Miss. Delicious #76 : Avrupa Yakası's Hanedan!

in food •  7 years ago 

Dear Steemit friends :


In today's edition of Miss. Delicious, we'll be visiting a long serving restaurant that not only provides some of the best views of the Bosphorus Strait, but also serves terrific Turkish cuisine to match. Indeed, we'll be taking a visit to a river side restaurant by the name of Hanedan.

Specialising in both traditional Turkish Meat and Fish dishes, Hanedan has established itself as a mainstay in the European side of Istanbul, although unknown to many a connoisseur, it has been serving traditional Turkish food from the same location since 1983. No doubt, the restaurant has seen the transformation Istanbul has undergone as it shifted from being a Sino-European gateway of trade, to it's present day modern metropolis.

The fact that Hanedan has survived the winds of change over 3 decades is a testament to it's core values: good traditional food, sublime panoramic views of Istanbul and amicable service.


Location wise, the restaurant is next to the Navy Museum, just a few kilometres south of the Bosphorus Bridge. From here, you can see the Beylerbeyi Palace, Uskudar Kiz Kulesi, Topkapi Palace as well as the Bosphorus Bridge.

Below, you can see one of the many Cannon's just outside the Navy Museum.


Across from the Navy Museum, we arrive at Hanedan!

As you can see, it occupies the first and second floor of the building. At the top, you have a panoramic view of the entire area!


When you enter, you are welcomed by a friendly member of staff who will ask you whether you intend to eat fish or meat. The restaurant is divided into two separate floors depending on your choice.

I opted for the meat section, mainly because I wanted to sit on the panoramic floor with the best views.


The interior design is very clean, uncluttered and isn't trying to position itself as a fine dining establishment. In that regard, it is a very welcoming atmosphere and I'm already feeling happy about my dining choice for this afternoon.

I wouldn't have thought the restaurant would feel quite as modern judging from the outside, but inside, the restaurant has a healthy mix of modern decor as well as pictures of some of the notable landmarks of Istanbul.


This handsome young man was our waiter. Because we came at neither lunch time or dinner time, he was able to give us almost undivided attention. Explaining in detail the menu as well as the large selection of mezes. A very welcome sentiment!

As you can see the restaurant has quite an impressive selection of wines. However, I wasn't feeling like alcohol on the day, so I didn't have the pleasure of tasting any. I do like the barrel design at the bottom of the wine cupboard though. Along with the variety of plants, the place almost felt tropical.


The restaurant has an out door area in addition to the larger indoor area. Perhaps by mistake, I decided to sit in the outside area where there is no air conditioning. Although in the shade, it felt like being in a sauna outside!


The first order of business, a iced soft drink to cool down!

From the balcony of the restaurant, you have a perfect view of the Bosphorus Strait as well as the Asian side of Istanbul. This area is also used as a docking place for boats which will ferry passengers to and from the other side of the strait as well as cruises along it.

The Menu

Growing accustomed to traditional Turkish cuisine, I was asked to choose from quite a large selection of Turkish Meze's. These are the Turkish equivalents of starters and most of them are served cold.

Zesty Salad with Lemon

Lavash Hollow Bread


Salted Sardines

Pickled Olives

Spicy Salsa Salad

Lavash Hollow Bread

Tavuk Pirzola - Grilled Chicken. This is served with roasted tomato, roasted pepper, bulgur pilaf tomato rice and flat bread. The chicken has a distinctive barbecue taste to it and goes really well with the Haydari meze yogurt sauce. I was quite surprised by the sweet flavour of the rice but in retrospect, I think it goes very well with the savoury chicken and haydari.

Because the chicken is marinated with a special Turkish sauce, you can actually eat it on it's own and it's slightly spicy flavour will come through.

Bonfile - Beef Steaks. This is served with the same roasted tomato and roasted pepper as before, but instead of the bulgur pilaf tomato rice, we have french fries and brown rice.

The meat is rich in flavour owing to the herbal spices which have been added whilst being grilled. One thing I noticed was the size of the servings. You get a lot of meat, but also a lot of rice and french fries. It's actually quite difficult to finish both.

