Miss. Delicious #65 : The hidden gem in Atlantis - The Marina Village and the Bimini Road Restaurant! (photos + video)

in food •  8 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Friends :

Since arriving in Paradise Island at The Bahamas, I have steadily turned from my usual pale complexion to various states of red or brown. Kind of like a Lobster as it gets cooked.

With such a relaxing atmosphere, truly worth of it's "Paradise" name, the Atlantis resort makes basking under the sun easy, infact, so easy, you can forget that you're burning up under the sun and running on an empty stomach.

As I briefly showed in my introductory post to Bahamas, the hotel I am currently staying in has a few decent places to eat, but none that offer an authentic Bahamian dining experience.

In my search for some true authentic Bahamian cuisine, I found not one, but two places that I want to share with you all today!

Marina Village

Check out my video!

This little open air market place is situated on the doorstep of the Royal Towers of Atlantis. Even though it is a new development, it was designed to resemble a quaint Bahamian settlement.

It features some 20 retail stores as well as some local Bahamian carts showcasing the Bahamian local artistry.
My visit was almost accidental, as I was looking for a specific restaurant on my phone, and then my GPS took me to this little village.

I was immediately drawn in by the unique buildings and architecture here, once again forgetting the initial reason I came.

Each building sports a striking colour that differs from the other buildings adjacent to it. This makes for quite a skittle like effect just looking down the main street.

The colour of this building is a daring pink. Yet, somehow it seems suited amongst the backdrop of buildings each painting with their own striking colours.

Intertwined with the retail stores, there are atleast 5 restaurant locations here which offer various styles of essentially the same muted American food. Burgers, fries, you know the drill.

The village is very picturesque, especially akin to my style because of the multitude of colours!

There are also plenty of palm trees and lush plants intertwined throughout the street, keeping me attached to the atmosphere of the island.

Retail stores here are a mixture of some well known international brands, and then some lesser known local brands.

Of couse, Atlantis have their own "Signature" souvenir shop here as well.

As the night time draws near, the lamp posts outside light up, and we start to feel the night time ambience take over.

Pirana Joe is an example of a local clothing business which now has four stores in the Bahamas.

my ocean is another local business, which specialises in handmade accessories as well as articles of clothes.

Well known brands such as Ben & Jerry's Icecream have made their way into this village, and remain as popular because of their international brand value.

Also, because it is a fervent 35 degrees celcius and people just want to eat ice cream to cool down!

This was one of the first places which caught my eye, but also my ears. There was a live band outside playing what sounded like some local music, this gathered quite an interest from the passing crowds, but also created a lively atmosphere along the street.


Not all the places are full of people. Somehow I found a quiet corner to have another picture with the Village logo!

The Plait Lady is another local arts and crafts store which specialises in Plaiting. The plait lady will collect palmetto fronds, which are like straws, and then plait them into rolls which can be used to make bags, basket's and hats.

This yellow house made me think of "The Yellow Submarine".

A cute little candy store contrasted by not only the colour of it's paintwork, but also the designer jewellery articles on sale adjacent to the Candy store.

Yellow houses for some reason really stand out. Even if they're ATM huts.

There are some local jewelers here as well.

I wasn't kidding when I said the houses are different colours, building by building.

It's such a beautiful street. For me, the palm trees and lush vegetation add a whole new level of paradise to the already multi-coloured buildings along the street.

This is Cafe Martinique, one of the better known luxury dining places on the island. I was actually supposed to come to this restaurant but got carried away browsing the rest of the village.

It's actually a blessing in disguise because I found a more suitable place to eat as a result of coming here.


The carts selling local arts and crafts are lit up by some ad-hoc street lights beautifully dangled around the palm trees.

The harbour has some of the most fancy yachts i've ever seen. Together with the Royal Towers of Atlantis, the view of them together from Marina Village is incredibly scenic.

A hop skip and jump past my favourite Paradise Blue Surf Shop, and we arrive at...

Bimini Road Restaurant

As I showed you earlier, this restaurant was the center of attention with it's live band playing just outside on the deck, making the entire street lively and full of energy.

A little peer into the restaurant, and I saw how busy it was inside. I even saw some rather peculiar decoration.

So far, I'm really liking the vibes of this restaurant, let's go inside and take a look!

