Tasting Japanese Comfort Food | Ramengirl🍜일본의 서민음식을 맛보다

in food •  8 years ago  (edited)


Tasting Japanese Comfort Food


It is not easy to choose a menu in Japan where has abundant food. I wanted to go to a famous restaurant for every meal, but the trip doesn’t always flow as planned.

We planned to go to Izakaya at night, for have a lot of dishes with beer but we are confronted with this Udon house in the basement of the express bus terminal in Hakata Station.

As soon as we found this restaurant we both already picking out the menu Haha. Usually, there are many affordable and delicious restaurants inside or near the subway station in Japan. Udon & Soba restaurant is the representative subway station restaurant which you can have a meal fast and easy, and also reasonable price. Udon & Soba restaurant is always popular to Japanese people !!

먹거리가 풍성한 일본에서 메뉴정하기란 보통 쉬운일이 아니죠. 매 끼니마다 유명한 맛집에가서 식사를 하고 싶지만 여행은 항상 계획대로 흘러가지 않기 마련입니다. 저녁에 이자카야에 들러 이것저것 잔뜩 시켜 맥주와 함께 먹을 생각을 하고 있던 저희는 잠시 들른 하카타역의 고속버스터미널 지하에 있는 우동집과 딱 마주치게 됩니다. 누가 먼저라 할 거 없이 저희는 이미 메뉴를 고르고 있었죠. 보통 일본의 지하철역 근처에는 저렴하고 맛있는 식당들이 많습니다. 우동&소바집이 대표적인 지하철역 식당이라고 할 수 있는데요, 저렴한 가격으로 빠르고 간편하게 식사를 할 수 있어 언제나 일본 서민들에게 인기만점입니다!!


The 'Makino-Udon' that we visited on this trip only located in Fukuoka area. There were Udon and Soba as the main menu, but we had to stand and choose the menu for a long time because there were so many kinds of choice for side dishes with noodles.

저희가 방문한 우동집은 '마키노우동'이라는 집으로 후쿠오카 내에서만 있는 체인점이라고 합니다. 대표메뉴가 우동과 소바 딱 두가지지만 그 위에 얹혀지는 고명의 종류가 정말 많기 때문에 메뉴를 고르는데 또 한참을 서서 고민을 해야했습니다.




When you order food, first, put the money in the vending machine, and pick the menu that you want, click on the button and you will get a small paper ticket. Grab this ticket and go inside of the restaurant and hand it to the staff. The price I ordered was about $10 for two dishes.

주문을 할때 먼저, 자판기에 돈을 넣고 먹고싶은 메뉴의 버튼을 클릭하면 종이로 된 작은 티켓이 나옵니다. 이걸 들고 식당안에 들어가 직원에게 건네주면 됩니다. 가격은 두가지 음식 합쳐서 만원 조금 넘었던거 같아요!



After handing the ticket to the staff, food comes out really quickly. My mother ordered Kimchi Udon which seemed really famous menu in this restaurant, and I ordered soba with the deep-fried vegetables. You can add your soup yourself because they serve this extra soup in the kettle!

This Kimchi Udon was given me a little bit of spiciness but it was not that bad. The noodle’s texture was so soft and nice! I’m not a big fan of Udon actually, but I can eat this every day!!

종이를 건네주고 나면 우리나라 휴게소 뺨치듯 우동이 빨리 나옵니다. 엄마는 김치우동!! 저는 야채튀김이 올라간 소바를 시켰어요! 육수를 주전자에 넣어서 주기 때문에 국물을 셀프 리필하며 먹을 수 있어요! 이 김치 우동은 이집에서 특히 인기가 많은 메뉴같았어요~! 얼큰한게 국물맛이 끝내줬습니다^^ 면빨이 너무 쫄깃쫄깃하고 식감이 너무 좋았어요. 저는 우동을 그리 좋아하는편은 아닌데 이건 매일 먹을수 있겠더라구요~!!


I liked this Soba with the deep-fried vegetables more!! The noodle tastes totally different with Udon because this is kind of hard noodle and really thin compare to Udon. And it was really refreshing taste.

제가 시킨 야채튀김이 올라간 소바입니다. 튀김이 정말 튼실하죠~? 우동면이 쪼올기잇 쪼올기잇 했다면 소바는 그런 식감이 전혀없는 툭툭 끊어지는 맛이였습니다!! 소바를 좋아하시는 분들은 아시겠지만 이런면이 정말 맛있는 면이죠~!! 확실히 깔끔한 맛이 매력적인 음식이였습니다. 저는 소바가 더 맛있었어요~~^^

Both menus were perfectly delicious as you can see from the picture !! I was so happy that I can taste this wonderful meal with only $5!! It wasn’t fancy kind of restaurant but the taste was better than an expensive restaurant! I’m already missed the taste of soup!!

If you want to taste Udon and Soba, which is really popular among Japanese, don’t forget that there are a lot of near subway station ;)

두가지 메뉴 다 사진에서 보이는것처럼 완벽하게 맛있었습니다!! 5,000원의 행복이 이런거겠죠? 우연치 않게 찾게된 이런게 정말 맛집인거 같아요^^ 먹고 뒤돌아서니 벌써부터 그 국물맛이 그리워 집니다. 겨울에 먹음 얼마나 더 맛있을까요? 진짜 일본 서민들이 먹는 우동과 소바가 맛보고 싶으시다면 지하철 주변! 혹은 지하철 역 안에 많이 있다는거 잊지마세요~^^ 감사합니다.