The steaks tasted a bit like burger meat except with a very strong herbal essence. I often look at Turkish food and assume that it will taste familiar because superficially, the steaks look like regular steaks. It's only after eating them do I notice the distinctive Turkish taste to them.

The restaurant seemed to have a lot of tables and I suspect the evening time would be much more lively and atmospheric. My personal recommendation would also be to visit during the evening and try get a table on the balcony. Night time panoramic views of the strait are serene.

Finally, I realised that these pictures on the wall are of places you can see if you look hard enough from the restaurant. Do you recognise what they are?


And that concludes today's Miss. Delicious! A very satisfying Turkish lunch/dinner, and extremely beautiful views to match. As I mentioned earlier, the most ideal time to visit would be during the evening when the temperatures are lower, and there are more people in the restaurant to fill the atmosphere.

However, if you're looking for some midday relaxing ambience, then you will find yourself very well looked after, and plenty of choices to sit. Just be ready to sweat!

As always, I appreciate your upvote if you liked my post, a follow if you want to stay up to date with my adventures, and a comment to let me know what you think!

又到了甜心和大家一起享受美食的时间了,在伊斯坦布尔的午后时光是美好的,迎着阳光沿着河岸,欣赏着身边过往的景色。不知不觉就走到了这家河岸餐厅Hanedan restaurant,这是一家正宗的土耳其海鲜餐厅。最让人无法拒绝的大概是餐厅的露台,可以俯瞰伊斯坦布尔海峡,这个海峡又叫作博斯普鲁斯海峡。这里其实就是人们常说的,将土耳其分割为欧洲和亚洲的海峡,把土耳其变成了一个神秘又奇妙的国度。这个海峡海水很蓝,长大概30公里,最宽处大约是3700米,最窄处只有700米。海岸边停了很多游船,和土耳其的公共交通工船,我们现在所处的地理位置是欧洲,如果想要过去对岸,还可以乘船过去,票价很便宜。河边除了白色的邮轮,还有很多土耳其标志的红顶屋子,虽然是午后时间,但是还是热闹极了。



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I am happy to see you taking it kind of easy this time around @sweetsssj. I was not familiar with the Bosphorous Strait until now. I am happy that you took us along with you. And again, I have to add this one to my list.

The view reminds me so much of home town of Negril. It is a seaside town on the small island of Jamaica, which is just south of the United States. I have not been home in four years, so thank you for these panoramic scenes. As vicarious as they are, I still appreciate them.

I will not even attempt to give my two cents on the design of the restaurant, for god knows I know I know nothing about that aspect of life, what I can say though is that it is beautiful, and I can only imagine how delightful it is to be there, in that time, that space, in a world so far removed from the hustle and bustle of modern life. You brought us there, again, thank you.

By the way, as I write this I am getting hungry and I find myself going back to the menu, which perhaps is not a good idea on a groaning stomach. Another vicarious experience I have to both relish and make the best of.

Good bye for now. I await your next post @sweetsssj.

@randowhale @randowhalebonus!

nice !!! i like this hotel !!!

very good
I like

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

go away spammer

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You are the perfect example of a spammer


awesome, i really like these food, please more post thank you

I felt I travel the world with all the photos here. Keep it up and thank you.

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @arobert! For more information, click here!



This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @digitalplayer! For more information, click here!

Beautifully shot and makes me hungry - great post thanks

A change of pace today, @sweetsssj, as we accompany you on a delightful midday visit to a seaside restaurant with panoramic views of the Bosphorus Strait.

Such a romantic setting! One can easily imagine Ian Fleming dining here at the Hanedan and drawing inspiration for his James Bond novels . The ambiance of being situated close to famous seaway gives the restaurant an international flavour while adding an air of mystery.

I liked the fact that the restaurant was unpretentious in its decor and sought to blend into its surroundings.

The wall murals of local tourist sites were like windows that provided glimpses into the heart of Istanbul.

Everything seemed focussed and minimalist with nothing to distract from the unique experience of dining in an exotic locale.

The two story design of the restaurant simplified choices by dividing the cuisine into meat or fish entries served on separate floors with each providing stunning views of the wharf and the straits.

It must be magical in the evenings with the lights shimmering on the water and a cool breeze on the balcony.

