Miss. Delicious #82 : The Seven Hills at Sultanahmet!

in food •  7 years ago 

Dear Steemit friends :


In today's edition of Miss. Delicious, we'll be going back to the capital of the ancient Roman/Byzantine empire, then known as Constantinople, today known as Istanbul and dining at one of the most popular restaurants of the old city.

The old city, Sultanahmet, is the main hallmark of the many historically significant landmarks in Istanbul, for instance, the Blue Mosque and the Sophia Hagia. Many of these historical gems are located in or around the Sultanahmet Square which has become a very popular tourist spot to see the two famous mosques as well as other notable places such as the Basilica Cistern and Topkapı Palace, all walking distance from the square.

Of all the places that I could have chosen to stay at in Istanbul, Sultanahmet was my top choice. Living in the old city gives you an incredible sense of immersion in the Turkish culture, whether it's walking on the pebble stones along the square laid by the Ottomans from centuries ago, or hearing the piercing echos from the ezan summons for prayers at the mosques. It is an experience that wildly differs from any other city I have visited. So unique, and yet so authentic. The perfect place to observe, learn and absorb the multi-layered culture here.

The Accommodation

It's not uncommon to come across hotels which aside from their residence are also well known for their food. Seven Hills Hotel & Restaurant is typical in that regard and yet what is atypical of Seven Hills compared to those other restaurants, is their roof top terrace restaurant sporting some of the very best views of both the Sultanahmet peninsula, as well as the city skyline across the Bosphorus Strait.

Arriving in the afternoon, we were pleasantly welcomed with a glass of çay (Turkish Tea) and was eager to go up to the terrace / rooftop for the view(s).

And here it is, the view across to Anatolia, the Asian side of Turkey. The Bosphorus strait is actually the world's narrowest strait used for international navigation. It's interesting seeing the sky scrapers and high rise buildings dominate the skyline. Though Istanbul has abundant history, the remnants of it's past can now only been found in patches throughout the modern metropolis. Mostly tucked away between the soaring high rise buildings.


The Lobby

I really like the open space of the lobby. The red carpet leads you to the reception, whilst the traditional table and chairs are placed beside very big and open windows with no frame. Presumably for maximum air flow.

Jewellery Store inside the lobby

The Reception

The Lifts and stairs

I suspect to make as much space as possible, the size of the lift has been reduced. It's so small in fact, that probably only 3 people could fit in it. Take luggage with you and then it's only large enough for 2 people.

The Room

I was very pleased when I walked into my room, not only is it very spacious, it exudes so much Turkish character. From the bedding, to the chandelier, the paintings on the wall, to the wooden furniture. All make you feel like a Turkish Royal, living in a palace guest room!

The handmade rugs were a nice extra touch, there is a certain quality to them which you can only tell by touching them. They are thick, and yet soft to the touch. The patterning on them are also very detailed.

The Bathroom

Turkish influenced design can be found everywhere. From the rugs, to the ceiling, from the paintings on the walls, to the bathroom tiles and toiletries. Here they are up close for your viewing pleasure!

Exterior of the Hotel

The hotel is very distinctive not only because it is a dark wooden colour, but also because of it's unique architectural style. On the upper levels, you can see cascading ledges surrounded by metal railings for people to walk around. At the very top, there is a 360 degree view of the Sultanahmet area, and this is principally the reason most people come to this restaurant.

The Sultan Ahmed Mosque

Also known as the Blue Mosque. Together with the Hagia Sophia, it stands distinct in the background with it's minarets and multi-layered domes.


Because of it's vantage point, the restaurant is very popular amongst people looking for good photos of the area. As a result, the restaurant is probably more popular than the hotel itself.

The Restaurant and the Menu

The restaurant is split up into two floors, the rooftop is really where all the excitement is. As you can see, we are extremely close to the Blue Mosque, as well as the Hagia Sophia. At night time, they are illuminated with strategically placed lights to bring out the various shades of blue and red reflected off the mosques tiles.

This is a selection of the seafood catches of the day. I love how it's decorated with such vibrant colours, the green lettuce, orange lobsters, rainbow coloured kebabs.

The waiters were very dashing and friendly too.

The Hagia Sophia

The Blue Mosque

Eggplant Yogurt

Turkish Mezes to start us off. This had a roasted taste to it which was unexpected but very welcomed. For those who haven't tried it before, it tastes a little "gooey".