저의 포스팅이 좋으셨다면 투표와 팔로우는 라멘걸도 춤추게 합니다^^
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I love Japanese food although there are not many UK restaurants outside of London that I know of. One thing I can't get to like though is natto!

저것이 일본의 서민 음식이라니!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 국내에서는 나름 고급 음식 아닌가요? ㅎㅎ 갑자기 돈코츠 라멘이 땡기는군요


@beoped님 일본에선 5,000원이면 저 우동을 배터지게 드실수 있어요!! :)

아아닛!!! 꼭 가서 먹어봐야겠네요!!

Nice post! I have visited “牧のうどん” Makino Udon ever and I liked it! I followed you:)

Nom Nom Nom!! i miss Japanese food!! just posted a VIDEO BLOG from TOKYO :D Enjoy

You should try Romanian "sarmale" very good tasting

I'd love to I've never tried it before!

Big ups ramengirl nyc post

서민음식이 참 고급지네요~ㅋ

@sweeti님 읽어주셔서 감사합니다^^

맛있어 보이네요 저도 일본간지가 오래되서 가물가물한데 땡깁니다 ㅎㅎ

@healings님 국물 땡기는 겨울엔 정말 많이 생각날거 같아요^~^

This all looks so delicious, you're really making me want to visit Japan!

@catonwheels Awww thanks! I hope you can have a chance to visit to Japan!

Here is a picture of my ramen when I was in Japan. It was delicius-best ramen I ever had:)

Ohhh I'm glad you liked it ;) I really like it too!

야채튀김 우동에서 튀김이 엄청 크네요
확실이 국내랑 차별점이 있네요

ㅜㅜ 배가 슬슬 ㅡㅡ 요동을 칩니다

@leesujae17님 우동의 본고장이니 아무래도 차이점이 있겠죠~?^^ 야심한 시각에 저도 슬슬 야식이 땡깁니다!ㅜㅜ

This submission has made it on the @MutuWhale MutuList!

In my city there are japanese restaurants, this looks good

Wow! I wish there are plenty Japanese restaurants in West Africa.

The food looks yummy!

Awww I hope so too! It was so yummy you gotta try it one day :)

Upvoted & RESTEEMED!

Oh man, I absolutely love udon! I eat it at least once a week. Are you trying to make me hungry after I already ate dinner?

Thanks for the delicious post @ramengirl!

클클~ 네이밍에 최적화된 포스팅 잘보았습니다~^^ 냠냠..

This looks really good! Thanks for sharing! 😌

고기 먹고 왔는데 급 우동으로 입가심 하고싶네요 ㅋ

I bet that food tasted great, the restaurant looked busy with lots of people. Thank you for sharing

As soon as we found this restaurant we both were already picking out menu.


I love this recipe looks delicious, follow me @ramengirl

I want to learn to make ramen. I learned that you order from a vending machine type device from a pokemon go youtuber trainer tips. Food you shared looks delicious.

본고장 라멘도 그렇지만 본고장 우동은 과연 어떤맛일지-ㅠ-

No problem, everything is delicious in japan, even bad restaurants are ok.

I like Japanese food

Heeyyyy waazzzaapp @ramengirl! :)
The Kimchi Udon was a such a marvelous concept.
The best of both countries.

I was like:

This makes me want some Udon noodles.... I haven't had any in so long. And I've never had them freshly prepared before, I bet that makes a huge difference in the taste

Awesome post @ramengirl! Those pictures are brilliant. Really brigs life to everything.

Thanks for all the photos in this post! They look so delicious!

Are the vending machines easy to use - eve though I don't speak Japanese?

Thank steresachang! Umm, I guess it's pretty confusing as foreigners to use I guess. But there are pictures on the vending machines so you'll be fine! And Japanese people are always kind so you can ask help to staff anytime :)

저 같은 결정장애는 저렇게 메뉴가 많으면 얼어버린답니다. -_-;;
그나저나 김치우동 맛있어 보이네요. 츄릅~!!

이야 면발이 정말 탱글탱글 맛나보입니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

wow! i really want to eat Japanese food. specially those street food.


very good tasting

These fresh noodles look good :) Soon I go there...and I try it :)

Mmmmmm I LOVE Japanese food!

Wow, I haven't eaten good ramen in such a long time! 😢

우동 맛있어 보이네요.
일본은 우동 메뉴가 다양해서 부러워요

서민음식. 혹은 대중음식이죠. 너무나 맛있는 음식들이라..일본 갔을 때 아침엔 항상 라면을 먹었던 기억이..ㅎㅎ포스팅 잘 보고 갑니다^^

일본여행에서 김치우동을 맛보시다니.
생각보다 저렴한 일본음식도 많은 것 같은데요
여름이 지나면 좀 선선할때 일본으로 여행을 떠나볼 까 계획을 세워봐야겠어요..^^