The menu offered its own panorama of colours in a wide range of food entries that appealed to the eyes while enticing patrons with the aromas and spicy scents that give each dish a distinctive Turkish taste.

I was drawn to the Bonfile or Beef Steaks.served with rice, fries and grilled vegetables, but everything looked visually appealing and delicious.

A good restaurant can offer a first class dining experience but only a great restaurant can accomplish this in a memorable setting that compliments the cuisine while creating an air of mystery. The Hanedan accomplishes this.

Lovely photos to accompany an informative and entertaining review of a memorable dining experience, @sweetsssj.

thank you john, believe it or not, this was one of the best experience i've had in Istanbul in terms of dining, there were a few other restaurants which appeared to be more classy but failed to leave an impression. I'll also be reviewing those too. But this one was thoroughly enjoyable, even during it's quieter hours. !

@sweetsssj 1st of all i want to congratulate you for the fantastic and very interesting article you have..thank you for sharing it with us..for me you're the best [email protected] appreciate your effort to show to us your personal travel.the places you got..i imagine sometimes you expose the heat of the sun while taking a photo shoot on your last article.you give your passion on this community and that's i admired you most.thanks for being a friend and also the one who votes on my post..i thank you that you give us a chance to know you through your travel.many people admired you..your like a superstar at steemit.com...i love your photos on base on category like food services on the restaurant, the restaurant is also a very romantic place to visit.i love the drone video and photos...all in all,,super like it and upvote your post and for the support .resteemed your post..@mrblu..

until the next travel..i want to share with you my poem hope you love it..its the way i express myself through poem..https://steemit.com/poetry/@mrblu/poem-the-power-of-deception-faces


just want to share this poem also from dontryme2 i like also his article..



@sweetsssj upvoted and i support you by resteem your post@dontryme2..

i have also a poem for you hope you love to read it..

I'm Agree This is interesting information about restaurant

thanks, @ridwant

@johnjgeddes i agreed on your nice and very good comments and views about sweetsssj ..she got deserve to adure and praise on her passion on travel..i love her the way she take a fantastic photo and drone effects..and its 100000 thumbs up..anyway i want to share with you my thanks..of my celebration at 300 followers..kindly check it out..its a poem to steemit ..hope you love and enjoy it..https://steemit.com/steemit/@mrblu/poem-to-my-followers-and-steemit-special-thanks-for-being-here-with-me-following-my-post-steem-poem


wowo . very nice pics

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

really a very pleasant trip to Hanedan @sweetsssj.You can see beautiful scenery, clean restaurant, diverse menu choices.Really an experience that will never be forgotten.Thank you for sharing this information to steemit community, especially Indonesian steemit community.

You really are living THE LIFE. Maybe one day all of us can be lucky enough to travel the world and have everything paid for through our blogging <3

Really amazing job @sweetsssj thank you for sharing another amazing post this this community. The steaks looked really good and so did the grilled chicken! What was your favorite food of them all?


ooh, I really loved the steaks! That's quite rare for me because I usually have trouble chewing steaks as my jaw starts to hurt! But these were sublime! With everything else, I only had to leave a piece or two..

They looked fabulous :D thank you again for sharing :)

I only had to leave a piece or two..
I'm hungry now.

@joeparys i agreed with you..she's so amazing woman..that's why many people will adored her..

she gots the looks and the passion....and super kind..i love our friendship.

@sweetsssj thank you for support votes..

kindly see my latest one.https://steemit.com/poetry/@mrblu/poem-the-power-of-illusion

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I want move a question - would people like something that opposite of @sweetsssj ? She show high quality photo with expensive life - opposition to it is low quality photo of humble life, without luxury

I doubt it :)
No one likes low quality photos in 2017 lol

Specialising in both traditional Turkish Meat and Fish dishes, Hanedan has established itself as a mainstay in the European side of Istanbul, although unknown to many a connoisseur, it has been serving traditional Turkish food from the same location since 1983. No doubt, the restaurant has seen the transformation Istanbul has undergone as it shifted from being a Sino-European gateway of trade, to it's present day modern metropolis.
Good post...
I like, beucaufe very nice photo...

