Homemade sixteen kinds of Chinese food, delicious enough not to stop

in foodcookingchinese •  4 years ago  (edited)

Recently, the whole country set off a stalling boom, in response to the national call, many people have put into the stall team, from food, clothing, daily necessities. Most people are the first time to set up a stall, do not have much experience, sell what products become the most confusing problem. The homogenization of daily necessities and clothing is too serious and the competition is fierce. Food category is the most popular, but ready-made packaged food profits are low, competition is more serious, how to be different and recognized by everyone, that is, carefully made food, homemade food health without addition, eat rest assured, well received by consumers.

Below share 16 kinds of food suitable for stalls, these 16 kinds of cuisine are garlic lettuce, spicy powder, big spicy slices, honey butter fried chicken, parsley powder, egg filling cake, sauce cake, baked cold noodles, sausage roast wheat, spicy tofu buns, spicy lemon phoenix claws, fruit rice, eggplant fish, gravy mussels, pot potatoes, double skin milk. Let's see which one is better for you.

First, garlic oysters


16 cuisines for stalls, detailed recipes, learned which one can sell well
Material preparation: 20 oysters, garlic 10 cloves, fan 1 roll, raw pump 4 scoops, oil 1 scoop, coriander moderate amount, millet pepper moderate amount, corn oil moderate amount.

Method of making: 1, rinse the sediment on the oyster first.

2, use a special knife to pry the oyster open.

3, put the fans in a bowl, with boiling water hot.

4, garlic cut into garlic spare, millet pepper cut off, coriander cut to spare.

5, pour 4 scoops of raw pump in a bowl, 1 scoop of oil, 2 scoops of water into a sauce spare.

6, the pot into a moderate amount of oil to burn to a slight heat, pour in the garlic fried garlic flavor, garlic edge fried to a slightly yellow can be.

7, off the fire poured into the sauce before the tune, stir-fry it can be put out for spare.

8, put the oysters on the roasting network, bake for 10 minutes until the oysters are cooked to eight minutes, put a small amount of fans on the surface, then put a small spoonful of garlic sauce, and put on a red milli pepper ring. After roasting and sprinkling the parsam on the heat, you can eat it.

Second, spicy powder


16 cuisines for stalls, detailed recipes, learned which one can sell well
Ingredients preparation: sweet potato noodles 1, onion 1 root, garlic 5 cloves, millet pepper appropriate amount, coriander moderate amount, squeeze vegetables moderate amount, peanuts moderate amount, raw pump 2 scoops, salt 1 scoop, white sugar 2 scoops, Chen vinegar 3 scoops, five incense powder moderate amount, pepper powder moderate amount, black pepper moderate amount.

Step 1, first put sweet potato chips into hot water to soak soft.

2, the process of foaming powder, pour oil in the pot, the raw peanut rice fried.

3, cut some onions and garlic, and then cut some millet pepper rings, coriander, cut after these side dishes into a plate for spare.

4, prepare a large bowl, in which you will put onions, garlic and milli pepper rings, then add 1 scoop of coarse chili noodles and 1 scoop of fine paprika, a moderate amount of five-scented powder, pepper powder and black pepper, and sprinkle with some white sesame seeds.

5, cook some hot oil on top, then stir well with a spoon. Add 2 scoops raw, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 2 scoops of white sugar and stir well.

Bring boiling water to a boil in 6 pans, put the soaked sweet potato chips in the pan, cook until the strips are soft, then drain the water with a leaky spoon. Put the sweet potato powder in the base and stir well with a little hot water.

7, the surface put some squeeze vegetable silk, onion flowers, coriander, peanut rice on it.

Three, big spicy pieces


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Ingredient preparation: dry bean skin appropriate amount, garlic 5 cloves, ginger 1 small piece, leek 1 root, octagonal moderate amount, fennel appropriate amount, cinnamon moderate amount, chili powder 2 tablespoons, cumin powder 1 scoop, pepper powder moderate amount, five balsamic powder moderate amount, salt 2 small spoon, sugar 1 scoop, white wine 1 scoop, white vinegar 1 scoop, white sesame 1 scoop.

