Giving Wild Foods a Try

in foraging •  6 years ago 


I listen to a lot of podcasts, I am interested in permaculture, Homesteading and becoming Self-Reliant. As my curiosity deepens in that sphere, I naturally want to learn how to foraging!

Foraging to eat healthy... What about preparing a meal?

Of course there is an enormous amount of information and recipes for wild foods, and as I was walking across one end of our property I cbewed on a couple plantain leaves. The right leaves taste like something between a radish and a lemon, yummy!

Why not make a tasty breakfast for the family with plaintain, I thought?

So I looked quickly for a recipe and collected a couple handfuls of plantain leaves. Most recipes called for boiling the leaves and than shocking them in cold water, this helps keep a bright green color.


We have limited water, so in order to wash the leaves I soakes them a while to get any dirt off of them. Instead of boiling, I went with sautéing them with oil and a little salt and pepper. Before they melted away to nothing I pulled them off the fire and served them on a plate with our eggs wich I had cooked with wild scallions.


It was a lot better raw!!!

It wasn't bad, but it was too rough and bacame very bitter, like collard greens!

I'll try again, but next time as a salad or boiled and I will look into recipes a bit deeper too.

I'm just learning the ropes, so please send your skills my way if you don't mind, I'm ready to try new things!!!

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salads and eggs always good. maybe raw mixed in with some other greens?

I'll try that next time, sounds good!

I agree with better raw! Normally I don't eat this one, but I do chew it for using while out and about.
This plant is my most used medicine friend.

It sounds like you have moved! I've been preoccupied with real life lately, I must have missed the big event. Congrats!

Almost almost... you didn't quite miss anything big. We are packing tomorrow, moving friday, spending memorial day weekend unpacking into our new trailer and than... one more week of work nefore we are officially moved full time!

A friend of mone use to chew up plantain to rub the juces on minor cuts and scrapes. But some of it is it quite tasty raw.

So exciting! Enjoy this time of change... And travel safely! I look forward to hearing about it.

Ah Thank you, I'll be telling our stories for sure! I like change so this is a good thing. Stressed out a bit today as things are going very slow with the packing, but what ever, it will be done in the end!

If you like plaintain (I sure do), comfrey will impress you too. It heals faster, and penetrates deeper. :)

Comfrey is a dear old friend of mine as well.
It heals so strongly that the first thing I was taught was never to use it on a skin wound, it can trap infection inside. Very powerful healer for deeper injuries. My plant has been with me all throughout our homestead adventure.

Great mention @smithlabs

Yes, it is not for puncture wounds! I have used it for recluse spider bites very successfully. I have never seen anything work better! The lady had 5 bites close together on her neck. The doctor sent her home with pain meds. It was close to healed the next day, and gone in 3 days.

It's really cool how you're able to find food in the wild. Our landscape has unfortunately been overrun with invasive trees but I'm hoping to someday be able to pick breakfast from plants growing off the land. I'm not too familiar with this kinda plantain. To me plantain=raw banana which are great in chip form and whose leaves are massive which we use as plates. I guess if it's better raw a salad would be the best way of eating it.

Oh that's roo bad, but sonetimes invasives could be edible too...and you would be helping to get rid of them!

I don't know the scientific name for this plantain weed but here's a goid article on it:

You will for sure have your breakfast picked from your garden at some point my friend, I'm sure you will.

@senorcoconut and @soulturtle Its called Plantago major I wish you both wonderful adventures onto wild foods and foraging.

When in doubt...go without. A good rule to follow.

Thanks @borrowedearth, I will definitely keep that in mind. When in doubt... Go without. (The more I write things down the more I remember them😃)

In our case it's mostly Eucalyptus and Acasia. It may perhaps be possible to extract DMT from the Acasia but I'd rather leave that to the trained medicine folk. I should also look into edible weeds as that's a whole unexplored world and I'm sure at least some of them growing locally are useful in someway or the other.

I'm still wrapping my head around growing food and trying to get a cycle going, but it'll happen someday. It really is rewarding to be able to eat fresh like that.

Keep working on'll get fully wrapped around it soon enough! Oh DMT from Acasia! I time walking up the hill to Auroville, all I cpuld smell was something in the air that reminded me of DMT, maybe it was Acasia?

Here in north america, there are tons of edible weeds people regard just as pests. You must have some too.

This is lambs quarters, grows most anywhere, and is very tasty. Cooked or raw, it is worth the trouble. It is also a very strong anti-cancer food.


This is a patch I let grow next to my house. We will begin eating it soon.

Ok, thank you for that. The leaves look like something between oak and maple! I'll have a look for it soon.

It is a weed (also called pig weed) and will be slightly lighter color in the center (looks almost like white powder in the center).

Herbally, lambs quarters, is a strong anti-cancer food, raw or cooked. It is good in salads or steamed. :)


I will look out for it, thanks for the hint. I haven't seen it around yet. I started looking for it when you sent me the picture.

It is one of those plants that is good to eat, and good medicine! :)

Thanks 😁