It appears that they've used little mini wooden boats as decorations on the ceiling.

In this area of the restaurant, where the tables and seating are enclosures, the decoration is primarily a vivid painting on the wall.

A formidable looking mask if only too pretty and colourful to ward off enemies.

A closer look at the vivid paintinngs on the wall, and we see a beautiful horse like sculpture jumping out of the wall.

The kitchen is really busy as the waiters and waitresses furiously take their orders out to the guests.

The chef's here seem unphased by how busy it is. They focus on making the food as tasty and delicious as possible!

They have their selection of fresh seafood catches of the day on display.

Here is another shot of the kitchen. It appears that there are two teams who work together and pass the food between the dividers.

This is a shot of the non-enclosed seating area. Also the area where the wooden boats on the ceiling are.

It's a lovely tropical atmosphere wouldn't you say?

I found the dragons above these native islander statues quite familiar, as they look like the ones we use in China for dragon dances in our own festivals.

Time to eat !

The menu is simple, these two pages are what you can order!

I love how they use the word 'Ting' every where. It's very endearing.

Ginger Ale and Coconut Water are my choices for drinks tonight.


Ting-Um Platter. This was incrediblly fresh as well as delicious, I found the conch salad to be a little overwhelming with it's zesty tangy water sauce. But the King Prawns, Lobster Tails and Seafood nachos were heavenly. I didn't even need to dip it in the sauce or add any lime / lemon!

Next up we have Loaded Nachos, which basically consists of freshly baked corn nachos wih beef and bean chilli. I love the striking red and black coloured nachos. There's a whole world of difference between freshly baked nachos and nachos from a few days ago. Not only are the fresh ones incredibly crunchy and crispy, they also taste great warm!

Sour Cream, Guacamole, Tomatos and Jalapenos for dips !

This was the highlight and my favourite dish of the evening!

Red Snapper Bahamian Fried Style!

Just the right amount of crispiness on the outside, almost tasting a little like the best KFC batter you've ever had, and then beneath the skin, the most succulent and fresh tasting fish meat i've ever had. I was so surprised at not only how fresh it tasted, but without any other kind of sauces or dips to complement. If I said it tastes like the sea, I mean it quite literally!

For the sides, I ordered the Grand Bahama Conch Chowder.

As well as the Market Bean Ham Hock soup.

Both of the soups are quite rich in taste, but I think the hidden gem of this dish is the bread. It is seriously the best tasting bread I have -ever- had. Period.

Street Parade

As I was eating, I suddenly heard quite a loud persistent noise outside. Many people inside the restaurant flocked outside to see what all the commotion was about. I was surprised to see it was a live music parade! This seems to be quite the tradition here in Bahamas. A flash mob of performers suddenly singing and dancing whilst everyone eats. I love it!

Sometimes, a wrong turn leads to something better. And today, was a testament to that because even though I couldn't goto my original restaurant of choice, I'm confident in saying that the discovery of the Marina Village, and the Bimini Road restaurant was well worth it and I have zero regrets!

At last, I have finally tasted some true authentic Bahamian food. And what an absolutely delightful experience it turned out to be.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures and video!

As always, I appreciate your up-vote if you liked the post, a follow if you like to see more of the same, and a comment to let me know your thoughts!

今天我想带大家去看看亚特兰蒂斯度假村里的商业街,一到饭点我就很着急的在酒店里找餐厅,后来才发现原来大部分餐厅和商店都开在Marina Village里。现在我们就进去为探索一下吧。走进这条商业街,就像走进了童话世界,各种马卡龙色的房子,有餐厅,商店和一些露天的快餐。这么多绚丽颜色搭配的小房子,让我忍不住拍照。听着门口现场乐队演奏出欢快的音乐声,我们就来到了Bimini Road 餐厅前。


海鲜酸辣汤上来了,汤特别浓,里面很多海鲜料,边上的面包更是出乎我意料的软,手轻轻一掰就碎了,加上黄油,配上汤,面包的好味道又倍增。最后的这条鱼是巴哈马煎鱼,听说这种红鲷鱼只有在巴哈马才能找到。而它煎出来的味道更是超乎我想象,又酥又脆。 这种海鱼,正常的味道要强一些,但是这条鱼一点腥味都没有。鲜嫩的鱼味里带一些甜甜辣辣的佐料,真是让我吃了还想再来吃。正在我享受美食的同时,土著文化的游行表演开始了,我立刻出去拍了些照片和视频,当地的舞蹈和音乐都非常动感,那带着鼓点的节奏,让人听了就想跳舞。希望大家喜欢我今天的巴哈马美食之旅,就让我们继续期待接下来的精彩旅程吧!