From what I have observed, this seems to be the swiss army knife of dips. Made with garlic, mint and yogurt, it tastes a bit "tangy" but goes with basically everything.

Roasted tomato, lime and fish Kebab

So simple, and yet so delicious. The hint of seasoning goes a long way combined with the roasted taste of the fish. I loved how the outside texture was a bit crispy whilst the meat inside was tender, and soft.

Prawn Rocket Salad


Squid rings

Fish platter!

Not sure what kind of fish it is, but if you plan on visiting this restaurant, you have the option of choosing the fish by pointing your fingers, and that's what I did! Presentation goes a long way when it comes to food, and I must say, I really appreciate the colourful arrangement of the platter, even if the fish is itself the main thing to eat.

Succulent fish with a tad of lemon, dipped in the sweet and sour sauces make it absolutely sublime.

At night time, the thousands of lights in the distance illuminate the city. It's the perfect place for night views of the city. Below, we have the Four Seasons Hotel. It's considered quite a posh hotel and is distinctive because of it's yellow colour theme.

The same picture during day time.

Please check out the video tour of Seven Hills!

The Seven Hills Hotel & Restaurant is a mid tier establishment which punches far above it's own weight. Most people forget that it serves terrific food, and some of the freshest seafood around, as well as providing lodging fit for Turkish royals. All because the restaurant views are spectacular. Of course, we cannot deny that seeing the historical landmarks such as the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque from such a height, is a good reason to visit, and so, you would be forgiven if a photo shooting session was your true desire. Just know, that the food is authentic, traditional, very reasonably priced, and very delicious.

All round, an excellent choice for food, and/or a place to stay.

Please upvote my post if you liked it, follow for more, and leave a comment to let me know what you think!


七山酒店位于苏丹阿赫迈特老城区, 这里最大的特色就是那星罗棋布的清真寺建筑,这些建筑所渲染的肃穆,朴实的环境,和我平时生活的城市有着极大反差,那丛林之上耸立着的一根根尖塔,稳稳的直插云霄,让我充满了新鲜感和对于未知空间的好奇。所以我一下子就爱上了这个神秘又神圣,似乎每一寸土地都能净化心灵的城区。这家酒店周边的环境,充满了古朴,历史凝重的气氛。除了被伊斯坦布尔的三大历史建筑包围,它距离马尔马拉海也只有300米的距离。随着酒店迎客的土耳其红茶上桌,我们在这家酒店的旅程也随之开始。酒店大堂的布置,充满了土耳其民俗特色,椅背上的土耳其古典花纹,地上,墙上的土耳其宫廷地毯,还有那被装裱起来隆重的艺术画作,让人能在等候入住的空隙,细细品味土耳其的文化和艺术。




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awesome photos and awesome places as always!

I like the way you pan, stabilize and transition your video. Keep up the good work!

agree :)

Thanks @sweetsssj for the very useful sharing... Great post !

Kindly join “100 SBD giveaway” on my steemit that will end on next Friday ! Warm regards :)

appreciate what I did when I worked as a cook

Beautiful pics

Great post as always :))


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You have make a good decision

Great pictures! felt like i was almost there

How is it great, dear?

It includes a lot of info and I love the pictures :)

Love it

Istanbul my lovely city @sweetsssj
Thanks for your content.. 😍😍😍😍😍

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Oke @kravtsova.. Welcome to Steemit. Have fun

Very lovely and super bright and colourful photos! Lighted Up my mood! Thank you @sweetsssj

thanks kusatsuri, it's amazing what bright colours can do to the mood right :)?

Yes that's true! Especially when you are waking up, it is raing outside and you see these colours! Thanks again :D

Nice post....
bcak me vote and comments...
and follow me plzzz

Undoubtedly the photos are colorful but there is a lacking. Can you feel it?

Such colorful amd vibrant pictures! Do you use a specific camera?

Ur really awesome... Am so glad to ping u... Ur my inspiration women in steemit Luv u babe @sweetsssj

thanks nethra ^^

What a beautiful place to relax, with a perfect view

Kah mangat na peng jeut travel keno keudeh ,long pulah hana peng hanjeut lage kah
Tat hek mita peng bak steemit paleh nyo hanjeut ke
Lage kah mangat careng

food and also a nice drink, thanks for your help @sweetsssj

and you are very interesting to follow, because your writing arrangement and also your post photo is very good by @bilqis07

Thanks for sharing so much knowledge of culture here. Being new to steemit I really value this kind of content and it was a great read.