Step 1, first put the dried bean skin in cold water soaked for about half an hour, soak well and then take out the force to squeeze out moisture.

2, then cut the bean skins open and cut the sides neatly.

3, cut the bean skin into large square flakes, boiling water in the pot, put the cut bean skin into boiling water to break. After watering, put it in a pan to cool the spare.

4, start to make red oil mixed with bean skin, prepare garlic, ginger, leeks, octagons, fennel leaves and cinnamon in moderation. Onion slices, ginger slices, garlic cut small pieces spare.

5, in the bowl put 2 tablespoons of chili powder, 1 large scoop of cumin powder, the appropriate amount of pepper powder, moderate amount of five balsamic powder, 2 small spoonfuls of salt, 1 large spoonful of sugar, 1 large spoonful of white wine, 1 scoop of white vinegar, 1 large spoonful of white sesame seeds, stirred well.

6, frying pan pour oil, add octagonal, fennel leaves, cinnamon fried incense, and then pour into the onion, ginger, garlic, small fire slow frying, fried to all material color yellowing, fragrance all fried into the oil when fishing out control oil.

7, only oil in the pan, then heat a little heat for a while, and then pour the hot oil directly into the previously adjusted bowl of paprika, side-by-side stirring, to prevent the powder from being hot fried paste, cumin bean skin of the red oil is done.

8, lift a piece of bean skin into the red oil, and then repeatedly flip until the bean skin is all covered with red oil, lift up and control the oil into the pan.

Four, honey butter fried chicken


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Ingredients preparation: chicken wings root 1 jin, sugar 2 scoops, honey 2 scoops, raw 2 scoops, wine 1 scoop, oil 1 scoop, pepper, butter a small piece, garlic moderate amount, milk 1 bag, eggs, starch

Step 1, chicken wing root a pound clean control dry water, pickle in advance, put in an egg white, a spoonful of starch, grasp well by hand, this step can make the meat smooth, and then add 1 scoop of wine, 2 scoops of raw oil, 1 scoop of oil, and then put in some garlic and a small amount of pepper, and then use hand to grasp, let the chicken wings fully absorb part of the taste of the juice.

2, and then add a bag of milk, the role of milk is to make the chicken wings fresh and juicy, with toothpicks on the chicken wings to tie a few holes, so that you can fully absorb the taste of the marinade, covered with cling film refrigerator refrigerated marinade overnight.

3, put some sweet potato starch in the dish, as chicken wings of the fried powder, sweet potato starch taste crispy, can also use potato starch. It will be soft if fried out with corn starch.

4, the pickled chicken wings out of the refrigerator, grab and mix and then pour out the marinade chicken wings juice. Place the chicken wings in the dried sweet potato starch and press hard while sticking the powder.

5, and then put into the water quickly, and then put in the dry sweet potato starch wrapped in a layer, while wrapped in powder pressure down, so that the powder is more uniform, wrapped in powder and then raised to shake off the excess dry powder. After the chicken wings are all wrapped in powder, the starch on the surface has some texture and thickness, all put in a dry plate to spare. Let the chicken wing surface of the powder back into the frying pan for two minutes, powder must be wrapped in powder firmly, do not very dry easy to drop powder, do not be too wet otherwise easy to fry not crisp.

7, the pot oil boiled to 60% heat, that is, the oil surface ripples, a slight flow of the state, and then put the chicken wings into the oil, small fire slowly fried, just under the pot when do not turn, easy to drop powder, oil temperature can not be high, fire can not be too urgent, otherwise will lead to chicken wings inside not ripe, the outside color is too heavy situation.

8, and so the chicken wing surface shaped floating up after you can gently flip, fried to the surface crisp, you can fish out.

