Miss. Delicious #71 : Murray's Deli at Atlantis, the 1950's style New York-style restaurant!

in food •  7 years ago 

Dear Steemit friends :

As I mentioned before, the Atlantis resort has no shortage of food to delight our tummies, for those of us who are feeling particularly hungry, a visit to Poseidon's Table for an all-you-can-eat dining experience worthy of Gods is in order.

Others who feel the need to munch at night time may prefer a visit to Olives inside the casino. If you're feeling lucky or have come off a lucky win, then why not dine to celebrate?

For those of us who prefer some local style cuisine, look no further than a visit to Bimini Road at Marina Village, here I was introduced to the remarkable local Red Snapper, a fish that I now look out for each and every time I dine out.

We also had the opportunity to get into the nitty gritty with Virgils BBQ, a top 10 Southern style BBQ restaurant with hands down some of the best background views in all of Atlantis. The food was on point too, who could resist a serving of oak wood barbecued ribs? I certainly couldn't.

So, today we'll be visiting the food option that many of you will resonate well with. A walk along the front side of Atlantis before leading to Marina village gives us a splendid view of both the Royal Towers and the large yacht dock where many super yachts are parked no doubt to enjoy a day at Atlantis.

I wanted something quick, easy and filling, and I thought to myself what could beat an American New York style diner?
I made my way through the gigantic building, to the front of the building and walked alongside the Yacht dock to find Murray's Deli. A New York style deli right in the heart of Atlantis.

Since many visitors of Atlantis come from America, they will never feel too far away from home - atleast when it comes to eating familiar foods from their home. For me, New York style food is definitely not the kind of food I eat at home, so it is a welcome experience as any.

Just opposite our food destination is the harbour / port where you'll see a neat row of absolutely stunning Yachts. Since seeing the Charisma Yacht in my journeys to Exuma, I still dream of owning one of these one day. At least have the pleasure of island hoping around the Bahamas on one!

And here we are at Murray's Deli. The entrance has a large statue of an Italian looking waiter. Strangely, the desk at the front is actually for paying the bill and not for reserving a table. I queued up for 10 minutes to find that out..

Further inside, there is a lovely high top table just in front of the open plan kitchen. Diners wishing to see how their food is prepared can sit up close and not wait for the waiter to bring the food to their table.

Long rows of tables form the usual seating arrangement. There is very little space between each table which suggests that dining close quarters is welcome and probably quite frequent!

On one end of the bar, there is a bakery which has a lovely selection of cakes and desserts which you can pick up yourself, and even take away.

All of the tables also use a multi-coloured sofa as seats. Some are circular, whilst others just follow the lines of the restaurant tables.

I really like this wooden palm tree behind the waiter. It's a lovely carved design and doubles up as a decorative lighting fixture.


Like with most diners, the sauces such as Heinz Tomato Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Vinegar, Salt, Pepper and Mustard are provided on the table for you to garnish your food as you wish.

This is the menu which has a picture of downtown New York on the front and it's signature Yellow taxis!

As you can see from the Menu, Murray's Deli specialises in deli sandwiches.

They also have a nice selection of Desserts and Sundaes.

I was surprised to see Dr Browns Cream Soda on the drinks menu. In my very limited experience of drinking Cream Soda, I've always loved it very much. With the temperature outside averaging 35 degrees Celsius, this was a much needed refreshment.

Along with the refreshing Cream Soda, I ordered the Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad. I must say, I am extremely impressed with not only the fresh taste of the lettuce, but also the generous serving of grilled chicken. I could probably be happy with just this salad honestly!

Next up, the main!

Club Atlantean Bacon Sandwich served on a bed of fries. How could anyone resist such delicious Bacon and freshly fried fries? Again, the serving of Bacon was very generous, it was so delicious that I decided to eat it on it's own without the bread.

Murray's Big Beef Dip. The most meaty choice for beef lovers. This sandwich is served with Provolone cheese, sliced roast beef and beef gravy. What I liked most about this dish was the gravy which had such a rich taste of beef. The cheese was getting a little overwhelming so the gravy helped balance it out quite alot!

Food is one of life's guilty pleasures. On this day, I feel no what guilt whatsoever. Good food comes in all shapes and sizes and Murray's Deli does not fail to impress!

Thank you for joining me on a tour of Atlantis' very own New York style deli. Now you have no excuse to be missing food from home. I certainly didn't and I don't even eat this stuff regularly!

