import random
import time
class Player:
def init(self, name, max_health, attack_damage): = name
self.max_health = max_health
self.attack_damage = attack_damage
self.current_health = max_health
def take_damage(self, damage):
self.current_health = max(0, self.current_health - damage)
def is_alive(self):
return self.current_health > 0
class HealerPlayer(Player):
def init(self, name, max_health, attack_damage, chug_splash_cannon):
super().init(name, max_health, attack_damage)
self.chug_splash_cannon = chug_splash_cannon
def buff_teammate(self, teammate, buff_amount=None):
buff_amount = buff_amount or random.randint(5, 15)
teammate.attack_damage += buff_amount
print(f"{} buffs {}, increasing their attack damage by {buff_amount}.")
def heal_teammate(self, teammate):
healing_amount = self.chug_splash_cannon.heal(self)
teammate.current_health = min(teammate.max_health, teammate.current_health + healing_amount)
print(f"{} uses Chug Splash Cannon to heal {} for {healing_amount} health.")
class ChugSplashCannon:
def init(self, healing_amount):
self.healing_amount = healing_amount
def heal(self, player):
healing_amount = random.randint(20, 30)
player.current_health = min(player.max_health, player.current_health + healing_amount)
return healing_amount
class Boss(Player):
def init(self, name, max_health, attack_damage):
super().init(name, max_health, attack_damage)
def player_turn(player, teammates, boss):
print(f"\nIt's {}'s turn. Choose an action:")
print("1. Attack Boss\n2. Buff Teammate\n3. Heal Teammate\n4. Defend")
choice = input("Enter your choice (1-4): ")
if choice == '1':
damage = random.randint(10, 25) + player.attack_damage
print(f"{} attacks {} and deals {damage} damage.")
elif choice == '2':
teammate = random.choice(teammates)
elif choice == '3':
teammate = random.choice(teammates)
elif choice == '4':
print(f"{} chooses to defend and takes reduced damage this turn.")
def simulate_boss_fight(players, boss):
turn_counter = 1
kill_counter = 0
while boss.is_alive() and any(player.is_alive() for player in players):
print(f"\nTurn {turn_counter}")
for player in players:
if player.is_alive():
player_turn(player, [p for p in players if p != player], boss)
if boss.is_alive():
for player in players:
if player.is_alive():
damage = random.randint(15, 30) + boss.attack_damage
print(f"{} attacks {} and deals {damage} damage.")
turn_counter += 1
time.sleep(1) # Simulating turns with a pause
if not boss.is_alive():
kill_counter += 1
print(f"\n{} has been defeated!")
return kill_counter
def boss_simulation_loop(num_simulations):
total_kills = 0
for _ in range(num_simulations):
healer_cannon = ChugSplashCannon(30)
healer = HealerPlayer("Healer", 100, 10, healer_cannon)
player2 = Player("Player2", 100, 15)
player3 = Player("Player3", 100, 18)
player4 = Player("Player4", 100, 14)
boss = Boss("Evil Boss", 200, 20)
total_kills += simulate_boss_fight([healer, player2, player3, player4], boss)
print(f"\nBoss simulation completed.\nTotal kills: {total_kills}")
if name == "main":
num_simulations = 5 # You can adjust the number of simulations