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The amount of time you put into your posts is really inspiring. I really value well made content on this site, and think this is amazing. Great pics. Awesome color in all of them!


How do you do to stay so nicely fit with so many great meals.
Enjoy Bahamas!

Just plenty of walking and swimming!

Travelling is always very tiring, my day is usually packed from early morning all the way till the evening.

Thus nice.
Keep it up.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@sweetssj how long did it take you to write, take all those amazing pictures and upload here.Wow, you invest lots of hardwork , talent and time in your posts hence why I cant get enough of them (heheh also becaues you are very beautiful). Keep up the good posts and sky will be your limit. As a new member, I am glad that I am following you , sending you my supports and thus getting solid posts from you daily in my feed . Feel free to check my posts and the latest one: why I think that steemit will take over social media .
More success to you.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

-Mark Twain-

wow ..! amazing i also wanna do the same but i cant

me on the other hand need to find some kilos, even without moving ^^

Hello I am new here I really need your support to get some reputation. Meanwhile I have posted some threads.. Can you please review it and can you suggest me that whether I am going in the same direction or not? This the link of one of my post..


the hidden gem in atlantis

you? :D
have fun!

Wow, I will have to admit, you are very fit and slim. Continue with your daily routine and exercise.

This is lovely. I enjoy looing thru=oguh the pictures. Kindly follow me @bewajijohnson

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for shareing this

I agree with you she eats so well!! I'm amazed she keeps in shape! Share your tips on staying fit! Your workout routine! Great post! And wonderful Picutres, I'm sure I'll have to learn some mandarin since I couldn't understand the last portion of your article

This is a good question i am going to ask too!

looks like a very colorful place and the first time I thought " nice I am not jelous what she is eating" till I am allergic to fish and seafood. Then I saw the tacos and soups....

sometimes I regret following you ;-)

Hi @sweetsssj I mentioned you in my latest post because you derserve even more followers. Thanks for creating original quality posts on steemit. Keep rocking!

that's so kind of you, thank you so much for the mention. I'll be sure to follow your progress :)

Thanks! Been following you for some time. You always remind me of: Keep your post filled with quality, be consistent and make sure you have a great time. :)

thank you dear, I appreciate your follow, I hope to see more comments from you more often :)

You will ;)

@sweetsssj That just look amazing

I love the color you got in your picture

Can feel the heat almost for the color

I will follow your profil Please follow me at @mrstaf

Will Try to share some picture for here in Thailand.

Have the best steem future

hi there @sweetsssj
amazing amzing i havent got any other word ,
we just can feel the sweetness from your pose i feel i want to try all
of those ,
definly up voted and followed , i hope you will do the same ,

welcome in here dear steemitteamate



Miss delicious@sweetsssj, Though I've been for just 3 days now but your post alone keeps on your blog for the past 32hrs sake of your adorable posing and colourful post. I'm your secrete admirer. Big ups to you...winks..more upvotes!! You really deserve and I'd hope to take your nurturing class🙏🙏🙏🙏

Hey I love your blogs. You're my inspiration. I'm trying to follow your advice. I'd much appreciate if you can offer some advice on my las blog. All the best xo upvoted you .

thank you cryptomania13; I recently wrote a long post about how to turn the dial up on your posts to 11. Check it out. It's called my tips to successful lifestyle blogging on Steemit. I will try find some time to have a look at your blog, but generally I'm going to read it as enjoyment and not as a constructive critisim exercise. Do feel free to message me on steemit chat if you want to get more personalised advice.

Thank you for your reply. I did read that post and I tried to apply it in my latest post. That's why I was asking you to visit it to see what you think. I think you might enjoy it anyway. It's about Melbourne and culture and food. All the things you enjoy blogging about. Things I love too. xo

Very nice post and pictures. I wish I can travel and enjoy life like you. Looking forward to more of your posts.