Nice pics and the food looks great. Glad you're having fun for us steemians here hehe...Keep up the good job!

Wow the lodging looks gorgeous and the food looks so bright , fresh and delicious ! You are definitely being treated like royalty @sweetsssj ! And how fantastic to be staying and dining in Istanbul ! Wow it blows my mind you are so lucky to have this opportunity ! Thanks for sharing it with us all ! Upped and resteemed to share with all my foodie followers in my @momskitchen blog , they will love it !😋😋😋
I have an on going contest about Spreading Positivity around steemit in my original account @karenmckersie ! Called Steemit Power Of Positivity POP Contest now into its 14 th week , its becoming very popular , someone is even going to make a video for it to promote steemit ! Im still in need of a weekly Sponsor , and I know how busy you are , but if you get a chance to look at it quickly and if your not interested in sponcering it , maybe you know of someone that is !? Please let me know @sweetsssj , it would be much appreciated ! Of course who ever does would have a great mentioned in every post !! Your awesome , thank you very much !!

Thx for sharing

Beautiful pics and the food looks insanely delicious!

thanks hms818, I just can't get enough of Turkish food, there must be some kind of additive or something! Thanks again!:)

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Hey @sweetsssj you are sweet, delicious and beautiful by picturization of content again so my best wishes with you thank you dear.
Thanks again.

AJ picked your post @sweetsssj for his #TOP5 FOOD POST. Visit AJ's FOOD ROUNDUP to view where your post is ranked.

Best streamer on streamit :)

@sweetsssj I am so excited an absolutely Beautiful Woman in a very Beautiful Place with a STEEMIT T-Shirt with a @kaylinart design I believe. Who could ask for any more Fantastic Food and Pictures ?? PERFECT !

thanks stokjockey, I actually designed the t-shirt, I did get a graphic artist to tidy it up for me :) Thanks again!

@sweetsssj The design and promoting STEEMIT Priceless.....

It really helps, people often come up to me and ask me where my blog is. Of course i oblige :)

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I thought that myself, a beautiful girl, nice smiling with a lot of style and a steemit shirt traveling to spectacular places we can not ask for anything else is practically perfect, I know that perfection does not exist but when I see
@sweetsssj makes me doubt that.

thank you for being here and sharing your things you make this community very valuable and all the fortunes that you are earning you deserve.

great day @sweetsssj and beautiful Istanbul to relax, with a perfect view

hiii dear @sweetsssj, nice photography on very nice places, i think you love and like travelling and adventure. love your post tkanks

hi rabeel, you're absolutely correct, travelling is my life hobby. I absolutely love doing it! THanks for taking the time to comment and letting me know you like it!

dear, i always visit your blog and very impressed to see your lovely pictures.because i also love photography and travelling. but unable to travelled due to my job. thanks for reply.

ooh well i'm glad I can help take you to places around the world through steemit then atleast!

i really grateful to you for this offer and lovely compliments. appreciated.

nice post

nic..post love thiss...


Hi, I'm new to steemit. So I need help from you. Please follow me .... https: //steemit.com/@kravtsova

just gone through your travel diaries. the way you share them through images and video gives us the best insights of the spot. Keep blogging and visiting many interesting places. Live life to the fullest. God bless

hemanthoj, thank you for that, I will do my best to keep improving and making better posts !

so what's the next destination ? anything planned ?

Hello my friend @sweetsssj I have a good mood today and I decided to share it with everyone and wrote a post about my morning, namely about my breakfast. I see the tag #MissDelicious in you. Delicious and you've written about sweety, I also wrote about a lovely and cool breakfast. If interest look. It raises the mood and makes fun:

I live in Istanbul. Thank you for introducing these beautiful places. But I was sick of seeing this post because I would be happier if I saw you. :)

merhabalar hoşgeldiniz steemit'e , steemit türkiye topluluğuna katılmak isterseniz discord kanalımız :
discord turkey community

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow ! Beautiful Girl on Beautiful place !! 😍😍😍
Really enjoyed your travel story dear @sweetsssj . 👌👌👌
You are really rocking . 👍
You are a explorer ! Love your work !!💞💞💞
I love Kabab ...It is Yummy!

thanks akkha, i'm a new fan of kebab too, we' got something in common:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wow ! After long time I got your reply !!
Yeah its yummy .
I will offer Nepali Kebab... if you visit here !

ha, from where?

M from Nepal !

