Pizza Porn

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)

2D3F9A3F-1D3B-4682-B323-666B1104EF88.jpegShe kneaded with a strong yet gentle motion, rolling the rising dough in her hands.

Turning the oven temperature up to its highest degree, she slid the pizza pan inside. Her apartment grew warm from the blazing heat of the oven and it felt as if Mount Vesuvius had relocated to her kitchen.

A drop of sweat fell slowly from her brow while she peered impatiently through the oven door. The cheese began to bubble voraciously underneath the fiery red coils and the salami seemed to cry out in a plea for more heat.

This pizza was going to be good…The best, in fact.

And she was anxious and hungry to have him taste all that she put into creating this course of culinary cuddling.

Ten minutes under the flames felt like an eternity. She couldn’t bear to wait. Her greatest desire was to share a slice with him, together in a savory sort of serenade.

When she heard the timer ring, her heart leapt in a nervous flutter of joy and excitement.

She carefully extracted her perfect pizza from the roaring oven and brought it to the table, placing the sultry pie directly in front of him.

She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as he cut through the crispy, crackling crust.

Yes, this pizza yearned to be devoured.

He picked up a slice in his hands and brought it to his mouth, in what seemed almost like slow motion. His lips parted and he drew the pizza closer in.

She held her breath in anticipation of what was to come. And just as the moment was about to arrive…

He burnt the roof of his mouth on his scalding slice.

Alas, perhaps next time, she should propose romance with ice cream instead!

I wrote this piece of flash fiction with this pizza in mind that I had made the other night.

This pizza was a super-easy meal that really required nothing more than a pizzeria-bought dough and the usual pizza ingredients like mozzarella, tomato sauce, salami, mushrooms, basil or any toppings you desire! (Usually a ball of dough costs $3-$4 at your local pizzeria…)

Make sure your oven is on the hottest setting. Then rub some olive oil on your hands and stretch the dough into a pan that has been greased with olive oil too.

Top the dough with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, basil, oregano and any other ingredients and cook for approximately 10-15 minutes.


You’ll have a “homemade” pizza that you’ll fall in love with! Buon appetito!

Courtesy of Lia Vita

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