I would love to live that life style. Maybe i can if only i would power up more :)

very colourful photos, I wonder if you have a filter on your camera to enhance the colours?

This is the short version of this post and how imagine it really went down.. :)

Haha you have read me so well :)

It's a very good place. I want to have the opportunity to go on this trip. If I have a chance, I have to go.It's a very good place. I want to have the opportunity to go on this trip. If I have a chance, I have to go.

@sweetsssj wow, amazing, village is very colorful, it's a paradise seems very friendly and lovely environment. But I like the delicious food, OMG the shrimp, and fried fish is one of my favorite. the Hotel looks very hygienic too,
Enjoy and have fun

thanks viralcutz, it's really something else. So far loving every minute of my paradise.

great to hear that, enjoy ur lovely trip

thanks, still more to do, and more to share. See you soon!

Make sure to take the ferry over to main Nassau and enjoy the culture of the freshly cracked conchs. There is so much more to Bahamas than Atlantis, but Nassau is home to so many cruise ships it seems like everyone is trying to get money from tourists. If you like scuba, try a shark dive with Stuart Cove


With so many other nice things to see, I was beginning to think nobody cared about the food! haha, thank you for taking notice mrwanderlust :D

Oh my God! It seem that you keeping blogging nearly everyday ! You really love traveling very much! You are so amazing! You writing are very good and attractive. Nice to have both Chinese and English.

But it seem that the workload is high to do this. Do you feel tired sometimes?

Amazing blog post. Love all the pictures of the unique food and places you visited in the bahamas. Great job.

Who is taking your photo in this post? Please tell me it's a robot and not a boyfriend.

This post received a 4.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @sweetsssj! For more information, click here!

The first photo looks photoshopped. Too perfect, the colors seem way over"colored" i dont know :D cute girl, ncie post.

thank you !

Amazing blog! I love all the amazing and colorful photos! I just followed you

Wow. It's just so colorful:) looks like you are enjoying yourself which is great! Thank you for updating us.

I really like colourful places, so this was a perfect place for me!

Perfect combination of yourself sweetsssj always beautiful as you, as color of the rainbow.

you deserve to upvote me so i can buy you something nice. ;)

Hi, I really like the way you wrote this post and can relate to the ideas you shared about! What do you think about American food? Thanks for sharing, I upvoted, and you now have a new follower. Look forward to reading your next post.

Awesome photos!

Such amazing photos showing off the vibrant colors found in this getaway paradise. Coupled with the details you put into words, this would be the closest thing to a real trip that I can only dream of having with my wife and child. Thank you for sharing such wonderful experience.

thank you bba, I do my best to show what is good to visit and what to eat. Hopefully you are better informed if/when you decide to visit for yourself!

At this rate I'm earning from Steemit, I would be 75 by the time I save enough. But please keep your posts coming so I can virtual tour. Lol!

Great Location with colorful,The Marina Village & Delicious food at Bimini Road Restaurant ...lovely environment..What a moment!!!!!

beautiful place and great food! wow, yumi! :)

feeling hungry....hehehehhe

Looks like a nice place.

Always a nice share to start the day! Thanks!

Dont forget to buy some nice diamonds in Bahamas.

Im actually not a big fan of diamonds, I think i'll look for some souvenirs!

Congratulations @sweetsssj!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 2 with 795 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 5 with 276 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 1505,63

Thanks a bunch for the sharing of all these news again!

It is so exciting to know that our friend Ken is back on the game. Exciting times for us all, especially reading the part where you share that "Blockpay and Carbon started this week and Stealth and GrapheneJ being resumed next week!"

It is also good to read a news concerning the OBITS as well. I was not aware of it. I just knew somethings were going to be happening in relation to them... I still need to know more and looking forward to it too.

Thanks again for all your great information,

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Wow it is so colorful and nice! Just make sure to keep it to the touirst part only, last time I was at the Bahamas I ended up in an incredibly shady/dangerous/poor area and it was not fun at all. Unfortunately the country itself is in a pretty bad state so whenever you go make sure it is a tourist part. I hope you enjoy your trip!

Thank you for the tip, I was pretty surprised at how friendly all the locals are. I'm not sure I want to see the shady area! :(

Lets say I was arrested at the airport for not declaring "valuables of more than 10k usd" and that was not true, later I had to give like half of my money away as a bribe when they briefly put me in a place which looked like a North Korean labor camp...