Stay tuned for the next edition of Miss. Delicious! Leave a comment, follow and upvote!

在天堂岛的亚特兰蒂斯酒店已经有一段时间了,我已经可以出本亚特兰蒂斯酒店的美食通了。这几天,我带大家既品味了绝对正宗的巴哈马当地美食精品餐厅Bimini Road,它当地独有的红鲷鱼,酸甜入味的鲜嫩口感,让我至今还难以忘却; 接着我们又一起探索了一下藏匿于赌场里好吃的酒吧餐厅月亮吧,这是我第一次惊讶于,赌场里的酒吧简餐也一样能烹饪的这般精致的口感; 之后我们还感受了波塞冬的餐桌,这家大概是整个亚特兰蒂斯酒店菜式最丰富,海鲜味道也最鲜美的餐厅;当然也不能忘记我们在亚特兰蒂斯地标建筑边上品尝的,Virgil's的餐厅,这家号称真正的烧烤餐厅,味道香嫩可口,让人流连忘返。今天我想带大家去一家正宗的美式餐厅,它位于亚特兰蒂斯royal tower的前面,也是在去Marina Village的路上,位于滨海新村大道上,只要顺着赌场里的指示牌,就能找到它。

这家餐厅名字叫Murray's Deli的熟食店 ,是来自纽约的餐厅,整个餐厅复古还原了1950年代的纽约装饰风格。一走进这家餐厅就有很浓郁的美国风格,气氛轻松,服务员热情,让游客能一下摆脱旅行的疲惫,休闲下来。我敢保证大多数客人一进来就会食欲爆棚的是,因为整个餐厅弥漫着汉堡包,三明治和薯条的香味。一进门就看见穿白西装的胖叔叔雕塑,让位想起意大利的马力奥,哈哈游戏玩多了。他穿着一身笔挺的黑白配西装,站在椰子树下,怎么感觉风格不搭呢,哈哈开个玩笑。餐厅的设计我很喜欢,有点工厂简约风格,这几年非常流行,尤其是半开放式的厨房和上菜口,让你能亲眼目睹你的食物从厨房到桌上的样子。上菜的服务员一个个热情高涨,感觉不知道怎么开心才好,一蹦一跳的把超大size的食物双手捧到你面前。餐厅装修的材料以花色的马赛克为主,看着让人心情很好。餐厅的另一面还有外带区,提供一些现成的小蛋糕,小熟食。这家餐厅的墙纸非常吸引我,好像是纽约的一些元素,图案太漂亮了,让忍不住过去拍照。餐厅的座位也很美,红黄蓝得彩色配色,好了,坐下来后,赶快看看菜单吧。菜档的封面是纽约市中心街景,除了地标性建筑,它黄色的小出租车会勾起每个人的回忆了吧。因为巴哈马就像是美国人的后花园,这里有不好来自纽约的游客,想吃家乡食物了,就来这里座座,所以餐厅生意非常好呢,有时候还要等位。

菜单上也是红黄蓝得配色,各种三明治,汉堡包,沙拉,甜品都分配在不同颜色的区域,让顾客点菜起来非常容易。现上来的是我最爱的奶油苏打,夏天喝甜甜香香的奶油味,配上爽口的苏打,真的是完美的搭配呢。这家餐厅是我这辈子吃过的分量最大的餐厅,餐盘可能要比我的脸还大了。这个凯撒沙拉,上面的鸡肉条超大块,简直太适合像我这种没有起来吃早餐的客人了。鸡肉味道很好,软软的,浇上酱汁,酸甜好吃。培根三明治,点了一份,但是感觉给了2块整的三明治,加上美式正宗的大块头薯条,我想我一个人吃这么一份,就立刻饱了。接下来是murray招聘的牛肉片配牛肉酱,这里真的是肉食动物的天堂,如果你爱吃肉,一定不要错过这家餐厅。希望大家喜欢我今天带大家探索的Murray's Deli熟食店,之后还有更多精彩的餐厅等着和大家分享。

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i wonder your not getting fat =D
your still sexy as always =D enjoy
check guys i got more followers than @sweetsssj

haha thank you. Might have to hit the gym soon..

haha i think i need to eat now. i got hungry because of this

This post received a 4.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @gwapology! For more information, click here!

This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @gwapology! For more information, click here!

