Good comedians are the smartest people on the planet.

in forgiveness •  last year 


I've gotta give some serious props to Kat Timpf, for making a point that I should have made a thousand times by now.

This is just proof that good comedians are the smartest people on the planet.

So, just as I've done before, she examined the horrifying lack of forgiveness that we get from the illiberal left and some conservatives.

I've talked extensively about how I still haven't found a leftist with a coherent concept of forgiveness.

What Kat Timpf did was brilliant. She brought up Exedous 21: "An eye for an eye."

Now, pretty much all illiberal leftists view this principle as barbaric. Liberals have an aversion to it. A lot of conservatives don't fully get what this verse is saying.

I don't think that any leftist would tear down a statute of Ghandi, even if they knew that he was an out and proud racist who liked to sleep naked with young girls. But, they do like the idea that he expressed that -- "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."

Only, people like the words and not the idea. Particularly leftists don't understand that they're further into the Bronze Age on this concept than the book of Exedous is.

Ya see, this verse does prescribe a punishment for wrongdoing. "If he takes your eye, you get to take his."

Okay, maybe that's too simple for the lot of you. Maybe that's barbaric to the lot of you.

Still, it's also saying that after you get his eye, you need to stop.

You should be satisfied with that retribution.

It's to say that, if some dude took your eye, and we caught him, and we know that the dude took your eye, you can take his eye. But, if you try to make him homeless for the rest of his life, or take his kids, or burn down his house, and keep him in constant pain for the rest of his life, you're acting out of proportion.

We already have this concept in law, however imperfectly, that a person who initiates a violent altercation, and tries to kill you or inflict serious bodily harm, can submit.

If you're attacked in that manner, and you win the fight and pull a gun, and your attacker says, "I'm sorry. Please don't shoot." I don't think that there's a leftist on the planet who would defend you if you still shot the gun. I wouldn't defend you if you still shot the gun. That moment of the attacker submitting, and saying that he's sorry, is the difference between self-defense and murder.

This should be basic knowledge.

So, if you can't articulate precisely when a person who said the wrong thing or told the wrong joke has adequately given up his own eye in contrition for his mistake, you're objectively a worse person than the person who wrote Exedous 21.

You're the person who would have your eye taken, and then take the eye of your attacker, and have you thirst for blood not die off. You'll keep digging, and inflicting pain all day, every day, even when your attacker has experienced more pain than you have.

An accidental injury should be met with deliberately inflicted injury in the minds of several of these people.

I accidentally broke the wrist of a fellow football player in high school.

By Biblical standards, he wouldn't even be justified in breaking my wrist in return unless it were established that I did it on purpose. By Biblical standards, even with the evidence (which never existed), he wouldn't be allowed to follow the breaking of my wrist with the gouging of my eyes and the breaking of my teeth -- much less the permanent removal of any possibility that I could ever have a good job, or live a happy life.

This is all built around the concept of forgiveness.

Seriously, 99% of you who claim to be progressive can go fornicate yourselves on an iron pike if you disagree with anything that I just said.

People who lived and died more than four thousand years ago were more ethically thoughtful than you fucking people are.

You're not progressive.

You're not liberal.

You're the most fucking conservative people who have ever lived.

You're so conservative that people who lived before Aristophanes and Aristotle would be more progressive than you by a millennium.

That's how fucking stupid too many of you are.

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