So breakfast starts with protein shake or smoothie on a normal week day.
Because it is a weekend, I decided to cheat with these yummie homemade almond flavoured scones. I got to give myself a pat on the back on the one!!! Do I feel guilty? Maybe yes, but hey one deserves some happy moments on the lip. Will worry about the hip later :).
Most of the time tomatoes forms a part of my meals, am such a fan! Below is a typical evening meal. What I did was, boil the sweet corn for about 30 mins. For the tomato stew: 4 tomatoes + 1 full onion+1 teaspoon+2 knorr cubes+Paprika(Slighly hot, so if you are not a lover of hot food, I would suggest you remove)+2 tablespoons of Olive Oil. I added the green peas inside the sweet corn for bout 5 mins (You do not want them to overcook). The chicken was a normal grill with chicken spice + a brush of olive oil. Remember NO SKIN!
This is what my days would look like for a while in 2018 and once in a while I will be updating you with different dishes I will be trying out with progress.
The idea is to have fun while staying healthy. Kindly share your experience and tips for staying healthy.