9, put the butter in a saucepan, melt slowly over a small heat, do not use the fire to prevent the butter from boiling. Add the garlic to stir-fry the garlic flavor, the fire can not be too urgent, careful to fry the garlic. Then add 2 scoops of sugar, 2 scoops of honey and 1 scoop of raw, sugar and honey can be increased or decreased to taste. Cook until the sugar melts and the soup thickens.

10, put in the fried chicken wing root, do not put early, the soup is too thin will make the chicken wing surface soft, quickly stir-fry to the surface evenly wrapped in sauce on the good.

Five, the pollen


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Prepare ingredients: half a kilo, golden needle mushrooms 1 small, fan 1 bundle, rape vegetables moderate amount, onion, garlic and coriander moderate amount, millet pepper and hang pepper moderate amount, raw pump 2 scoops, seafood soy sauce 1 scoop, fuel consumption 1 scoop, sugar 1 scoop, chili sauce or chili oil appropriate amount.

Step 1, buy back the armor clean, put in clean water, add a spoonful of salt, spit sand for more than half an hour.

2, the fans soaked in hot water, soaked to slightly soft fish out.

3, the onion, garlic cut into the end, millige peppers and hang peppers cut into circles of spare.

4, prepare a larger piece of tin paper, find a large bowl, put the tin paper into the bowl, recess the shape of the bowl, and then seal the connector.

5, put the spitting sand armor into the bottom of the tin paper, evenly distributed a little. Put fans, golden mushrooms and greens on the armor.

6, pour 1 scoop of oil, raw 2 scoops, seafood soy sauce 1 scoop and sugar 1 scoop, and then pour in the appropriate amount of water. Add the shallots and garlic, milli peppers and Hangzhou pepper rings.

7, the tin paper sealed directly on the electric pottery stove heating, if there is no electric pottery stove or fear of tin paper leakage, you can put the tin paper into a small milk pan, put on the fire to heat.

8, heating about ten minutes to open the tin paper, with a quick stir fans, to prevent fans from sticking, until the armor opening, the fans cook soft, you can be linked to the tin paper together out.

9, put the tin paper in a large bowl, sprinkled with coriander and chilli oil, chili sauce, you can eat.

Six, egg pancakes


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Ingredients Preparation: 350g flour, 75g boiling water, 75g cold water. Eggs 3, ham 3 roots, lettuce in moderation, oil in moderation, pepper in moderation, spicy sauce (or sweet pasta sauce) in moderation.

1, prepare 300 grams of flour, 75 grams of boiling water, 75 grams of cold water. Pour boiling water into the flour and stir in one direction with chopsticks, stirring gradually with 75g of cold water until the flour is whisked into a floc-like shape.

2, by hand to knead the noodles into a smooth dough, kneaded dough covered with cling film, wake up for about 30 minutes.

3, wake up the process, prepare crisps, pour 50 grams of oil into the pan to heat, pour 50 grams of flour into the bowl, pour hot oil into the flour, side by side stirring, until the flour and oil completely mixed, no dry powder on it.

4, cut the appropriate amount of onions spare, bowl into three eggs, add the appropriate amount of salt, five incense powder, with chopsticks to stir. Put in the onions and stir well.

5, this time the dough has woken up, tear off the cling film, take out the dough. Instead of rubbing the noodles, gently organize the dough into even strips. Cut into 4 uniformly sized dosages and cover with cling film to wake up for 5 minutes.

6, take a dough, press flat by hand, with a cane into a uniform thickness of round pasta. Spread the pasta evenly in the middle, then fold the pasta from both sides to the middle. After stacking, the mouth is pinched and the surface brushes with the right amount of oil.

7, with a spaghel gently into a pastry, the middle part of the time do not work too hard to prevent dew.

8, the pan heat brush oil, put the pasta on top, frying repeatedly, until the surface of the cake skin bulging.

9, with chopsticks to open a hole, pour in the appropriate amount of egg liquid, roasted to the egg liquid solidification, you can get out of the pot.

