Champions League Final 2018, about 13 | Final Liga Champions 2018, tentang 13

in football •  7 years ago 


13 can be called a lucky number or a lucky number.


For Real Madrid, 13 is a good number, a lucky bearer. Because 13 is the number of Champions League titles for Real Madrid now. Champions League score, 3-1 against Liverpool if reversed would be 13, a lucky number for Real Madrid.

On the contrary for Liverpool, 13 was waiting back to the final after the 2005 season but ended defeat, 3 - 1 which if reversed would be 13, a bad luck for Liverpool.

13 bisa disebut angka pembawa keberuntungan atau angka kesialan.

Bagi Real Madrid, 13 itu angka yang bagus, pembawa keberuntungan. Karena 13 adalah jumlah gelar juara Liga Champions untuk Real Madrid kini. Skor Liga Champions, 3 - 1 melawan Liverpool jika dibalik akan jadi 13, sebuah angka keberuntungan untuk Real Madrid.

Sebaliknya bagi Liverpool, 13 itu penantian kembali ke final setelah musim 2005 tapi berakhir kekalahan, 3 - 1 yang kalau dibalik akan jadi 13, sebuah angka kesialan untuk Liverpool.

*thank you for reading and giving vote. Sorry if my English bad.

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Hala Madrid

Hala Madrid

I was surprised because I thought Liverpool would win, but I was happy too because my sympathies were on the other side all the time.
