Every meal should be healthy, including breakfast. When you make the decision to start your day with food that’s good for you, you can enjoy the whole day knowing that you’re taking care of your body and giving it the fuel it needs to do everything you want it to do. Here are 9 healthy breakfast foods that keep you full, according to a dietitian who advises people on food choices every day in his practice.
In this article, I am going to be explaining the 9 healthy Low-Calorie Breakfast Foods.
9 Low-Calorie Breakfast Foods
Breakfast is always one of our most important meals. Even if you’re not a breakfast person and don’t always eat it, skipping breakfast can leave you short-tempered and more likely to make bad food choices throughout your day. It may also lead to being hungrier at lunchtime. Breakfast doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated; some of my favourite healthy breakfasts are a banana with almond butter and orange juice, or plain Greek yoghurt with granola and fresh fruit. However, if you struggle making breakfast every morning (or just prefer having someone else do it for you), try one of these nine healthy breakfasts that keep you full all morning long.
- Cooked Oatmeal
Oatmeal contains soluble fibre and high-quality protein that helps slow the digestion of carbohydrates. This results in smaller glucose and insulin responses after eating oatmeal compared with other types of breakfast foods. Additionally, fibre reduces hunger by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing appetite. In one study, healthy women who ate oatmeal every day lost significantly more weight over 6 months than those who did not eat oatmeal regularly. Oats are also relatively low in calories and rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They’re also cheap—and really easy to make! Add some cinnamon or any other flavourings you like for a quick, satiating meal on busy mornings when you want something warm on your plate before heading out into work or school.
- Almond Butter on Toast
If you're in need of something filling for breakfast, opt for almonds on whole-grain toast. Not only are almonds full of protein and fibre, but also studies have shown that eating them as part of a reduced-calorie diet can help you lose weight faster than those who don't. (That's because when your body senses that you're not getting enough calories—when it needs them—your metabolism will increase and your cells become more sensitive to insulin.) The best part? Almonds are inexpensive and last a long time, so they'll stick with you through those early morning hunger pangs.
- Eggs and Greek Yogurt
Eggs and Greek yoghurt both boast satiating protein. A study in Metabolism found that eating eggs for breakfast kept people fuller than those who had bagels. Plus, one serving of plain Greek yogurt packs 20 percent of your daily protein needs. Greek yoghurt is high in calcium and pairs nicely with other foods like fresh fruit, says dietitian Keri Glassman. Plus, it’s higher in protein compared to regular yoghurt—and you can use it as an alternative to mayo or butter: spread it on sandwiches or use it as a dip for raw veggies like carrots or celery sticks.
- Spinach, Mushroom and Feta Quiche
Eggs are an excellent source of protein and they help keep you full. Adding in other nutrient-dense foods like spinach, mushrooms and feta cheese can only help quell hunger longer. Try a recipe like our Spinach, Mushroom and Feta Quiche. If you find it’s too rich on its own (though you may be surprised), try making it with 1 percent milk instead of cream or half-and-half. It will reduce calories by around 50 per serving without sacrificing flavour.
- Smoothies With Greek Yogurt
It’s no secret that protein is key for weight loss; eating it at every meal is linked with improved satiety (fullness) and weight management. The same goes for yoghurt. One study found that women who ate three high-protein Greek yoghurt parfaits per day experienced a 24% decrease in appetite and ate 441 fewer calories over 12 weeks. If you have room for dairy in your diet, it might be time to upgrade your morning routine with some Greek yoghurt—or another source of protein—to help battle those hunger pangs.
- Scrambled Eggs with Avocado and Cheese
Eggs are a top source of protein and have been shown to improve satiety (the feeling of fullness). Fill up on these for breakfast and you won’t be hungry until lunch. Research also suggests that eggs can help us make better food choices when we’re on a diet because they increase levels of cholecystokinin, which has been linked with more satisfying eating behaviour. High-protein breakfasts like scrambled eggs are also great for keeping you lean—they may reduce belly fat by as much as 30 percent! To prepare eggs in an avocado half: Crack two eggs into an empty avocado shell or one small whole avocado per serving. Use only egg whites or egg substitutes; discard yolks or save them for another recipe. Add salt and pepper.
- Turkey Bacon
Turkey bacon is lower in fat than regular bacon and has less saturated fat. It also has less sodium than many other breakfast meats, so if you’re watching your sodium intake, turkey bacon is an option for you. If you want an alternative that will still give you plenty of protein and satisfying flavour in your breakfast meal plan, try turkey bacon. Plus it tastes great on sandwiches for lunch!
- Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Chia Seeds
Sweet potatoes are an incredibly nutrient-dense food. They're full of vitamins and minerals, healthy carbs, and plenty of fibre. If you make them yourself, instead of buying processed ones out of a bag or box at the grocery store (which can often contain more sugar than fresh), you'll know exactly what goes into them and can season them how you like! Roasting is one of my favourite ways to prepare sweet potatoes: I typically toss mine with oil and salt before placing them in a 400°F oven for about 20 minutes (or until tender). With only 117 calories per cup, they're also extremely low in calories—you can easily eat as many as you want without going overboard on your calorie count.
- Greek Yogurt with Fruit and Nuts
Greek yoghurt is an excellent source of protein and fat. It also contains B vitamins, which help your body metabolize fats. B vitamins will also give you energy when you need it most -- first thing in the morning! Greek yoghurt is also high in calcium and vitamin D -- both essential nutrients for bone health. Like other dairy products, it's important to choose Greek yoghurt that's nonfat or low-fat; otherwise, you'll be consuming too many calories and sugar.
If you enjoy breakfast, try to start your day with a low-calorie meal.
Which one will you try first? You can let me know in the comment.
Also, you can let me know which of the breakfast you will like to start with on the comment.
Or any other breakfast that you have tried and it kept you until lunch.
Have questions? Don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments below.
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