  1. Brush the hot sauce, add the ham and coriander and roll it up to eat.

Seven, sauce cake


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Material preparation: flour 350 grams, hot water 160 grams, oil moderate, onion a little, coriander a little, white sesame a little, spicy sauce moderate, sweet pasta sauce moderate.

Production method: 1, prepare 300 grams of flour, 160 grams of hot water, water temperature of 70 to 80 degrees C or so. Pour the hot water into the flour and stir the flour with chopsticks to the surface.

2, wait for the surface floc temperature to reduce not hot hands, rub your hands into a smooth dough, and then cover with cling film waking surface for about half an hour.

3, wake up the process of making crisps, prepare a clean bowl, the bowl into the remaining 50 grams of flour, and then pour in about 50 grams of cooked oil stirred.

4, make the crisps, then prepare the sauce of the sauce, sweet pasta sauce and spicy sauce in a 1:1 ratio poured into the bowl, stir well and then add a small amount of water to stir until slightly fluid.

5, wake up a good dough to organize the growth strip, and then use a knife evenly cut into four equal parts, one of the dough flattened, with a spaghett into pancakes, and then with a spoon on the pastry evenly coated with the prepared ghee, and then the four sides of the pastry with a knife three-way cut.

6, like a stack of bedding to stack the pasta, first fold the sides and then fold into the middle. Pinch the end of the mouth without leaking.

7, the stacked pasta by hand flattened, and then with a bread cane into a pancake, the thickness of the cake as thin as possible, because the cooked cake will become thick, too thick taste is not good.

8, put the cake embryo in the pan small and medium-sized heat cooked. How to judge whether cooked, cooked cakes will bulge, because there is ghee in the middle, will fill the air.

9, the cake cooked after turning off the fire, and then on top of a layer of brush before the seasoned sauce, sprinkled with onions, coriander and white sesame seeds, you can get out of the pot.

Eight, roast cold noodles


16 cuisines for stalls, detailed recipes, learned which one can sell well
Ingredients preparation: Baked cold pasta 2 slices, eggs 2, ham 2 roots, onions in moderation, coriander in moderation, garlic hot sauce in moderation, vinegar a little, sugar in moderation, white sesame seeds a little, cumin powder a little.

1, onions and coriander are cut in half, and sausages are cut in half vertically from the middle.

2, garlic hot sauce poured into the bowl, add a small amount of white vinegar, white sugar, sesame mix well, and then pour in a small amount of boiled water stirred evenly, the sauce should not be too thick, otherwise brushed to the pastry will be too salty, sugar and vinegar according to personal taste added, do not like can not be added. Can't eat spicy can also be replaced with sweet pasta sauce.

3, the pan is hot, the surface pours oil with a brush brush evenly. Fry the grilled intestines in a saucepan until the surface has changed color.

4, buy ready-made baked cold noodles, tear off the surface of the plastic cling film, and then put the cake skin in the pan, with a shovel light pressure, frying until the bottom surface soft.

5, use a shovel to turn the cold skin over and fry the other side. Raw cold pasta is hard and will become soft when cooked. Fry until the pasta is all soft and has no hard edges.

6, beat a complete egg on the cold pasta, then gently spread the eggs with a spatula, spread evenly on the cold pasta, and then heat slightly for a while when the eggs are not flowing on the cold pasta, gently turn the cold pasta over with two spatulas, and then let the eggs contact the pan until the eggs are completely fried.

7, on the side without eggs on the side with a brush before brushing the cool pasta sauce, sprinkled with the appropriate amount of cumin powder and white sesame seeds. Sprinkle the shallots and coriander evenly, then place the sausages on a cold surface.

8, with a shovel from one side of the cold pasta gently rolled up, turn off the fire, in the cold roll surface to brush another layer, sprinkled with cumin powder.