WOW! Really sorry to hear about this experience. Happy that you made it through ok, minus the bribe and horrible detention conditions. This is another reason why it helps to have a Travel Consultant in your corner. These immigration rules and regulations are highlighted to you the client before hand to prevent just these situations.

that sounds horrific, this was in Nassau?


Beautiful colors and daaaamn tasty food !!

damn tasty is exactly right!

So beautiful !!

thank you!

What a place. So colorful

i know right! It's like a painters colour pallette.


haha! +1

You look so happy, I'll go one day if I can afford to It's quite pricey from what I've seen. Thanks for the pictures and post always nice to read


I did save up for this one for like half a year, so it's kind of a treat leading up to another special day :)

Great post. Check out my profile if you have time :)

Place is really great

i love the beautiful pictures and thank you again for posting and we upvoted

You know how to live a life! :D

thank you markomakini! Now just need that Yacht :D


This my article about my home town. Take a look maybe you gona like it and come to visit! ;)

lovely post, just upvoted it :)

Thanks! :D

You shoud post more post like this! I like it Definitly !

Wow, the food menu is very varied, of course very good to be enjoyed, it feels very good, on the other thing I must admit post @sweetsssj is my most favorite post in steemit, can make people who see it feel what is in enjoy .. my Is the most culinary person following example
Often referred to so in our area "martabak aceh"

Amazing pictures as usual. It made me feel like I was there visiting the place myself! Surprisingly enough, I found the prices on the menu not expensive at all. The food looks delicious to say the least!

Thanks for sharing another great quality content post @sweetsssj !!!
Enjoy your time there and take plenty of pictures!!

Thank you dontstopmenow, you're right, the prices on the menu are not bad at all. Infact, given how delicious the food was, I have to say it was a bargain. The fish was just spectacular, and how could I not mention again the bread served with the soup. My gosh. It's so good that I could go back there again.

More pictures and stories coming soon :)

Lots of color with greenery and freshness it just rejuvenate your body

I love your posts!!! It looks all sooooo yummyyyyyyyyy :D :D

looks delicous :)

I was so surprised at how good the food was here. It's seriously on the same level as some of the fine dining restaurants i've been to..

The place is not important is the quality of the food that counts :)

Yep, that's me!

nice great pleaces and nice food wow.

thanks! It was a true blessing in disguise.

@sweetsssj always good looking and fit while traveling all the time, enjoy it and have fun :)

Beautiful place beautiful you.

Thanks for sharing wonderful tour great content that's why I resteem it

thank you dear, much appreciated !:)

Always welcome your support is required

Because I am new here & not know how to take start with steemit for better rewards

Cool place. Maybe someday would visit there

Hopefully you'll have a good variety to choose from by looking at my blog :)

I will do just that
Thanks for sharing

As usually your post and you are perfect :)

aww thank you kenan, nobody is perfect, certainly not me, but I try my best!

Awesome, such lovely pictures, one day I too will go there on a vacation with my daughter ... great to see that you are having a wonderful time

thank you dear, I hope you and your daughter get to experience this real soon. You guys will have a great time!

I am sure we will and thanks to your posts I will know exactly where to go ... hihi .. looks so paradisic

thank you , and you're welcome :)

Follow me i will follow you

I would rather follow you if you post some content that interests me!

i would love to post interesting , but right now i am new learner here, learning , i love that you said straight forward as compared to ignore . Thanks for comments


So this is Bahamas. Thanks for giving us a closer look of Bahamas beauty. Is it you whose holding the video cam, when you entered on that restaurant, have you notice the woman who look at you like "ohh what this, whose that woman, why is she capturing us" :) The expression of her face looks insecure to your beauty. :)

You're welcome juvyjabian. Yes, I filmed the whole thing, people are usually confused when they see my osmo, it looks like some kind of high tech spy gadget. I guess it kind of is?

But it's great for making smooth videos!

By the way, have notice that your voting power is almost drained?

Oh, yes I did notice that, I was upvoting without adjusting power allocation assuming 40 per day at max. Of course, now to do the same 40, I have to adjust to 25%

It's still great. Thanks for the support.

As always, beautiful, colorful, warm pictures!