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@sweetsssj .. By the looks of it, you had an amazing time there. :)
I like how you managed to cover so much about the trip in this post. Certainly looking out for more, from you.
Cheers :)

follwo me

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haha i love this one

hahaha hmmmmm
me too

Lets follow each other guys


I love this post.
Nice post

hello, I would really appreciate if you answered a question in my Q&A for whales, help! thnks.

you can reach me on steemit chat to discuss.

Thanks, I realize that helps, only I have had trouble logging into it, not sure why? I will let you know when I'm on :)

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very nice post ... realy interesting

@sweetsssj, thats a nice article but only thing missing is weekend!

@sweetsss plz vote me up im new and sad for my id

worryout sister, i will vote

please follow me @alba-tross

Great information....never knew.....good stuff.

Pictures are really beautiful. Especially the first one.

@sweetsssj you are post very amazing with fulfilled spicy foods. I saw you have many steemit-shirt cause you always wear a shirt with printing of steemit in your every traveling pics. Also you are looking good and stylish

well written post, enjoyed reading and watching beautiful pics

you always go to a beautiful place, I always like your trip and I always wait for your writing.

very nice @sweetsssj

I love Istanbul! Great food, friendly people and I love shopping there! People are so stylish and friendly. Did you try the Shisha lounges? We could stay there for ours, talk, drink and eat. Love it! Greetings from Holland!

you look so pretty and the place in awesome don't forget to follow me @smrizvysarker

Realy nice..

thanks ayersh!:)

Me encanta. Me emociona ver cada recorrido. Me maravilla su trabajo de investigación, su trabajo fotográfico .La calidad de lo que hacen es reconocida no sólo por mi sino por todos los que los apoyan y están pendientes de sus evoluciones. Me gustaría ver el tras cámara de las personas que participan en este trabajo.

I love. I'm excited to see each tour. I marvel at his research work, his photographic work. The quality of what they do is recognized not only by me but by all those who support them and are aware of their evolutions. I would like to see the camera behind the people who participate in this work.

Your photos are very beautiful, and the article is very informative. Makes me want to go. Did you go recently? Because we are a bit worried whether is dangerous to go now. Also, how much was the hotel? It looks really nice! The food looks really nice too, especially the seafood platter.😋

I was there a couple of weeks back, but i've now returned and working through my back log of pictures. Right now the weather will be more reasonable, back then it was extremely hot, around 40 degrees every single day. The hotel cost about 40 euro per night!

That's pretty alright for an hotel like that! Did you feel safe enough? With all the terrorist threats around the region and stuff...

it's very expensive rate on the hotel..wow 40 euro per night...hope that someday there will be big sponsor on your travel..

WOW awesome blog in #food category , this post resteem by @shohana1

yeah! she has made a choice of posting #food, thats great, i love it

please follow me @alba-tross

What a beautiful place.

Hi, I'm new to steemit. So I need help from you. Please follow me .... https: //steemit.com/@kravtsova

I'm new also, I already follow you @kravtsova
Please up-vote and follow me @hatimbenya
Thank you

from what u have wrote and these pictures u have taken made me what to go straight to the airport and book a ticket to turkey and enjoy a nice trip the same as u do it

I simply love your articles, great content and quality @sweetsssj

hatimbenya, that's so kind of you to say, thank you for making my day :)

You're welcome @sweetsssj , you should visit my blog it includes pictures about beautiful places in my country you'll love it
Support me with your follow @hatimbenya for getting better in next blog
Sincerely, thank you

@sweetsss plz vote me up im new and sad for my id

I refuse to attempt to understand what was typed above

. destroybots.png

Impossible it's wonderful

Nice photography...and post too!!!!!!!!

thanks prajwalvajandar


/nice post you also see my new posts and upvote it......i also upvote you on your nice post

I really like your photography and the place you are an idol

Her post is so nice!


I already up-voted and follow you... @godfatherofsalsa
Please up-vote and follow me @hatimbenya
Thank you

nice post i would like to invite to u see my post and give some comments at

Lovely restaurant and good food menu

thanks, i totally agree :D

thanks also for you @sweetsssj


Nice place..
I dont know.. When i can visit this place..

wow very beutifull picture @sweetsssj
if you can visit to my post

hi rizkigold, i'll take a look. THanks for visiting

@sweetsssj cool photos, do not forget to visit my page @muzammilrusli

oh yes, will do, thank you for reminding me :)

awesomeeemaxresdefault (2).jpg

Follow me


please upvote


The post is great. Informative with a lot of pictures. Your style of writing , especially the detailing and use of words is good. I loved it.