Nine, sausage burning wheat


16 cuisines for stalls, detailed recipes, learned which one can sell well
Ingredients preparation: dumplings in the right amount, rice 1 small bowl, mushrooms 5, carrots half root, sausage 2 roots, leeks in the right amount, raw smoking 2 scoops, old 1 scoop, sugar 1 scoop, five incense powder moderate amount

Step 1: Put rice into the rice cooker first, wash it clean, add water not more than one centch of rice, cover the lid and cook it according to the cooking key.

2, in the process of cooking rice, prepare some side dishes, carrots cut into pieces, and then cut to the end. The mushrooms are sliced first, then cut into small cloves, the sausages are also cut into cloves, the onions are cut into onions, and all the chopped side dishes are put into a plate for spare.

3, pour oil in the pan to heat, down into mushrooms, carrots, sausages and other side dishes fried, and then add steamed rice, rice and side dishes fried evenly, you can also add some corn grains into.

4, rice frying evenly, add the appropriate amount of raw and old smoking, then stir-fry, fry evenly, add 1 scoop of white sugar, the appropriate amount of five incense powder, and finally poured into the onion flowers can be bloomed out.

5, the case board sprinkled with some dry powder, take out the dumpling skin, with a spaghel to thin the dumpling skin, the edges as far as possible out of some folds.

6, put the dumpling skin into a hand, with chopsticks into the appropriate amount of rice, and then with one hand of the tiger mouth to put the dumpling skin from the bottom up, the other hand to the edge of some folds, the middle part of the leakage of rice filling on it.

7, steamed cloth in advance with water wet, steamed under the drawer spread steamed cloth, and then put the package of roasted wheat into the steamer, burning wheat between some gaps, do not get too close, to prevent steaming after sticking together. Cover the pan and steam for about 20 minutes, because the rice has been cooked, so the wheat is easy to steam.

8, steamed after opening the lid to see, crystal clear, thin-stuffed rice roast wheat is done, do not use and noodles do not need to rub noodles, simple and convenient, the focus is fragrant and particularly delicious.

Ten, spicy tofu buns


16 cuisines for stalls, detailed recipes, learned which one can sell well
Material preparation: flour 300 grams, yeast 3 grams, sugar 10 grams, water 170 grams, tofu 1 piece, leeks, green peppers, sea rice, vegetables, paprika 2 scoops, pepper powder 1 scoop, oil, salt 1 scoop, sugar 1 scoop.

Operation steps: 1, first come and noodles, pots to add 300 grams of flour, 3 grams of yeast, 10 grams of sugar, while stirring with water, water is about 170 grams, hot weather with cold water, cold weather with warm water.

2, stir into the noodles and knead, knead into a smooth dough, the bun dough to and a little Bit More Microsoft. Cover the cling film and set aside for fermentation.

3, fermented dough process, make spicy tofu filling, prepare a piece of tofu (preferably brine old tofu), side dishes to prepare leeks, green peppers, sea rice and squeezed vegetables

4, tofu cut into thin slices, and then carefully cut into thin strips, and finally cut into tofu cloths, put aside the spare.

5, and then the green peppers, vegetables cut into ding, onions cut onions spare.

6, boiling water in the pot, put the tofu clody into the water, add a spoonful of salt to burn for about 3 minutes, the hot tofu is not easy to break, and can remove the smell of beans.

7, put the hot tofu asphalt drained water into the basin, add green pepper cloves, sea rice, squeeze vegetables and onions, and then put two spoonfuls of chili powder, a spoonful of pepper powder, burn some hot oil on top, the onion, pepper powder and pepper powder burst out of the fragrance.

8, into the appropriate amount of oil, a small spoonful of salt, a small spoonful of sugar, with a soft scraper gently stirred, stir not too hard, to prevent tofu from being crushed.

9, put the hair of the dough on the panel, sprinkle dry powder below anti-stick, knead the dough exhaust, and then organize the growth strip, with a knife divided into uniform size of the pasta.