Tell me one thing! How do you manage to keep in shape when there's always so much delicious food around you? :D

Thank you!

I tend to walk around a lot, and I always swim a whole lot when I goto places like this.

I guess I'm just running on borrowed time!

Hi, great stuff and fantastic pictures. Keep going like this, I will follow you.

thank you smokythedog!

Thanks for sharing! Bahamas looks amazing!

You're welcome! Stay tuned for more!

Oh! really great place. Enjoy. Great pics and video.

thanks sanks7 :D

Pics are definitely on point!

thanks chris! I really like the one of the yacht and the royal towers in the background!

truly amazing :)

thanks sweet, your looking fit in the colourful surroundings

i love the photography that you captured , i upvoted and followed you, i also have similer posts please upvote and follow @wicky thanks.....

When virtual reality becomes a thing you can take the walk recording everything and we can enjoy all these from the comfort of our homes.

wow what a beautiful place!

I enjoyed Paradise Island too, though nearly 40 years ago since I have been there. Great pictures, thank you very much.

Such an amazing place... Amazing photos too! You took 'em with a reflex or smartphone?

Nice Post I like Delicious foods..... hope you will tell us the recipe of the most delicious one... follow me @nazirkhyber

i hope you had a great time :) your post is awesome! :)

Very good and interesting story :))

Reminds me of the Scrubs and Dr. Kelso's bahama mamas. Great post btw.

thank you mrmorningstar :)

Hi, @sweetsssj
I love all your post its so very nice..😊
And you so cute 😍

Your post made me hungry!

yes! i'm now hungry too, viewing it over myself!

colourful village. Your fashion really suite the village. I like that

Look at all of the fooood :O

I want some of that!

Great post! And you look unsurpassed!

thank you! I was a little flustered that I wasn't allowed into the original restaurant because of my casual attire.. But then Marina Village and Bimini Road just made my day.

I am glad for you!

this is looking very tasty.i want to eat it now. i wish i could.

这地方是拿骚的亚特兰蒂斯边上的小商业街吗? 我几年前坐游轮去过一次,但好像只有那个蛋糕的椅子有点印象。 亚特兰蒂斯酒店有个非常霸气的王座,不知道你去照相了没有。 另外,码头边上往水里看都能看到彩色的小鱼,非常新鲜。

Where is the next destination?

Watching this blogpost is like a tour through Disneyland, best pictures i have seen in a blog so far 💖💖💖

amazing pics!! really like it , nice post

These pictures make me so happy I'm not colorblind! So vibrant and alive! Good stuff

Stunning pictures as always a real joy for the eye.

Is this real? i might probably be dreaming, i wish to be there, this is truly lovely and so attracting to me and my appetite? How do i get there?

Hehe, it's paradise island at Nassau, Bahamas.

Up voted! Very much enjoy your travels! What a vivid and detailed post! Such a beautiful place. I almost feel as though I'm there! So many pics! The colors are amazing. I think my favorites would be the sculptures and paintings on the walls. Although the buildings and mixes of colors are eye catching along with seeing the just how the crowds are and the mix of peoples. Keep doing what you do! Very inspiring.

One more viral steem, way to go girl :) Upvoted!

Thank you inviter!!

Such incredible vibrant color, rich culture...and the seafood, probably the freshest, cleanest you can find...I was supposed to go to the Bahamas a while back, on a sailboat...didn't happen got stuck in Miami instead, long story. Lol ❤️

aww are you far from Bahamas? If i was in Miami, I might just goto the Bahamas every weekend or so ! haha

I used to be in Miami, not anymore. ~x

You take awesome photos! What kind of camera and lens you use?

quality of your post is always good~
thank you for sharing

you're welcome enomujjass; this one is a sweetsssj live edition classic :)

Great work my dear I vote you plz you interested in nature and tourism visit my page to support me thanks again

The outside looks like a doll house, it looks so well kept!

You are doing amazing posts! You are very beautiful. You have wonderful photos and very interesting stories!

thank you innavtsh, hope to see you more often!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Every time you post I have the feeling that you just visited another world!!!

thank you hebro, i assure you i'm on planet Earth still!

Many thanks Mrs. @sweetsssj for these beautiful walks, I admire her work, she is always of very good quality, congratulations for another wonderful material
I wish you a beautiful day