This comment has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 2.08 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @gwapology. Vote for Aggroed!

I got a bellyRub and this comment has received a 3.85 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @gwapology.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post again 👍. You are doing a good job.

thank you inuk :)

ew exterminate that thing

My mouth just can not help watering............


giving a baby lemon for the first time never fails for great comedy lol

Well it's hard to comment on this post because am like:


looks yummy. any photos of the beach?

Actually I think many of us would like to see more of you in the photos rather than just the place itself. Great content anyway. Thumbs up!

ha well, the star of the show tonight is Murray not me! But sure, I do like photos of me, so will be sure to include more 😊

Nicely done @sweetsssj 👏

Am I right that you have someone taking the photos and writing the English and you do the Chinese part? Seems like it could be you and your boyfriend.

More restaurant than diner. You see it on the quality of food. Looks great!

yes, I have to agree with that! Good observation! :)

You've really been milking this trip you took for every penny you can. Instead of just doing one post about your vacation, you've done like 5 now about the same trip? Don't know too many people who have actually made like $10,000 for taking 1 vacation! Lol. So now we've seen the trip as a whole, then just about a blog post on every restaurant. I'm waiting for another blog post on each of the bathrooms and the room you stayed in! Haha

What else must she do? She stays at a certain location for 2 weeks at a time.. If anything, she has done a great job of making such full posts, considering there has been consistently one every day! :) Plus, she isn't the only one who is able to live on vacation, there are tons of people who literally just make money from their laptop and chill all day :P

I know! I'd do the exact same thing if I were able.

Seems more likely it's a dude and his gf taking advantage of people who think it's her only

Everyone has the right to their opinion I suppose.

My opinion is that anyone that is taking their own time and energy to actually consider these things, is just a little jealous, and should rather just start focusing on uplifting themselves, rather than trying to bring this young lady's success down :)

We were at a restaurant that simulated a restaurant out of the 1950s. The black and white checkered floors, the shinny booth tables, and music from that era all contributed to an atmosphere where I felt like I was Marty McFly and that anytime Biff Tannon was going to come in looking for George.
image image
There were ash trays and a cigarette machine. We didn’t buy any. We bought lots of food though and enjoyed a little dinner.
The restaurant’s name is Trixie.

Hi there, i like every post you have, especially about every trip you have.
You are a very beautiful young girl and have many opportunities to visit some beautiful places in the world. I also want to be like you. But for now I can only visit some places in my country.
If you do not mind, would you like to see and upvote my post?
Thank you. I'am happy to get to know you @sweetsssj.

hi yuslindwi, thank you for sharing your blog with me, if you didn't comment i probably woouldn't have been able to see it!

Thank you so much friend

Beautiful photos of restaurants and foods and i can feel that you enjoyed lot there. One thing i like there is interior design of restaurants because its really beautiful and there is also lot of verity of food. Generally we didn't get to see this kind of interior at every place. Every day you show us diffrent thing and its really nice that through you we get to see all this thi

I have loved following you on your stay at the Atlantis, your posts have made me hungry ;) this NY style deli looks right up my alley because I am a huge sandwich lover. It looks like you truly enjoyed your stay in what looks like paradise! I have to say being a new steemer has been exciting and your posts are always super informative and thorough and I really enjoy reading them and following you. Anyways I hope we can connect at some point. Looks like you are a huge food lover just like me ;) If you like smoothies check out my last post! Thanks again for being awesome!

Oooo Amazin beuatiful your post really very interesting post you I am very amazed to see him congratulations on the achievement that you can not all this apart from the results of your hard work in esteem I also want as you want kah you follow me and upvote me and share my post so that your friends can Even though not as good as your post if you want me very grateful to you Congratulations, hopefully sukse always make you up to the front



your face looks fake, did you get work done or is that just a thick layer of makeup?

I am proud to say, i've never gone under the knife. Make up does wonders!

Sure makeup, photo filters and contrasting it all leads to an image looking more like a painting rather original photo, it seems that is the way of the world now.

Enjoy all the money you're making, well done to you.