Great tour @sweetsssj at Bosphorous Strait. I have only sky view of the place while I was in transit to US. I was a fan since then. Looking forward to more most like this :)

that gif is hilarious, thanks for adding Istanbul to my places to visit @sweetsssj

thank you and you're welcome! The gif is pretty funny right??? :)

one of this days I'll be able to travel just like that

I am very happy with your post is very fun and make me have a desire to eat these delicious foods... 🙏🙏

With your (@sweetsssj) long and wonderful tour at Turkey , I became a fan of Turkey's colorful culture and food.

Wow...turkey its one of beautiful place in the world...i like it but never visit because idont have much money..he..he..hee

Nice pics.
Well done.

thanks pouchon!

Loved the second picture where you are standing with a cannon, amazing!

I look so small next to it haha, these things must pack a punch!

food looks so delicious. so mouth watering, and by showing and telling us more about these foods is so nice of you, thanks for sharing @sweetsssj.
followed and upvoted

Awesome!!!! great pictures and photos

The above dress goes well with the head band and drink...good one indeed, hence why you always have my upvote.

In addition, I would like you to join the debate on my latest post about dangers of child pornography and sharing children pictures ...your constructive advise is needed.

thanks charles1, an interesting topic you have chosen, I haven't really put much thought in it before but i will take a look and see if I have anything to add.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@sweetsssj You are welcome, great that you will check it out and add your thoughts on the issue. More success to you. Kind regards @Charles1

Very proffessional!!!

Reminds me of a good meal I ate once, near the beach! It involved bread.

Haha, just bread??

:D not just bread of course. But there was bread there. It was malawah with sea food. It looked great on the menu, but actually the implemetation was not that good...

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @amirl! For more information, click here!

Your so awesome @sweetsssj

aww thanks crisgojar 😊 You sweetiee you!

Good reviews :)

Turkish food is mega awesome:) I am a bit jealous;)

ooh i agree ! Such a big change for me but I really like the change! 😊

First of all you are very pretty:) foods looks amazingly delicious

I can only see you, when you drink a glass of cold and sweet tea. it's just like you are sweet and cold. I'm not flirting, it's just praising your mood. So sweet !!!

For true and inspirational stories please visit this link


привет, а мы по моему знакомы)

hi friends @sweetsssj why do not you reply to my chat?

I don't always get time to reply to everybody on steemit.chat sorry, i'll try get back to you next time you ping me

thank you for taking time to reply my comments. I would be glad if we could be friends and share each other. do not forget me and my wall. thanks

Though I followed you today, I have been following your posts for a while. I have found quality content, the highest standard of photography with detailed information for the place you visit. I wish I could be in your place. However, thank you very much for sharing some unknown & unexplored places (to me) with this community and making us aware of it.

Beautiful tour, very nice hotels and a lovely country
I liked very much

You are very beautiful and your subject is nicer

You're making all of us jealous with these tasty food excursions @sweetsssj!
Everything looks so good, and not busy which is always a plus, and the perfect way to enjoy a meal like that :)

My very own @sweetsssj
glad to find your post on time today... although a bit late... you look radiant on white top...what is "Avrupa Yakası's Hanedan!" ;)
As always... what else can i say...a perfect post from the master herself...Hanedan restaurant with its best views of the Bosphorus Strait..
nice selection of Turkish Meze's...and as you rightly pointed out... the location is garnished with serene panoramic views... great post once more always worthy of my upvotes & admiration... keep making us proud dear...

Thank you kenhudoy, so kind. Avrupa Yakası is referring to the European side of Istanbul. It is divided into European side and Asian side, the Asian side called Anatolia :)

Ok...learning from the best travtravel blogger I v ever known😋 keep it up

I wish you a blessed weekend @sweetsssj and looking forward to your great post, hopefully soon. Keep safe and enjoy yourself.
I referenced you in my latest post-feel free to see it. I wish you and your family a blessed weekend.

Thanks for your vital information; nice photography to excellent explain @sweetsssj wow

an elegant restaurant and food and at the same time beautiful scenery and splendid postings

a lot of traveling on holiday to turki dubai because there are two amazing sides that contain history and in this turkey because many changes to a beautiful beautiful vacation is really very happy the immigrants and their special food

Post your pictures in such a beautiful meal in your post. I would like to eat when I see your post picture. Many many thanks.