10, sprinkle some dry powder, put the pasta finishing round some, and then use the palm of the hand to press flat, with a cane to open the edge, do not be too thin, to leave room for fermentation of the bun skin, the middle do not use the moth, try to keep a little thicker, so that the bun will not collapse.

11, put in some tofu stuffing, and then turn the edges around the circle pinch up, close the pinch, it's wrapped. Put the wrapped buns in the steamer, leave some gaps in the middle, and cover with a second fermentation to 1.5 times the size. A good bun is so fat and floating, the folds above will be a little open, so the bag must be pinched tightly.

  1. After the water is boiled, put the steamer in the steamer and steam the fire for 15 minutes. Close the fire and then open the lid for 5 minutes to see if the steamed buns have become white and fat.

Eleven, spicy lemon phoenix claws


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Material preparation: chicken claws 2 pounds, peppers, peppers, lemons, red and green peppers, onions, ginger, garlic, raw 2 tablespoons, vinegar 2 tablespoons, sugar 1 scoop, salt 2 scoops

Step 1, the chicken claws clean, remove the nails, the chicken claws from the middle, divided into two. Cleaning chicken claws can put some edible alkali, can effectively remove grease, repeatedly rinsed clean on it.

2, pour water in the pan, chicken claws cold underwater pot, put onion ginger and a moderate amount of pepper, add the wine, 1 scoop of salt, medium heat for 15 minutes.

3, when cooking chicken claws can handle side dishes, the red and green peppers are cut into chili rings, lemon slices spare, the lemon seeds out. Cut some more garlic, shallots and ginger flakes to spare. Handle all the side dishes and put them in a spare dish.

4, chicken claws cooked about 15 minutes, the color turned white after fishing out too cold water. Don't cook too long, the taste will be too bad, cooked too cold water meat will be tighter.

5, find a large bowl, put in the red and green pepper ring, then add the onion garlic and lemon slices, then add 2 tablespoons raw, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 scoop of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt, pour in about 200ml mineral water, with a spoon to mix all the seasonings.

6, put the chicken claws in turn into the juice, the juice should not be chicken claws, like hemp on top of the pepper and pepper, and then cover with cling film, put the refrigerator refrigerated soaked for 12 hours, let the chicken claws taste.

7, soaked overnight after taking out, chicken claw color dark, inside it into the taste.

Twelve, fruit rice


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Material preparation: 150g rice flour, 30g corn starch, 210g milk, 45g caster sugar, 20g melted butter, the right amount of coconut.

1, first prepare the rice skin part, prepare a large bowl, bowl with rice flour, corn starch, sugar. Pour in the milk while stirring, and when all the milk is added, stir the rice paste by hand until there are no particles. Add the butter and stir by hand until fully blended.

2, prepare a shallower plate, pour in rice paste, I use a pizza dish, can be anti-stick.

3, rice flour all poured, cover the baking tray with cling film, put in the steamer, cover the pot cover. Steam in the steamer for about 15 minutes, and the plate is cooked quickly. After steaming, remove from the steamer, tear off the cling film, slightly dry until not hot.

4, the process of drying ready to sandwich with the fruit, I use mangoes and red heart dragon fruit, mangoes cut from the middle, remove the fruit core, and then the flesh cut cross flowers, pieces cut the longer eat more addictive. When the mangoes are cut, put them on a plate and spare them.

5, and then cut the heart of the dragon fruit, the dragon fruit directly peeled and cut into large pieces on it.

  1. Remove the cool rice dough from the baking tray with a scraper.

7, with gloves to knead the rice dough, kneaded after more Q bullet smooth. Remove a small piece from the kneaded rice dough and wrap the fruit according to the size of the cut fruit. Flatten with a cane, wrap in fruit cubes, pinch the mouth tightly, and gently round some.

8, put in a circle of coconut, let the rice dough evenly wrapped in a layer of coconut, all done and put into the plate. Full of coconut, soft Q-bomb skin, wrapped in fresh fruit.