Wow!! beautiful places. please follow and vote for me

I have upvoted, please upvote me

https: //steemit.com/@kravtsova

thanks, i'll check your blog out!

giphy (3).gif

You are so beautiful as like as steemit.

You are looking good and also traveling i like so much.

This place is looking like "Disney land".And I think now you have to replace those Steemit tees, haha. Looking pretty as always :-)

ooh yes, i had fun editing this one!:)

nice post 🤗

thanks my dear!

🤗😍, Thanks again @sweetsssj, If do not mind visit also my blog @myaceh

The food amazing very nice pictures.😍💝💗🌐🗺🍒

aw kanokwan, thanks very much. Just giving you guys ideas of what to do , where to stay etc. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thais is very perfect article, Thanks for the ideas @sweetsssj , I'll try my best. 🤗💝

I like you @sweetsssj...

thanks dian, you're sweet :)

Thank you @sweetsssj..success and healthy always for you, my greetings from indonesia.

greetings to you from China. !

Good article and very nice pictures

thanks florian-glechner, spanning across an entire day!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, so amazing a post this is!!!! 🌹... I liked those pictures... They just refreshed me up.... Thanks a ton for this amazing post... Loved it... By the way, you are very pretty!!!.... .😊.

thanks onority! To feeling refreshed!

It’s entirely my pleasure… 😊

Nice post and nice photos

thanks afifbou!

Wow beautiful places, foods and photography @sweetsssj

thanks adnanmajeed, this entire peninsula is beautiful. It's very hard to picture anything bad here!

Awesome! This serves as an upvote. I love the way you share your travel blog here. Hoping I could share mine someday. :)

thanks roxanne, you can do it too,nothing stopping you at all!

I followed you. Keep it up. :D


thank you zahidxm ^^

Wonderful post with picture. Enjoy the nice moment.thanks

thank you omrfrq18! :)

This is very perfect article but my focus are the waiters. hahaha. Anyway, I wanna get Steemit shirt like you have dear. And you are very rich to travel the world. Ohh yeah, Constantinople is the old name of Turkey.

Thanks lebron, yes the waiters are soo handsome haha. You can just get a t-shirt printing company to pring your own design. Then you have your very own custom made shirt!

Wow! Its amazing! Im adore Istanbul.

me too! Istanbul is such an exciting place to be, it's like the mesh of two continents of culture. Incredible!

In my first visit I could not even sleep ))). Walked to the late, and then on the terrace watched Sultan Ahmet, which was seen on the palm. And Turkish dishes are something incredible. Explosion of taste.

899 votes 😱

So often what makes for a great travel experience has nothing to do with the country, the city, or even the neighborhood. Choosing a good place to stay is key to enjoying yourself and being comfortable abroad. @sweetsssj, you are an all star "Travel Pro" when it comes to hotel selection! Two thumbs up on your choice. I hope to travel like you some day. Another great post. Thanks for sharing! -Dan "World Travel Pro"

hey dan, thank you for this little bit of insight, and I totally agree. It is the first thing I start researching after choosing the city/country. Sometimes it's easy to just pick the most luxury looking one, but I find looking for hidden gems like this one is much more satisfying!

Welcome to Turkey If you are still here please come to Bursa City

thank you dear, sadly i've left for quite a while now. I'm only now getting through my backlog of posts I intend to write about.. but next time for sure!

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Love yours post, I'm new to this steemit community and your post are the first one that I see..Through your pictures and writing, other people feel as if they have visited the place :)

thank you mimilemut, welcome to steemit my dear. I hope to see you more often, thank for commenting!


you're welcome :) I'm looking forward to reading your new posts..have nice day :)

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very good post.

thank you dear

you should come to Italy!

I really should! Positano really interest me!

I live in Milan, so Positano, Venezia, Firenze are over the top. If you would further information contact me!

Upvote my post, I'm new on steemit

Yes, come to the South. We are waiting for you in Athens

great as always :) looks like an amazing city with really yummy food =)

thanks dear, it really is a fantastic city, i've not met anybody who has said they disliked Istanbul after visiting. Hopefully you'll feel the same one day when you visit.

I'm quite sure I would love it, too :)

great job @sweetsssj .you are a great person.i follow your work.i gety insperiation from you.

thank you cryptomaker, i'm glad to be someone that motivates you to do what you want to do. Hope to see you achieve your dreams!

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