The food looks amazing! I'm so jelly! great post once again and I hope one day I can do what you are doing.

thank you ebejammin, it's great you've set yourself goals, stay focused and you'll get there!

Wow, one just get mesmerized by the pure beauty of the pictures. Very seeet indeed!

I'm new in steemit. not daring to say much. I just said a very good post. always success,! thank you!
if any time see my introductory post is really the way of introduction in @steemit.

Yes, thank you. please guide me and if there is time please see my post if I am worthy in steemit.

hi alfa-good, welcome to steemit! I'll have a look at your introductory post :)

how to make our posts in upvote by steemit friends. after i see on the wall @sweetsssj very nice post and very pretty upvote its. I was amazed. being friends with @sweetsssj.

A very enjoyable trip to fill your beautiful day, hopefully your trip is fine dear.oh yes I apologize to you dear ya because in my post yesterday there I write your name about the beautiful and sexy woman in steemit that I wrote in the book my daily, this link yes dear


thank you arjunmartavela, i'm very flattered :)

AJ picked your post @sweetsssj for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

U are really making me jealous and providing me with a reason to work even harder on steemit...

After all everyone loves travelling and making bucks on steem it.....This family is juat awesome

nice shot.......... @sweetssj

thanks dear 😊

Beautiful seen & good post

beautiful post to enjoy, beautiful panorama and good photography, so want to always follow the journey @sweetsssj next, regards @amre

thanks amre, hope you enjoyed it :)

Amazing post @sweetsssj ,yeppi delicious foods and wonderful restaurant ); keep going new place. And post it

thank you! I will do my best :)

I've said it before and I'll say it again you are O so truly blessed to be able to do this love your pictures.

thank you roger, i hope you enjoyed it as much as I do writing it! :)


wow,, very good post, very tantalizing 😂 @sweetsssj

Please check my post and upvote. Am your follower and i so much love your posts and thanks https://steemit.com/recipes/@beulahlandeu/how-to-make-sprouts-salad

Please check my post and upvote. Am your follower and i so much love your posts and thanks https://steemit.com/recipes/@beulahlandeu/how-to-make-sprouts-salad

Thanks for taking us around sweetsssj.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, incredible photos and very nice and professional written article with a well formatted text. Thank you for sharing with us! Greatly appreciated!

Check out my latest post here : https://steemit.com/life/@benjy87/you-wanted-something-interesting-you-got-something-mind-blowing-2017910t20740270z

Thank you!

you're welcome benjy87!

Hey @sweetsssj, it was amazing to read all of this and to see those amazing food pictures, mouth started to water immediately :D I wish one day i can travel and try various food from different cultures :)

post was amazing, keep up the good work <3

I would love to visit here.
For true and continued inspirational stories please visit this link.

The food!

Wow !!! Such an amazing view <3 and the food is so amazing !!!

I wish i was there right now ^ ^

Thank you for sharing :D

BTW If you want you can check my page to see my work of drawing :D https://steemit.com/@cuteve

Have an awesome day <3 <3 Enjoy your visit ^ ^

thanks cuteve, i'll check it out :)

❤❤❤ ^ ^

I've never been to Turkey, although I could probably get a flight there easily and practically free. I've just never had a real desire to go there. The picture I had in my head is not the same pictures that you showed though. Maybe I should give the place a try. Most of the food looks pretty good, no sardines for me. An adventure I think I need to take. Thanks for the awakening.


Great !!! Such a wonderful viewpoint The food is very amazing. I always follow your post, you are not just beautiful. But every article always attracts your attention. Aam is a dream city for me.

thank you movietrailar, glad you took a liking to this one, sometimes a place just needs some good views and suddenly it's an unforgettable experience. No wonder adventurers travel far and wide to get to advantageous spots for beautiful views!

Awesome article @sweetsssj. You won me over when you showed the wine rack.
As if looking at the food was not enough, reading your description made my stomach growl. What is in the Haydari? Well, regardless, I want take it all, stuff it into that Hollow Bread, and go to town on it. The exterior dining over looking the strait and harbour, really gives it that little extra pop. Thanks for sharing.

