For tajine lovers, this dish is for you
Moroccan tajine meat : prepration very easy
Ingredients / for 6-8 people
1kg and a half of meat (shoulder, hock ...) with the choice of beef, lamb or veal. The key is to choose a tender meat that does not harden when cooked.
1 kg of potatoes
Ginger powder (1 teaspoon)
Salt pepper
Pure saffron (some pistils)
Sweet pepper (1 teaspoon)
2 grated onions
1 handful of parsley and chopped coriander
Olive oil
1 candied lemon
Candied olives (green or red choices)
1: Peel and slice the potatoes (choose a variety that does not crumble when cooked).
2: Cut the meat into large pieces, place in the tajine, salt, add the ginger, the oil, the saffron and the grated onions. Mix well. Brown a little over low heat then cover with water and cook on medium heat. Add water if necessary during cooking but always hot never cold because the meat may harden.
3: When the meat is almost cooked. Mix the potatoes with coriander, chopped parsley and sweet pepper. Place your potato wedges on the meat, cover and simmer. Then add the candied lemon cut into strips and the candied olives.
4: Simmer. Remove from heat when the sauce is smooth.
You can either keep it in the tajine dish or dress it in a round dish by first disposing the meat and then cover with potato wedges. Garnish with olives and candied lemons. Serve the sauce all around.