  1. Aubergine fish


16 cuisines for stalls, detailed recipes, learned which one can sell well
Ingredients preparation: sardines 6, octagonal moderate amount, fennel appropriate amount, cinnamon moderate amount, onion moderate amount, ginger moderate amount, garlic moderate amount, tomato 3, icing sugar 1 bowl, ketchup 1 bowl

Step 1, first wash the tomatoes clean, with a knife on top of the cross flowers, put in a large bowl, with boiling water has not been hot tomatoes for a few minutes.

2, cut the shallots into onion sections, garlic cut into garlic pieces, ginger slices, all put in a spare dish.

3, sardines washed away the internal organs, with wine, salt and white pepper to marinate a taste.

4, tomato skin hot after the skin becomes soft, with the hand to tear off the outer skin, cut into small dings into a spare plate.

5, pour more oil in the pan, after heating, put the marinated sardines into the frying pan to fry, after frying the fish bones will become crisp, and the fish is not easy to stew. You can also put less oil to fry, fried bone crisps that have not been fried. When the two sides are fried golden, fish the sardines out for backup.

6, leave a small amount of base oil in the pan, add octagonal, fennel, cinnamon stir-fry, then add the onion ginger garlic stir-fry until soft and flavored, pour the tomato cloves into the pan, stir-fry until the tomatoes are soft, add the ketchup, tomato and ketchup stir-fry to blend together.

7, add icing sugar, into the appropriate amount of white vinegar, raw smoking, oil, stir-fry evenly, add fried sardines, gently flip, let sardines wrapped in tomato juice, add the appropriate amount of water without sardines, fry evenly let sardines soaked in soup, open the fire boiling soup.

  1. Pour the sardines and tomato soup into the pressure cooker, which will steam and simmer for about an hour. After stewing, turn off the fire, let the sardines soak in the soup juice for a day, fully absorb the taste of the soup juice, when eating sardines into the dish.

Fourteets, meat pine musses


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Material preparation: 4 eggs, 60 grams of sugar powder, 60 grams of milk, 55 grams of oil, low powder 90 grams, salad dressing in moderation, sea moss meat in moderation

Step 1, first separate the egg white yolks, egg whites into the oil-free, waterless bowl, egg yolks into another pot, a total of four eggs need to be beaten.

2, the egg beater open high-speed to send the egg whites, to the egg whites into atmospheric bubbles, add 1/3 of the sugar powder. Then high-speed hair, hair to the egg white delicate time to add 1/3 of the sugar powder, and finally hit the appearance of the pattern, add the last 1/3 of the sugar powder.

3, hit the egg white has resistance, the pattern clear does not disappear, raised to hit the egg head on the top of a short sharp angle when it is good.

4, in the egg yolk to add 60 grams of milk, 55 grams of corn oil, sifted into 90 grams of low-rib powder, with the egg beater slowly stirred to no dry powder can be, do not over-mix.

5, in the yolk paste to add 1/3 of the egg whites, with a scraper to mix evenly, mix well and then add 1/3 of the egg whites, mix evenly after adding the remaining egg whites, and then mix evenly. Mix until there are no obvious egg whites.

6, pour the cake paste into the square baking tray, baking tray under the pad oil paper anti-stick, with scraping plate flat, on the table to shake out bubbles, put in the oven 170 degrees C baking 20 minutes, baking until the surface color change can be.

7, carrying the oil paper out to dry on the drying network, the oil paper below tore off, find a diameter of 6,7 cm round mold, the cake cut into small circles.

8, pick up a round cake slice, squeeze a circle of salad dressing in the middle, then take a piece of two pieces aligned together, squeeze a circle of salad dressing on the side, smooth with a knife, and then put on a plate filled with meat pine, the side roll a circle of meat pine.

9, roll evenly, flat in the dish, squeeze a layer of salad dressing on top, with a knife to smooth.