Our own Steemit Barbie......She is dope and she doesn't need plastic Surgery my friend!

who said she did? she is hardly barbie tho. All the women online now are using technology to make themselves look younger and better than they actually look in real life. Even in real life there is the makeup, fake hair, fake nails, fake tan, fake eyelashes, fake breasts, fake ass, fake teeth etc.... then when it all comes off the man just says WTF just happened... who the fuck are you LOL

yep... that is right it officially rude for telling the truth to a woman LOL

maybe I am a stupid troll and you my dear are wonderful, amazing, stunningly beautiful and truly a credit to humanity and womanhood. Keep up the good work..... upvote, comment and follow... sure I know you wont lol

Thank you for sharing your food experiences.

This comment has received a 0.14 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptopie.

thanks cryptopie, you are very welcome as always 😊

another colourful post, @sweetssj. I thought the Nassau photos were stunning but I particularly liked the two yacht photos included here.

The interior pics of Murray's deli were intimate and warm.

Isolating on the menu and aspects of the decor such as the statue of the Italian waiter or the carved palm fixture helped capture the ambiance of the place.

The food shots were appetizing. I had just finished lunch when I read this and still found my mouth watering. I would really love to enjoy casual dining at this Deli.

A good post!

Thank you john, you have such a way with words, I have something to learn from you!

I'm humbled to think you could learn anything from me - I really think your blog is a role model of what steemit posts should look like. You put so much energy and passion into what you do. You exhibit a spirit of excellence that is admirable.

very hot chick

i love american diners ! the portions are always so so huge!!

do you live in atlantis ? haha, it seems like youve been there forever!!


Haha, i've actually been back for about a week now.. Just getting through my backlog of blogs now. I wish I could live there though! :)

Wow I really like your elaboration and images. Very well put together ;)

aww thanks btcupload, appreciate it very much!

i still following you :)

thanks dear :)

Always eating great food! Enjoying the good life ;-)

Oh wow, I had the best piece of chocolate pecan pie I've EVER had at Murray's Deli when I was in the Bahamas for the 2009 Bahamas International Film Festival. I'd love to go back! Steemfest 3? Great post. Full upvote.

wow.. I didn't have the pleasure of having any dessert there (i was too full!) but I need to try get some next time i'm there! Steem fest 3 at Bahamas would be a dream!!

Thanks dougkarr!! 😊

Ahhhh!!! was busy offline and missed this episode...but have to still comment as a dedicated fan to my numero uno blogger on steemit!

Murray's Deli is a great join, neat and with nice array of tables and chairs for diners comfort..
For the Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad! it looks quite yummy and the Murray's Big Beef Dip...salivating already! You are always upping my appetite girl...you are the best..Keep it steeming hot @sweetsssj

hey ken! Wow thank you for your commitment to reading my posts, really appreciate that :)

Don't forget to check out my new post too :)

What! late again... am running like Bolt now...! get my reply soon!

Amazing post as always, and very good pictures too.
That fish looks delicious :) .

@sweetsssj Waw, inspiring post after post. I'm following you. You can follow me, as I see you are interested in inspiring stuff.

thanks splus, i'll have a look


Beautiful place! Nice pictures! Thank for sharing.

you're welcome melowd 😊

Great and really post !!!!!!American New York style diner

seems nice place.. thankss

you're welcome stefaniya :)


yum yum 😊

Looks interesting

thanks myblog

local Red Snapper is a nice place to dine indeed. There are lots of great eatries , I wonder if there are a lot of customers for all.
Thanks@sweetsssj for always furnishing me with great posts.
Feel free to see my blog post about my city beer festival (I shared some pictures)

thank you charles, i love the horses! They are so pretty!!! Great post! upped :)

Thanks a lot, I appreciate your kindness-keep steeming to more success and be safe.

Nice And beautiful

Great place! You are a very active person :-) Very good!
I follow you and you follow me :-) Thanks

thanks firesteem :)

nice restaurant

That cream soda brings back some memories for me!


I've been there!! and it's super super super!!! Glad you had also fun!!! Hope to have you as a follower too because i do visit places too!! Always be well and make our Steemit world prettier every day! Thanks! You rock!

You at bahamas too, at the Murray's Deli restaurant?
wow...i have to save up more steem dollar to rock myself too...!

maybe join you guys next time on such visit
nice comment. The lady is great!

Amazing girl!

thanks!! :D

Yay! fellow foodie! :) It's really surprising how simple food can be sooo delicious right?

the food looks real good and it has made me hungry and i love you posting all this info

thank you newschannel428, miss delicious speciality :)

You have to invite me pleeeeease, I like Dr Browns Cream Soda so much ..!! :) :) From Venezuela @gaborey07

haha the Cream Soda was soo amazing. I wish there was something like that here.. I can't find it anywhere!