Very elegant pictures and the food looks delicious. Keep more coming!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@sweetsssj - Oh my - Once again, you have managed to rekindle my memories of Istambul. I went to the very same Hanedan restaurant after a visit to Topkapi palace and Naval museum!! It is a very small world - isn't it. Of course I did not take such stunning pictures of the surroundings and menu from the top floor. I was focused on wolfing down the delicious Tavuk Iskander and noticed little else.
To your credit, as usual you have noticed in great detail the decor and even the waiters in this case. The panorama of the bosphorous strait in GIF form is simply breathtaking.
Though I did not try such a large selection of mezzes, I am sure I tried one or two from the large selection which you have shown in your pictures. They are just mouth watering!!
In contrast with some of your blogs, this blog have fewer pictures of you but the 2-3 that are there are very good. I like the one with you, very delicate, contrasting with the Naval Cannon. I like the rose embroidary on your dress too.

Thanks for refreshing my memories of my Turkey visit once again. Your blogs really make me feel I am re-visiting those places.

Good to see that you are taking time between blogs and relaxing a bit hopefully (or seeing more lovely places?).

As usual, I request you to visit my blogs and provide your feedback whenever you have time and feel like seeing some wildlife or nature pictures with a twist. Thanks friend.

P.S.: I have sent a suggestion about your blog page on Steemit chat. Please check when you have time. Thanks

Just came across your steemit! Followed! Hope to read more of your posts.

thank you zord189, welcome to the family, and I hope you enjoy your stay, post come every few days at the moment !

看起來好美味!! :D


pics are crazy

in a good way i hope? :)

Good place to find different varity of food.

wish i could get my hands on spme of these

A beautiful posts with lovely photos and very well written. The restaurant Hanedan looks very interesting and I like the fact that they have separate area for meat or fish, I think that's a very clear we idea. I love all the different cuisines and I also like to cook so the photos of food you posted gave me some ideas to experiment with when I have time to cook. Thank you for sharing.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

yeah it was one of the coolest place ever, but if you ask me what to eat then I definiatly tolad you that fish. Because fish season just open in Turkey. And during the Istanbul you should surely visit all historical places which you will never find in world. please follow :-)

Chine 3darova

@sweetssj upvoted and resteemed @dontryme2

the Spicy Salsa Salad and all food you showed to us was very tasty to eat..the balcony of the restaurant delights the visitor such a romantic place to date with special someone..love your drone photoshop..Across from the Navy Museum, at Hanedan!what a big canon there..you look so great in your outfit .your photo-shoots was very entertaining review of a memorable place.all in all you done great and super thumps up..
i want to share my orig poem which dedicated to you..hope you gonna love it..https://steemit.com/cn/@dontryme2/hand-in-hand-catch-one-s-heart-till-death-do-us-part

and the content of @mrblu had good content too..https://steemit.com/poetry/@mrblu/poem-the-power-of-deception-faces

we support each other as friend on this community..

thanks again for your generous support and love to your fans and followers..

more power to you and may the lord bless you more on your travel @sweetsssj..

Omg 😱 this post is awesome, all foods looks amazing, i love The steaks💕 🍖, thanks for sharing @sweetssj

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Your so awesome

The guy didn't seem to enjoy posing for your photo :P

thats becausee it was a cheeky snap! He's so handsome don't you think!?

Haha! No, not really :P Is that the type of guys that you like the most?

You should try coming to Malaysia. Its to die for the array of food.

i fully intend to soon! Ahh my stomach is going to explode!!

Dont explode first...see u in Malaysia! Finally get to meet a whale...not in terms of size ya. In terms of reputation. Welcome....

once I see your post, I feel late for upvote, resteem and comment comments.
no one not familiar with your post @sweetsssj
many interesting impressions in your series of posts
thanks for sharing

thank you abudar :)

Waao what a beautiful place to visit the inside look is really beautiful and i have to say that you have a great knowledge about beautiful and delicious food serving places,the food is looking very very tasty but sadly there is not much options for a vegetarian like me,but still all food looks very tasty. :)

When did you become a vegetarian ? Was it because of moral reasons or dietary requirements?

Hey i am vegetarian from birth because in our cast people cannot eat meat, that's why i am a pure vegetarian :)

Nice Post, Great Traveling.... @sweetsssj

thanks dody! Travel, food all wrapped up in one!

