Dangerous Foods

in food •  7 years ago 

Dangerous foods for dogs and cats: Christmas Dinner

Do we really know the dangers of our Christmas tables and the dangerous foods for dogs and cats?

We are almost ready for Christmas, and we know that during this period of festivities our tables and our houses are filled with delicious food. What we must not forget is that these wonders for our palate are often dangerous foods for dogs and cats. We must therefore be aware, even at this time of year, of the furry friends who share with us our home and our parties, and their specific needs and necessities.

Yes, we can now say that Christmas has arrived and, starting these days, our home will be filled with delicacies and delicacies: the Christmas Eve dinner , Christmas lunch, panettone, pandoro and rivers of alcohol. Be careful, though, because what you eat during the holidays could be dangerous foods for dogs and cats . Certain foods are decidedly toxic to four-legged friends and can lead not only to annoying side effects, but even to death.

We want, therefore, first to draw up a list of dangerous foods for dogs and cats, which are always present in our homes, but that abound at Christmas:

Christmas: dangerous foods for dogs and cats

  • Garlic and onion : widely present in Christmas Italian cooking condiments, they are toxic both for dogs and for cats, even if they are usually better tolerated by dogs than by cats. Generally they cause alterations of the blood, with the decrease of the red blood cells;

  • Bones : during the dinner, it may be tempting to give pets a little egg left over from our dishes, thinking of celebrating, in this way, with our little friends. But bones are really dangerous foods for dogs and cats! Although the risks to dogs are less than cats, both species can injure the palate, break a tooth, or injure the entire digestive system, so much so that surgery can often be necessary;

  • Chocolate : chocolate will not only abound on Christmas tables , but will also be hung on the tree to decorate it, present in the advent calendars for children, scattered in every corner of the house ready to be offered to our guests! Chocolate is certainly part of the dangerous foods for dogs and cats, as it contains theobromine, a distant substance related to caffeine, particularly dangerous for dogs. These substances are harmful for its cardiovascular system and liver. Symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea are the first signs of a possible intoxication. The chocolate is therefore to be avoided categorically, and consequently, the nougat and panettone with this topping, should not even be tasted by our friends dogs and cats.

  • Caffeine : For the same reasons mentioned for theobromine contained in chocolate, coffee and tea are potentially dangerous. So be careful not to make beverages or residues of their preparation accessible.

  • Dried fruit: Another of the dangerous foods for dogs and cats and therefore not to give absolutely is the dried fruit (like nuts, almonds and hazelnuts) that contains a toxin that can cause muscular problems in the dog, such as tremors, debilitation and pressure increase.

  • Peanuts : a typical delicacy of Christmas, peanuts can provoke serious allergic reactions not only to humans, but also to dogs and cats;

  • Raisins are one of those foods that may seem harmless, being a fruit, but which is fully part of the list of dangerous foods for dogs and cats, as it contains a toxic agent that can cause rejection disorders, creating kidney dysfunction, lethargy and depression. It takes only 10 acinini of this fruit to poison your friend.

  • Panettone : Although the pastry is not toxic for dogs or cats, the panettone contains grapes, raisins and candied fruit. These delicacies are highly discouraged for pets: although the reasons have never been fully understood, they damage the functionality of the kidneys with even lethal effects;

  • Pandoro : Pandoro is less dangerous, but it is however not recommended because, in addition to a very high sugar content, it may have garnish or filled with chocolate;

  • Lard : another ingredient widespread during the holidays, it seems to be connected to the increase in pancreatitis in cats;
    Creams and dairy products : although not directly toxic, milk products can cause diarrhea to both species, especially if processed like cheese creams or taken in large quantities;

  • Alcohol : alcohol is always harmful and lethal for puppies at home, so they should never be administered for any reason, not even during the holidays.

Christmas: dangerous foods for dogs and cats

The above is a list of real dangerous foods for dogs and cats, but in general our foods are too seasoned and spicy, and not suitable for the digestive digestive of our furry friends. Their intake is therefore strongly discouraged because even if they are not really dangerous, with their assumption it is still probable to spend Christmas cleaning up the vomit and diarrhea sofa and carpets!

Let's not forget garbage! We could give nothing to our animal friends, but they could use themselves from the garbage can, feeding on potential dangerous foods for dogs and cats. In the garbage can they find not only dangerous foods for dogs and cats but also paper, foil or twine used in the kitchen around the meat dishes absorb the flavor and can be swallowed greedily, with deleterious consequences that can get to the surgical table. Particular attention, therefore, also to what you throw in the trash, and to make the bin inaccessible to dogs, cats and other little friends

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