@sweetsssj, I could use the French fries without loads of ketchup right about now hahaha. This post worked an appetite lol. As always great post. Would you please look at something I wrote recently? Thanks.

Do you also like food that tastes spicy ...
If you like, you can visit indonesia, specially in padang area and aceh, that is the name of the famous city in indonesia with special cuisine very spicy ...

But if you like sweet cuisine you can visit the island of Java, the capital of Indonesia, namely jakarta ... :)

hi ms @sweetsssj i have my own post kindly please visit this, im not expecting that you will read my comment from your post but i think this the only thing i can do to show how i admire and idolize you hers my post together with the pig hope you like it

Now Im hungry 😋

I really love your posts! You put so much effort in them to share a part of your life with us :) And the restaurant aesthetics are on point, i'm looking forward to new posts can't wait <3

Brilliant post, that's so sweet like @sweetsssj

Really awesome. The environment and foods are looking good. I love this Restaurant.

great! Thanks for checking it out !! :)

Beautiful place, my appetite😋

haha, my appetite is stirring now too :)

Digging the deli's atmosphere! The gravy beef dip looks delicious as heck!

Me too! The atmosphere was really vibrant. I think it's a welcome place to many a happy American! As for that beef, yummy !

wow! That place looks amazing! I wish I was there too! 😀

haha me too actually, now that i'm back home :)

Wherever you go, @sweetsssj, the sky looks more blue and the food tastier! :)

thanks herverisson, I can't imagine a world without blue skies. I love anywhere that is blue! (And anywhere with tasty food!)

I like your posts a lot. the quality of images is very good as well as the content. cool stuff.

thank you adilview, appreciated!

So good

A very beautiful post, good job :)

thanks dennisaputra!

Great Pictures!!

thanks akbierwagen :)

After see these pics I am like...

giphy-downsized (12).gif

so cute! but where's the honey ???

Again with a precious Post like your posts Keep it up ;-) and share some food ;-)

thanks akraees, sharing is caring, that's why it's on Steemit ! :)

Welcome... you forget Thumbs Up for me :-(

Foods you eat are always look delicious :)

thank you souravroy, I wouldn't like to eat food that didn't look delicious, that wouldn't be Miss. Delicious style now!

Great post , UpVote , Good Job!

thanks francisalbert08! :)

Great post, Upvoted and followed.

Nice to be your friend here at Steemit.I already upvoted and followed you to see all of your future blogs!
I wish you more followers and friends!Don't forget to follow me too @laique so that we can be friend forever :D

thanks great information

Nice work girl!

thanks andrarebell! 😊

This diner looks like one from where I used to work, but we didn't have a big chef statue. I love that.

I love that too, it's such a welcoming statue!😊

very true. How much longer are you in Atlantis?

I'm home now.. been back for over a week, but i'm just writing about the rest of my experiences. Just a few left :)

HAHAH. I love vacations that have way more to talk about than time. Where's your next vacation?

I think it takes a bit of time to really let the experiences settle so you can write about them properly. I have decided where I want to travel to next, but will let everyone know when I'm off! :)

Hello @sweetsssj ! I was just wondering you who normally eat light food, how was you feeling after eating this type of food? Very rich food indeed!
That Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad is so tempting!
Thanks for sharing such beautiful moments with us!

Good question, actually I didn't finish all of the food, I could barely finish all the meat actually. It was indeed very rich and I normally try to mix in plenty of light foods like Salads to balance it all out..

I've been to Atlantis twice during various cruises, but I never got a chance to visit any of their restaurants!

I think i'm going to go back for new years so i'm definitely going to try the Murray's Big Beef Dip sandwich when I do! Great post!

Thank you waphilip! Love to hear your story when you go 😊

Thanks Sweet! :)

Always enjoy your new posts but always end up hungry lol.

You look like a doll eating several delicious foods, your friend is very lucky to have you close !!! this is life enjoy until the last moment !! :))

thank you! :) Cute dog!!

thank you too!!:))

Like I said to someone earlier today - My dad always remarks when we go to restaurants, saying "I don't want art on a plate, I want REAL food" - personally I like both. Your post proves that you can have both :) - Looks like a wonderful place. - Have upvoted.

Would love to know what you think of these two dishes I made recently...