10, turn over and press by hand, let the surface stick to the meat pine, and then on the other side also apply salad dressing, also turn over and press the glue a layer of meat pine, if there is a lack of place to make up the meat pine, so that the surface meat pine evenly no gaps.

Fifteen, pots and potatoes


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Prepare ingredients: 1 large potato, 1 piece of ham, garlic moderate amount, millet pepper moderate amount, garlic hot sauce 1 scoop, sweet pasta sauce 2 scoops, white sugar 1 scoop, white vinegar 1 scoop, five incense powder moderate amount, cumin powder moderate amount, chili powder moderate amount, white sesame moderate amount

Step 1, first clean the potatoes, peel the potatoes, and then cut the potatoes into pieces, put them in a spare plate. Cut the ham into pieces and spare it.

2, cut some onions, garlic pieces, and finally cut the millet peppers into small pieces of spare.

3, the pot to add water to boil, down into the potato block, cooked for about 10 minutes, the potatoes cooked, do not need to cook too long, do not need to cook to a very sloe state. Drain the boiled potatoes and leave the water in reserve.

4, pour oil in the pan to heat to 70% heat, put the potato chips into the pot to fry, fry until the surface color of the potatoes yellow, and then control the oil out. This step if you do not like frying, with a flat bottom non-stick pan less oil, frying can also be, as long as the surface golden can be. After the potatoes have been fried, fry the ham cloves in the frying pan.

5, prepare a bowl sauce, the bowl to add a spoonful of garlic hot sauce, two spoonfuls of sweet pasta sauce, sprinkled with five balsamic powder and cumin powder, add a spoonful of white sugar, a spoonful of white vinegar, stir well.

6, pour some oil into the pan, put in the garlic and milli peppers, stir-fry until fragrant.

7, down into the fried potato chips and ham pieces stir-fry, pour in the pre-prepared sauce, stir-fry to the surface of the potatoes and ham are evenly wrapped in sauce, the pot is very dry do not leave the state of soup, pay attention to use small and medium-sized fire, to prevent paste pot.

8, after frying off the fire, sprinkle some chili powder and white sesame seeds, and then sprinkle some cumin powder, with a spade mix can be out of the pot.

Sixteen, double skin milk


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Material preparation: 500 grams of pure milk, 30 grams of light cream, 30 grams of sugar (increase or decrease according to taste), 3 egg whites, honey red beans in moderation.

Step 1, first pour the milk into the milk pan, put in the light cream and sugar, cook slowly over a low heat, cook until small bubbles turn off the fire, do not boil until completely boiling, will destroy the nutrition of the milk.

2, the boiled milk into a bowl, and then put aside to cool, cool milk surface will produce a layer of milk skin, the main components of milk skin is protein and fat, protein and fat content, the thicker the skin. Whether with water milk or the milk increase method above is to make milk fat or protein increase, so as to make a more perfect double skin milk.

3, the milk skin knotted, with chopsticks gently open the milk skin, the following milk all poured into a large bowl, milk do not all pour out, the bottom left some convenient milk skin floating up.

4, use chopsticks to stir the egg whites, and then pour the egg whites into the milk, stir well by hand, to ensure that the egg whites completely dispersed, this step can taste the sweetness, like the sweetness of high can be added sugar into.

5, after stirring, the milk and egg white mixture through the sieve, after screening the taste will be more delicate.

6, the sieveed milk egg white liquid slowly poured back into the milky bowl, this step must be slowly poured from the edge of the bowl, do not destroy the milk on top. Slowly the skin will float on the liquid surface.

7, all poured after the cover with a high temperature cling film, put into the steamer, steamer water to be boiled ahead of time. Cover the lid and steam over a medium heat for 10 minutes, steaming for a long time will taste old.

8, steamed after taking out, tear off the cling film, fire just good, steamed out after the upper and lower two layers of milk skin, especially smooth Q bullet, in the surface into the appropriate amount of honey red beans, embellishment decoration, rich taste, honey red beans in previous issues have introduced the practice.

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