast egg. They sure are delicious! I found them to be... ehhhhmmm creamier?? Than chicken eggs. Absolutely delectable!

I'll have to try that! Thanks @farmstead!

waw, are you sure eat it for the first time ?
in my province quails egg prize less than $ 0,1 for 5 pieces. Taste was same like chicken egg i think.

They serve these on the salad buffets in Thailand! The perfect addition to any salad.

yummy! You can try to put coating(chicken coating is nice) on it, deep fry and add sauce. deep fried quail eggs. :)

you always make a quality post, I really like it, I always learn from your post so I can write better

Very similar to the eggs I found in the rice fields image image

Very similar to the eggs I found in the rice fields. This is eggs bird puyuh image

Omg! Quails are a special thing and peeling them is so funny. When I was a little boy, I enjoyed peeling and eating them because they looked like eggs for kids hahaha

Btw since you like pepper, you should try them with cocktail sauce, spiced with black pepper and pinch of salt. It's simple, but it really give a good taste to those quail eggs.

saya sangat suka dengan postingan anda karna telur puyuh memiliki banyak manfaatnya seperti tinggi protein, membantu pertumbuhan sel baru, meningkatkan fungsi dari sel darah merah, baik untuk kesehatan kulit, menjaga kesehatan tulang dan mencegah terjadinya gangguan pada tulang, mencegah gejala animia
good luck..

I have never had them hard boiled, just fried, I am going to have to try it!

Hi, @papa-pepper, and thanks for this great post. I can't emphasise the role of eggs enough. They are super nutritious and I would recommend eating them a couple of times a week. When I don't eat eggs for breakfast, I eat avocado or natural own-mixed granola. Nothing beats that for breakfast. I love your article and I will definitely try these asap.
P.S. every tried an ostrich egg? You can feed a couple of people with one :)

I really like eating quail eggs
makes me want to eat mnya now because of your post
You are amazing

Eggs are foods that are very much in function @papa-pepper

I forgot what a quail looks like. Been in the city tooo long! :(
Lol. Joy

wow, the food is so good @papa-pepper, I really like that quail egg. Since I was a little girl until I grow up, the quail egg is still my favorite food. Quail eggs that have many benefits for us, in addition to the delicious taste he also has a health benefit for our bodies. I also keep the quail at home, I every morning I always take the eggs for me to eat. Therefore I often eat quail eggs. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a wonderful day... :)

i love quail egg, yu should try it with vegetable pastel

wayy çok sevdim ,, güzel yazı

a world full of surprises
I like

I love quail eggs! And the outer shells are so unique and pretty! You can eat so many of them cause they are so tiny! I’m so glad you got to try them!!

I raised quail for several years. I used them to train my bird dogs, we ate the eggs, hatched eggs, sold quail to bird dog clubs (for training) and we butchered and ate them too.
Good stuff!

Hi. I have never tasted quail eggs and found your post interesting. Do not think we have quail in South Africa. Can I ask: what is smoked salt?

Thank you for your post.