(if you have a moment) :)

Keep on being awesome! Really enjoy your content!

Agreed. Give me substance, not merely art.

This has lotttts of substance. So filling, I could barely walk after!

or better.... BOTH ;)

That's so true! I think the great thing about this place is exactly as you said, a fusion of both worlds. Lovely looking, and great tasting food.

I'll takee a look at your posts now :)

So true - Keeping the old folk and the young folk happy all in one hahaha!! "Real - Pretty Food" - Love it! ;)

It was so nice info ~ thanks

@sweetsssj very nice!

thank you itstudent :)

thank you for sharing Looks so delicious you are doing a great job lol @mannyfig1956

thanks mannyfig1956 :)

Your travel trip is really fun, not everyone can do it, when to indonesia @sweetssj., Waiting for its presence in a very beautiful country with its diversity ,, regards steemian ,, contact me if you come here, i am ready to accompany you anywhere in the country My beloved

great post, looks yummy and you are really doing a great job

wow, realy exciting, Great post!!

Such a delicious, and illustrious article.

Thanks @sweetsssj,

Followed upvoted and resteemed this article.

The weather is nice. You look good too.
I am happy because of you.
Thank you. Today is pretty beautiful. :)

thank you rosaria, I had no idea I had that effect, makes me really happy!

Its awesome!

thank you apehafan :D!

A very good post @sweetsssj and a beautiful place anyway, when the holiday to Indonesia. Here very many culinary types you know

I will think about visiting soon. I hear the community there is quite large :)

It is true Indonesia has one of the 7 wonders of the world that is komodo island I think you would be interested to go to the island. I would be very happy if my suggestion this can help you @sweetsssj.
Hopefully you are in good health always an elegant woman best regard community steemit indonesia

Another cool restaurant! After reading your blogs I really want to visit Atlantis someday!

thanks mikej, there are dolphins there too :)

Please don't post such kind of photos of mouth watering food.
All snaps are awesome...
Is it mobile photography?

thank you sandipmondal, most of my food pictures are with my phone. Although sometimes I use my dslr, or sony a9.

Great food, looks good. The Atlantis is a really pretty place to visit and to stay. I love the turtle river in the back.

yes, me too!

Waao really beautiful pics andyou looking very sweet @sweetsssj

thank you cryptotrader, blush 😊

😊hey if you got some time will you please see this post,i also mentioned you in this post.


i will take a look at it now, thanks!

Thanks😊 miss Delicious

Looks like great food. I'm sure that you enjoyed

enjoyed very much ! 😊

I've always wanted to go to Atlantis!

here's another reason!! 😊

nice post 😘

thank you muslem! 😊

Thank you for this post, now I know a must visit place in case i will be on vacation at Bahamas ! =)

yes, definitely do so. You will love it!

You are always doing a Good Job @sweersssj. I had mentioned your name in my post 40 mins ago as one of the best steemian earners.

hope you will vote on it @sweersssj

thank you alansteemword, will check it out :)

you earn lots but you cannot donate to your followers , what a greediness

Very Nice! I loved your post.

thanks ankurlad, you're welcome 😊

2 servings of Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad please!!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
one for me, one for the always gorgeous @sweetsssj! ^u^

(seems like you pretty much enjoyed the salad right? :D)

as always yukimaru :) I'm a greedy one :D

Give us some love. Which denotes food. Hahaha.. ;)

Me encantan tus Publicaciones y tu Carisma .... Éxitos con Steemit

Ahhhhhhhh ! The one thing I miss from New York is the food sweet delicious ! Smother that cheese and endless ketchup tooooo Mmm~Boy !!

I think this is one of the luring things about New York seeing as I haven't been there yet!

pliese follow back

Very good review, the food looks amazing. Cream Soda in our country is green, it's weird to see it in another color.

Wow green?? That sounds very interesting! Thank you!

  ·  7 years ago 


That restaurant looks so retro!
I love the tables and the seats!
Love the post :)

thanks tara! It's suppose to be like 1950's new york, can't say I was around those days to verify, but I think it's very interesting none the less 😊

Wow.. @sweetsssj ive visit your wallet very nice and high sp...my wish is to have 300sp..but you are amazing 51k +200+ wow.....🙏🙏

sneaky :P


Good night @sweetsssj untill next time..


wow @sweetsssj so cute

thank you amnakhan ! :)