Maybe... One day you will traveling to aceh-Indonesia hehehehe....

Deliciosa comida

i think the first word is delicious?? If so, yes!! 😊

Excellent photography i really appriciate your photography skills keep it up

thanks my friend, some credit goes to my photographer for this whole journey, tania!


嗯嗯 😊

An amazing picture with good illustration

thanks mecherine 😊

Perfect description for a world class restaurant. Who would have imagined such beauty looking just from the outside. It's mind blowing. Sadly, you did the eating all alone and I almost felt I was there with you eating with such a detailed and nice picture post.

Nice dress and you look dazzling in it. Will be here waiting for my share anyways.... Smiles...

thank you phait, I actually was eating with my friend who joined me for my travels in Turkey (Tania) she's a lovely photographer and person too, but a bit camera shy herself :D

A gorgeous post, @sweetsssj! So professional!

I am fascinated with the fact that there are separate floors for those preferring eat fish or meat. Why do they differentiate seating based on this and what happens if members of the same party want to eat both?

Your pictures of these lovely dishes are simply perfect. The Tavuk Pirzola looks particularly appetizing...

I have never beet to Turkey but the Straights look absolutely gorgeous. I am adding Hanedan to my Bucket List!

An enthusiastic Upvote for this post and I have followed you to see more, more, more! Feel free to follow me as well.

Thanks again for your work and continued success and good luck here on Steem!

thanks braveboat!
You have some very valid questions there and I think it is only a matter of convenience for the different teams of people to serve the food to you. Although it sort of implies that there are separate kitchens for each and not a single one as in most restaurants.. In any case, its the only place i've come across that does this!

Turkey has many vantage points offering fantastic views, anywhere above the sea level is a good place to start! I hope you get to visit Turkey real sooon because you're going to absolutely love it!! :)

thanks for the information. what your news is useful for us all ..

you're welcome dear!

looks delicate!

Hello Miss Delicious , Hanedan is amazing restaurant and what a great menu they have, Very yummy dishes. You always left my mouth watering with such delicious dishes . Just look at Haydari I don't know how it tastes but it looks too special. Spicy salsa Salad looks nice too. Which one was your favourite dear . This is really a nice place and you are looking superb outside navy museum next to cannon. Thank you so much for such and delicious , sweet and beautiful post . Have a great day 😊

thank you vikbuddy, i have to say I enjoyed the steak the most! It's rare that I have such an appreciation of meat on it's own, usually I like to eat it stir fried with other ingredients but the Turkish way works for me!

Hello dear, Please do check my Verification cum introduction post, and a special thank you for U . Know more about me : https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@vikbuddy/500-followers-verification-introduction

This looks so good! I think I have to go make me something so eat, I got very hungry looking at your pictures! Awesome post, and you take really good photos. Thanks for sharing, following and upvoting you :) Have a nice day!

please while making that delicious meal...remember another steemian got hungry reading through @sweetsssj post... so coming for lunch! nice comment.. happy to see other steemians supporting good work... keep steeming dear ;)

thank you kristinbr! You're such a sweetie :) Have a nice day! :)

Thank you! :)

out of curiosity, how many languages do you know @sweetsssj?

two and a half, I can understand Cantonese but can't speak it too well :D

Ok. cool. do you ever have issues with the language barrier when you travel?

Oh all the time, my spoken English isn't great so sometimes people don't understand me with my accent. Other times, I don't understand their English. I was quite surprised that in general, people in Turkey don't speak very much English at all. I probably have better chance finding people speaking Chinese!

Yeah. I had the same issue in Morocco when I lived there. :/ Context clues and my phone was my savior.

waw beautiful place, your life would be very happy to visit a very beautiful place, see the food makes me hungry must be very delicious :)

please see my blog, may be interesting in your eyes :) @sweetsssj

I will take a look isfar, thanks for dropping by and reminding me :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

surely I will always remember you, your blog is very good, and your face is very beautiful hehe :) :)

I've followed you, do you want to follow me? I am very happy if you want to follow me :) :) @sweetsssj

you are looking gorgeous as usual,nice overview from hotel, food menu so spicy, also fresh fish,everything is fine.

thanks my dear 😊